
\def\test{\catcode`!=\active \def!{test}}

当然,上面的代码不会起作用,因为 TeX 在读取宏定义的替换文本时什么都不执行。 !无论如何都会得到 catcode 12。我尝试在这个网站上搜索,有人建议使用\scantokens。据我所知,\scantokens是一个可扩展的命令,它读取以下标记列表,将其存储在伪文件中,然后输入它,因此标记会根据新的 catcode 重新标记。但是,以下代码仍然失败,我不明白为什么。

\def\test{\catcode`!=\active \scantokens{\def!}{test}}



e-TeX 参考定义\scantokens如下:

\scantokens,后面跟着一个<一般文本>,分解<平衡文本><一般文本>转换为相应的字符序列,就像<平衡文本>被未扩展地写入文件;然后它使用 TeX 的\input机制在当前机制下重新处理这些字符\catcode


TeXbook,第 206 页,Knuth 对文件读取和宏做了注释\outer(感谢 GuM 指出这一点):


这正是您在此处遇到的问题。TeX 仍在扫描!文件结尾处的定义\scantokens。然后它会抱怨。如果您用实际替换输入文件仅包含的内容,File ended while scanning definition of !则会看到相同的行为和错误消息。\scantokens{\def!}\input\def!

Bruno Le Floch 找到了一个解决这个问题的好方法,即使用\let而不是\def来定义!

\def\test{\catcode`!=\active \scantokens{\let!}\bangdef}

为了完整性,这里有两个不使用 的标准技巧\scantokens。获得所需结果的一种方法是在\test已经应用了正确 catcode 的机制中定义:

\gdef\test{\catcode`!=\active \def!{test}}

\gdef还可以保存当前的 catcode!并在定义之后恢复它\test


  \lowercase{\endgroup \catcode`\!=\active \def~}{test}%



   \_doc ------------------------------
   \`\adef` `<char>{<body>}` defines active `<char>` as <body> and then
   puts the <char> as active character. I.e. the `<body>` can include the
   <char> as non-active charter (if it is non-active before `\adef`).
   For example `\adef ?{\,?}`.
   If the character is special, you can escape it, for example `\adef\%{...}`.
   The space can be declared by `\adef{ }{<body>}`.
   You can declare a macro with parameters too, for example
   `\adef @#1{...#1...}`. You can use prefixes `\protected`, `\global`,
   `\long` before `\adef`, they behave like prefixes before `\def`.
   \_cod ------------------------------

   \_catcode`#1=13 }
\_public \adef ;


使用 etex 或 pdftex。






不太原创,并且放弃在替换文本之前结束 scantokens 参数的想法:

          \scantokens{\def!{test}\relax}}% \relax to absorb an EOL space token






> !=macro:
l.10 \show!



你可以(滥用)使用\futurelet来摆脱由于-primitive\scantokens而产生的文件结束标记\input——在 LaTeX 中\input-primitive 被重命名为\@@input并且控制序列\input被重新定义:

% Characters of category 0, 5, 9, 14 and 15 don't make it into explicit 
% character tokens, thus allow syntax both with explicit character tokens
% and control symbol tokens.
% E.g., under normal circumstances you can't do
%    \DefineActiveChar{%}{<prefixes like \global>}<parameter text>{<replacement text}%
% , but you can do
%    \DefineActiveChar{\%}{<prefixes like \global>}<parameter text>{<replacement text}%
% .

% Reading a single space from a line of .tex-input, be it a real text file
% or be it with \scantokens' faking of unexpanded-writing and then inputting
% of a text file, requires special attention because at the time of
% pre-processing a line of .tex-input all space-characters at the end of the
% line get stripped off.
% With some TeX-implementations this is also the case with the horizontal-tab-
% character.
% Thus writing and reading a space-character to/from external text file
% requires appending an additional comment-character.
% At least with writing and reading linefed and carriage return
% special attention might be required, too.


  % #1 = active character token to (re)define
  % #1 = active character token to (re)define
  % #2 = letter X or - in case X is the active character to redefine - active X
  %      ; ensures that in case #1 is space that space is not removed 
  %        during TeX's pre-processing of lines of input
  % #1 = active character token to (re)define
  % #2 = prefixes for `\def` like `\global` or `\long`

  % #1 = character or one-letter-control-sequence for alphabetic constant
  \csname \ifnum`#1=10 first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname
    \csname \ifnum`#1=13 first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname

