双重书目和粗体作者:1)部分书目,作者加粗 2)完整书目,无粗体作者

双重书目和粗体作者:1)部分书目,作者加粗 2)完整书目,无粗体作者

在撰写我的博士论文时,我希望 LaTeX 生成如下两个参考书目:

  1. 在最初的概述章节中,我想制作一个书目,其中只包含我自己创作的作品,并以粗体显示我的名字。更确切地说,我想打印所有带有给定关键字的作品(来自 .bib 文件),然后打印所有带有第二个给定关键字的作品(来自 .bib 文件)。

  2. 我希望在我的论文结尾出现所有的参考文献,包括我自己的,但不会出现任何粗体的名字。

到目前为止,我的主要问题是两个参考书目都以粗体显示我的名字。我使用 bib latex 和 biber 以及 xpatch 将我的名字变为粗体。以下是此问题的快照,我用<insertheremyhash>biber 与我的名字关联的哈希值替换了它。


\usepackage[backend=biber,natbib=true,style=alphabetic,sorting=nyt,giveninits=true, defernumbers=false,citetracker=true,maxnames=99,doi=false,isbn=false,url=false, noerroretextools=true]{biblatex}


编辑:添加 MWE

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, titlepage, headsepline, twoside]{book}

  author    = {Me Me},
  title     = {Paper for first part},
  publisher = {Some Publisher},
  year      = 2003,
  Keywords  = {minepart1}
  author    = {Me Me},
  title     = {Paper for second part},
  publisher = {Some Publisher},
  year      = 2002,
  Keywords  = {minepart2}
  author    = {Someone else},
  title     = {Someone else work},
  publisher = {Some Publisher},
  year      = 2002,

% == Bibliography ================================================
\usepackage[backend=biber,natbib=true,style=alphabetic,sorting=nyt,giveninits=true, defernumbers=false,citetracker=true,maxnames=99,doi=false,isbn=false,url=false, noerroretextools=true]{biblatex}


% GETTING Me Me to appear in bold


Part I of this thesis is based on the following works.
% print partial biblio relative to part 1 + bold
\defbibfilter{filt_minepart1}{ keyword=minepart1 }

Part II of this thesis is based on the following works.
% print partial biblio relative to part 2 + bold
\defbibfilter{filt_minepart2}{ keyword=minepart2 }

% print full biblio, no bold!




在 MWE 中,只需在 中发出命令就足够了,refcontext因为这提供了必要的分组,但您也可以使用\AtNextBibliography

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, titlepage, twoside]{book}

\usepackage[backend=biber, natbib=true, style=alphabetic,
            sorting=nyt, giveninits=true, defernumbers=false,
            citetracker=true, maxnames=99, doi=false, isbn=false, url=false]{biblatex}




  author    = {Me Me},
  title     = {Paper for first part},
  publisher = {Some Publisher},
  year      = 2003,
  Keywords  = {minepart1}
  author    = {Me Me},
  title     = {Paper for second part},
  publisher = {Some Publisher},
  year      = 2002,
  Keywords  = {minepart2}
  author    = {Someone else},
  title     = {Someone else work},
  publisher = {Some Publisher},
  year      = 2002,


Part I of this thesis is based on the following works.
% print partial biblio relative to part 1 + bold
\defbibfilter{filt_minepart1}{ keyword=minepart1 }

Part II of this thesis is based on the following works.
% print partial biblio relative to part 2 + bold
\defbibfilter{filt_minepart2}{ keyword=minepart2 }


两份概览书目均以粗体显示“M. Me”

第 3 页有完整参考书目,无粗体名称
