Beamer 中 \footcite 的定制

Beamer 中 \footcite 的定制

我正在尝试自定义 Beamer 演示文稿中脚注的引文外观。我希望它们采用个人格式(姓氏、名字的首字母、期刊和年份),字体小且为斜体。

由于我不是专家,我几乎成功地结合了 Stackexchange 的提示,biblatex但我仍遇到两件事情:

  • 引文前的点

  • 大写字母的名字

这是我的 MWE


 AUTHOR = {Author, Aa},
  TITLE = {A long title illustrating the need to remove the title from footnote citations, at least in Presentations},
JOURNAL = {Lorem Ipsum Stud.},
 VOLUME = {15},
  PAGES = {1--20},
   YEAR = {1999},
    URL = {},
     AUTHOR = {Buthor, Bb},
      TITLE = {Not a real arXiv article},
      JOURNAL = {Lorem Ipsum Stud.},
 VOLUME = {15},
  PAGES = {1--20},
   YEAR = {1999},
    URL = {},

\usepackage[style=authoryear,backend=bibtex, firstinits=true]{biblatex}





    {\blx@warning{Nested notes}%




  • 我们的 biblatex 专家 @moewe 建议他的评论的定义如下\footcite

  • 法语模块可biblatex自动将姓氏设置为小写,可以使用以下方法关闭


    也可以看看在 biblatex 中保留小写

  • 要更改脚注的大小和字体形状,您只需设置相应的投影仪字体:

  • 要获得未编号的脚注,您可以重新定义脚注模板:

      \parindent 1em\noindent%
  • 还请注意,firstinits已被弃用,应由 替代giveninits


 AUTHOR = {Author, Aa},
  TITLE = {A long title illustrating the need to remove the title from footnote citations, at least in Presentations},
JOURNAL = {Lorem Ipsum Stud.},
 VOLUME = {15},
  PAGES = {1--20},
   YEAR = {1999},
    URL = {},
     AUTHOR = {Buthor, Bb},
      TITLE = {Not a real arXiv article},
      JOURNAL = {Lorem Ipsum Stud.},
 VOLUME = {15},
  PAGES = {1--20},
   YEAR = {1999},
    URL = {},







  \parindent 1em\noindent%