{\catcode`!=\active \outer\gdef!{Huh?}}%

\DefineActiveChar{!}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE EXCLAMATION MARK Arg1: #1 test Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`!=\active \show!\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{A}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE A Arg1: #1 test Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`A=\active \showA\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\!}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE EXCLAMATION MARK AGAIN Arg1: #1 TEST Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`!=\active \show!\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\%}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE PERCENT Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\%=\active \show%\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\{}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE CURLY LEFT BRACE Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\{=\active \show{\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\}}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE CURLY RIGHT BRACE Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\}=\active \show}\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\#}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE HASH Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\#=\active \show#\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\ }{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE SPACE Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\ =\active\show \endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{ }{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE SPACE AGAIN Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\ =\active\show \endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\^^I}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE HORIZONTAL TAB Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\^^I=\active\show^^I\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\\}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE BACKSLASH Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\/=0 \catcode`\\=\active/show\/endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\$}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE DOLLAR Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\$=\active\show$\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\&}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE AMPERSAND Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\&=\active\show&\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\^}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE CARET Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\^=\active\show^\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\_}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE UNDERSCORE Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\_=\active\show_\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\^^A}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE START OF HEADING Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\^^A=\active\show^^A\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\^^J}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE LINE FEED Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\^^J=\active\show^^J\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\^^M}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE CARRIAGE RETURN Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\^^M=\active\show^^M\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\~}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE TILDE Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\~=\active\show~\endgroup

% end in case of running LaTeX:
\csname stop\endcsname
% end in case of running eTeX with plain TeX format:

如果使用 Knuthian TeX,而 ε-TeX 扩展类似\scantokens\everyeof不可用,则可以执行以下操作:

% Characters of category 0, 5, 9, 14 and 15 don't make it into explicit 
% character tokens, thus allow syntax both with explicit character tokens
% and control symbol tokens.
% E.g., under normal circumstances you can't do
%    \DefineActiveChar{%}{<prefixes like \global>}<parameter text>{<replacement text}%
% , but you can do
%    \DefineActiveChar{\%}{<prefixes like \global><parameter text>{<replacement text}%
% .

% Reading a single space from a line of .tex-input, be it a real text file
% or be it with \scantokens' faking of unexpanded-writing and then inputting
% of a text file, requires special attention because at the time of
% pre-processing a line of .tex-input all space-characters at the end of the
% line get stripped off.
% With some TeX-implementations this is also the case with the horizontal-tab-
% character.
% Thus writing and reading a space-character to/from external text file
% requires appending an additional comment-character.
% At least with writing and reading linefed and carriage return
% special attention might be required, too.

% In LaTeX the \input-primitive is renamed to \@@input and the control sequence
% \input is redefined not to be a macro:
\expandafter\ifx\csname @@input\endcsname\relax
  \expandafter\let\expandafter\myinput\expandafter=\csname @@input\endcsname
% In some TeX engines the `\everyeof`-primitive  is available, in others it is not:
\expandafter\ifx\csname everyeof\endcsname\relax


  % #1 = active character token to (re)define
  % #1 = active character token to (re)define
  % #2 = letter X or - in case X is the active character to redefine - active X
  %      ; ensures that in case #1 is space that space is not removed 
  %        during TeX's pre-processing of lines of input
  % #1 = active character token to (re)define
  % #2 = prefixes for `\def` like `\global` or `\long`

  % #1 = character or one-letter-control-sequence for alphabetic constant
  \immediate\openout\scratchwrite scratchfile.tex
    \ifnum`#1=10 \string^\string^J\else
      \ifnum`#1=13 \string^\string^M\else
  \myinput "scratchfile.tex" %

{\catcode`!=\active \outer\gdef!{Huh?}}%

\DefineActiveChar{!}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE EXCLAMATION MARK Arg1: #1 test Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`!=\active \show!\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{A}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE A Arg1: #1 test Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`A=\active \showA\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\!}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE EXCLAMATION MARK AGAIN Arg1: #1 TEST Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`!=\active \show!\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\%}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE PERCENT Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\%=\active \show%\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\{}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE CURLY LEFT BRACE Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\{=\active \show{\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\}}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE CURLY RIGHT BRACE Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\}=\active \show}\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\#}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE HASH Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\#=\active \show#\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\ }{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE SPACE Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\ =\active\show \endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{ }{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE SPACE AGAIN Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\ =\active\show \endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\^^I}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE HORIZONTAL TAB Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\^^I=\active\show^^I\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\\}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE BACKSLASH Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\/=0 \catcode`\\=\active/show\/endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\$}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE DOLLAR Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\$=\active\show$\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\&}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE AMPERSAND Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\&=\active\show&\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\^}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE CARET Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\^=\active\show^\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\_}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE UNDERSCORE Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\_=\active\show_\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\^^A}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE START OF HEADING Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\^^A=\active\show^^A\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\^^J}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE LINE FEED Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\^^J=\active\show^^J\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\^^M}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE CARRIAGE RETURN Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\^^M=\active\show^^M\endgroup
\DefineActiveChar{\~}{\long}#1#2{ACTIVE TILDE Arg1: #1 Arg2: #2}
\begingroup \catcode`\~=\active\show~\endgroup

% end in case of running LaTeX:
\csname stop\endcsname
% end in case of running eTeX with plain TeX format:


这段代码是“学术性的东西”。在实践中,使用\uccode+ \uppercase/ \lccode+ \lowercase- 或\scantokens+ -\everyeof技巧要方便得多。
