

我想以类似于 LinkedIn 的方式添加公司内的不同职位,即用垂直线连接项目符号列表的点。该怎么做?




  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]%
    \node (#1) [gray,circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt]{};

    \item[\linkedlist{a}] test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. 
    \item[\linkedlist{b}] test
    \item[\linkedlist{c}] test
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[gray] ($(a)!0.1!(b)$) -- ($(a)!0.9!(b)$);
\draw[gray] ($(b)!0.2!(c)$) -- ($(b)!0.8!(c)$);


目前的问题是,我需要在第二个覆盖图片中手动添加线条,并且我使用百分比而不是固定值(例如 2pt)来指定点与线条的开始/结束之间的“间隙”。这会导致间隙的大小根据段落的长度而不同。



现在,代码应该也适用于列表中的分页符。希望你喜欢它 :) 如果有任何不清楚的地方或需要某些部分的解释,请告诉我!


\newcounter{mylist} % new counter for amount of lists
\newcounter{mycnt}[mylist] % create new item counter
\newcounter{mytmp}[mylist] % tmp counter needed for checking before/after current item

\newcommand{\drawoptionsconn}{gray, shorten <= .5mm, shorten >= .5mm, thick}
\newcommand{\drawoptionsshort}{gray, shorten <= .5mm, shorten >= -1mm, thick}

\newcommand{\myitem}{% Modified `\item` to update counter and save nodes
      \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]%
        \expandafter\draw\expandafter[\drawoptionsshort] (i\alph{mylist}\arabic{mycnt}) --
          ++(0,3mm) --
          (i\alph{mylist}\arabic{mycnt} |- current page text area.north);% draw short line
      \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]%
        \expandafter\draw\expandafter[\drawoptionsconn] (i\alph{mylist}\arabic{mytmp}) -- (i\alph{mylist}\arabic{mycnt});% draw the connecting lines
  \IfRefUndefinedExpandable{item-\alph{mylist}\arabic{mytmp}}{}{% defined
      \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]%
      \expandafter\draw\expandafter[\drawoptionsshort] (i\alph{mylist}\arabic{mycnt}) --
        ++(0,-3mm) --
        (i\alph{mylist}\arabic{mycnt} |- current page text area.south);% draw short line

  \raisebox{0pt}[0pt][0pt]{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]%
  \node (#1) [gray,circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt]{};

% Create new `myitemize` environment to keep track of the counters
  \stepcounter{mylist}% increment list counter


  \myitem test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph.
  \myitem test
  \myitem test

And a new list:
\myitem test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph.
\myitem test


新的 MWE 结果

编辑2:\pgfmathsetmacro\result{int(\x-1)}我设法通过使用and\result而不是\pgfmathparse{int(\x-1)}and解决了 @Tom 提到的问题\pgfmathresult。看起来 tikz 用于\pgfmathparse内部计算的代码崩溃了。使用一个名称 ( \result) 可以解决这个问题。此外,我使用了shorten@Ignasi 提供的更简单的语法。




原解决方案: 只要您有一个列表,它就可以工作。如果您需要多个列表、分页等,则需要扩展代码。





  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]%
    \node (#1) [gray,circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt]{};

    \item[\linkedlist{a}] test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. 
    \item[\linkedlist{b}] test
    \item[\linkedlist{c}] test
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw[gray, shorten >=1mm, shorten <=1mm] (a)-- (b);
\draw[gray, shorten >=1mm, shorten <=1mm] (b)-- (c);




如果itemize用列表替换列表enumerate,则可以声明一个linkedlist完成所有工作并使用常规\items 的新环境。



  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture]%
  \node (#1) [gray,circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt]{};

}{ \end{enumerate} \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  \ifnum\value{enumi}>1% Only if there are at least 2 bullet points
  \foreach \x [remember=\x as \lastx (initially 1)] 
    in {2,...,\value{enumi}}{% iterate over them
    \draw[gray, shorten >=1mm, shorten <=1mm] (\lastx) -- (\x);}% and draw the connecting lines


  \item test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph. test with a very long paragraph.
  \item test
  \item test

