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    \caption{Studies that have performed beat-to-beat analyses of the electrocardiogram for predicting atrial fibrillation.}
            c L
        \thead[bl]{Study \\ name}
        &   \thead[lb]{Cohort\\ dimension}
        &   \thead[lb]{Time before\\ AF onset}
        &   \thead[bl]{ECG\\ features}
        &   \thead[lb]{Used metric}
        &   \thead[lb]{Model\\ (accuracy)}            \\
        Martinez \textit{et al.} \cite{Martinez2012}
        &   24 PAF
        &   2h
        &   \begin{itemize}
            \item   P-wave intervals
            \item   Heart rate
        \end{itemize}                                                                                                                   &   Linear regression slope of the variability
        &   Linear discriminant (\SI{90.79}{\%})                \\
        Martinez \textit{et al.} \cite{Martinez2014}
        &   46 PAF + 53 healthy
        &   2h
        &   \begin{itemize}
            \item   P-wave morphology: area, conduction velocity, arc-length
        &   Linear regression slope of the variability
        &   Decision tree (\si{86.33}{\%})                      \\
        Martinez \textit{et al.} \cite{Martinez2015a}
        &   46 PAF + 53 healthy
        &   2h
        &   \begin{itemize}
            \item   Gaussian fit parameters (A,C, W) and error
        &   Linear regression slope of the variability
        &   Stepwise discriminant analysis (\SI{86.69}{\%}) \\
        Sovilj \textit{et al.} \cite{Sovilj2010}
        &    14 POAF + 36 healthy
        &   48h after CABG %%%%%%% THIS LINE %%%%%%%%%
        &   \begin{itemize}
            \item   P-wave intervals
            \item   Heart rate
            \item   Wavelet energies and entropy
        &   Cumulative rank with statistically significant features
        &   Decision tree [applied over the time-course] (\SI{85.3}{\%}) \\
        Ovreiu \textit{et al.} \cite{Ovreiu2011}
        &   37 POAF + 53 healthy
        &   30m
        &   \begin{itemize}
            \item   Number of premature atrial complexes
            \item   HRV: mean, SDRR, rMSSD, total power, LF/HF, entropy
            \item   P-wave duration, amplitude, shape, inflection point, energy ratio
        &   Mean value
        & Neuro-fuzzy (\SI{70}{\%})                                     \\
        Martinez \textit{et al.} \cite{Martinez2015}
        &   46 PAF
        &   2h
        &   \begin{itemize}
            \item   P-wave intervals
            \item   P-wave area, arc-length
        &   Central tendency measurement
        &   Decision tree (\SI{90}{\%})                                 \\
        Alcaraz \textit{et al.} \cite{Alcaraz2015b}
        &   46 PAF + 53 healthy
        &   2h
        &   \begin{itemize}
            \item   P-wave frequency energies
        &   Linear regression slope of the variability
        &   Stepwise discriminant analysis (\SI{80}{\%})                \\

        Censi \textit{et al.} \cite{Censi2016}
        &   73 pers. AF + 20 healthy
        &   n/a
        &   \begin{itemize}
            \item P-wave duration and dispersion
            \item P-wave morphology: polarity changes, fragmented conduction index
            \item P-wave variability: amplitude dispersion index, correlation coefficient, DTW
        &   Mean value
        &   Receiver operating characteristic curves (\SI{100}{\%})                \\




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\makecell[tc]{48h after \\ CABG}



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\caption{Studies that have performed beat-to-beat analyses of the electrocardiogram for predicting atrial fibrillation.}
    %\footnotesize -- doesn't seem to be necessary
            %% Note: 0.6+0.7+0.9+1.9+1.0+0.9 = 6
        Study name
        & Cohort dimension
        & Time before AF onset
        & ECG features
        & Used metric
        & Model \newline (accuracy) \\
        Martinez \textit{et~al.} \cite{Martinez2012}
        &   24 PAF
        &   2h
        &   \begin{mylist}
            \item   P-wave intervals
            \item   Heart rate
        &   Linear regression slope of the variability
        &   Linear discriminant (\SI{90.79}{\%})                \\
        Martinez \textit{et~al.} \cite{Martinez2014}
        &   46 PAF + 53 healthy
        &   2h
        &   \begin{mylist}
            \item P-wave morphology: area, conduction velocity, arc-length
        &   Linear regression slope of the variability
        &   Decision tree (\si{86.33}{\%})                      \\
        Martinez \textit{et~al.} \cite{Martinez2015a}
        &   46 PAF + 53 healthy
        &   2h
        &   \begin{mylist}
            \item   Gaussian fit parameters (A, C, W) and error
        &   Linear regression slope of the variability
        &   Stepwise discriminant analysis (\SI{86.69}{\%}) \\
        Sovilj \textit{et~al.} \cite{Sovilj2010}
        &   14 POAF + 36 healthy
        &   48h after CABG %%%%%%% THIS LINE %%%%%%%%%
        &   \begin{mylist}
            \item   P-wave intervals
            \item   Heart rate
            \item   Wavelet energies and entropy
        &   Cumulative rank with statistically significant features
        &   Decision tree [applied over the time-course] (\SI{85.3}{\%}) \\
        Ovreiu \textit{et~al.} \cite{Ovreiu2011}
        &   37 POAF + 53 healthy
        &   30m
        &   \begin{mylist}
            \item   Number of premature atrial complexes
            \item   HRV: mean, SDRR, rMSSD, total power, LF/HF, entropy
            \item   P-wave duration, amplitude, shape, inflection point, energy ratio
        &   Mean value
        & Neuro-fuzzy (\SI{70}{\%})                                     \\
        Martinez \textit{et~al.} \cite{Martinez2015}
        &   46 PAF
        &   2h
        &   \begin{mylist}
            \item   P-wave intervals
            \item   P-wave area, arc-length
        &   Central tendency measurement
        &   Decision tree (\SI{90}{\%})                                 \\
        Alcaraz \textit{et~al.} \cite{Alcaraz2015b}
        &   46 PAF + 53 healthy
        &   2h
        &   \begin{mylist}
            \item   P-wave frequency energies
        &   Linear regression slope of the variability
        &   Stepwise discriminant analysis (\SI{80}{\%})                \\
        Censi \textit{et~al.} \cite{Censi2016}
        &   73 pers. AF + 20 healthy
        &   n/a
        &   \begin{mylist}
            \item P-wave duration and dispersion
            \item P-wave morphology: polarity changes, fragmented conduction index
            \item P-wave variability: amplitude dispersion index, correlation coefficient, DTW
        &   Mean value
        &   Receiver operating characteristic curves (\SI{100}{\%})                
