弯曲的双箭头“A la chef”

弯曲的双箭头“A la chef”


\usetikzlibrary{arrows, decorations.markings}
% for double arrows a la chef
% adapt line thickness and line width, if needed
\tikzstyle{vecArrow} = [thick, decoration={markings,mark=at position
   1 with {\arrow[semithick]{open triangle 60}}},
   double distance=1.4pt, shorten >= 5.5pt,
   preaction = {decorate},
   postaction = {draw,line width=1.4pt, white,shorten >= 4.5pt}]
\tikzstyle{innerWhite} = [semithick, white,line width=1.4pt, shorten >= 4.5pt]

  \node[draw,rectangle] (a) {A};
  \node[inner sep=0,minimum size=0,right of=a] (k) {}; % invisible node
  \node[draw,rectangle,right of=k] (b) {B};
  \node[draw,rectangle,below of=a] (c) {C};

  % 1st pass: draw arrows
  \draw[vecArrow] (a) to (b);
  \draw[vecArrow] (k) to[out=-90,in=0] (c);
  \draw[vecArrow] (a) to[out=90,in=90] (b);

  % 2nd pass: copy all from 1st pass, and replace vecArrow with innerWhite
  \draw[innerWhite] (a) to (b);
  \draw[innerWhite] (k) to[out=-90,in=0] (c);
  \draw[innerWhite] (a) to[out=90,in=90] (b);

  % Note: If you have no branches, the 2nd pass is not needed






众所周知在曲率较大的情况下装饰可能会消失如果它们位于路径末尾。因此,一个可能的解决方法是用 替换at position 1。(切换到,感谢@gbernardi!)at position 0.99at position 0.9990.999

\usetikzlibrary{arrows, decorations.markings}
% for double arrows a la chef
% adapt line thickness and line width, if needed
\tikzset{vecArrow/.style={thick, decoration={markings,mark=at position
   0.999 with {\arrow[semithick]{open triangle 60}}},
   double distance=1.4pt, shorten >= 5.5pt,
   preaction = {decorate},
   postaction = {draw,line width=1.4pt, white,shorten >= 4.5pt}},
innerWhite/.style={semithick, white,line width=1.4pt, shorten >= 4.5pt}}

  \node[draw,rectangle] (a) {A};
  \node[inner sep=0,minimum size=0,right of=a] (k) {}; % invisible node
  \node[draw,rectangle,right of=k] (b) {B};
  \node[draw,rectangle,below of=a] (c) {C};

  % 1st pass: draw arrows
  \draw[vecArrow] (a) to (b);
  \draw[vecArrow] (k) to[out=-90,in=0] (c);
  \draw[vecArrow] (a) to[out=90,in=90] (b);

  % 2nd pass: copy all from 1st pass, and replace vecArrow with innerWhite
  \draw[innerWhite] (a) to (b);
  \draw[innerWhite] (k) to[out=-90,in=0] (c);
  \draw[innerWhite] (a) to[out=90,in=90] (b);

  % Note: If you have no branches, the 2nd pass is not needed


或者,您可以使用outlined arrow装饰

\usetikzlibrary{decorations,decorations.text} %  decorations.text just 4 fun

\usetikzlibrary{decorations,decorations.text} %  decorations.text just 4 fun
    outlined arrow width/.store in=\OutlinedArrowWidth,
    outlined arrow width=5pt,
    outlined arrow step/.store in=\OutlinedArrowStep,
    outlined arrow step=1pt,
    outlined arrow length/.store in=\OutlinedArrowLength,
    outlined arrow length=5pt,

\pgfdeclaredecoration{outlined arrow}{initial}
{% initial arrow butt
\state{initial}[width=\OutlinedArrowStep,next state=cont] {
    \ifdim\pgfdecoratedremainingdistance>\OutlinedArrowLength% continue the outlined path
     \ifnum\marmotarrowstart=0% draw the arrow head
  { % perhaps unnecessary but doesn't hurt either
\begin{tikzpicture}[thick,decoration=outlined arrow]
  \node[draw,rectangle] (a) {A};
  \node[inner sep=0,minimum size=0,right of=a] (k) {}; % invisible node
  \node[draw,rectangle,right of=k] (b) {B};
  \node[draw,rectangle,below of=a] (c) {C};
  \draw[decorate] (a) to (b);
  \draw[decorate] (k) to[out=-90,in=0] (c);
  \draw[decorate] (a) to[out=90,in=90] (b);
  \draw[white,line width=4pt,shorten <=1pt,shorten >=4pt] (a) to (b);
  \draw[white,line width=4pt] (k) -- ++(0,-4pt);

