使用 Tabularx 的多行和多列的居中和换行问题

使用 Tabularx 的多行和多列的居中和换行问题


接下来是多列问题。x 和 y 应该等距,并且垂直线应位于它们各自的侧面。我尝试了几种使用不同列类型来实现此目的的方法,但结果要么是字母间距不正确,要么是字母间距正确但垂直线位置不正确(例如使用\multicolumn{3}{c|}{\hfill x \hfill y } \hfill)。

如果可能的话,我想大致保留行的当前间距。另外,我不明白为什么如果我将第一行设置为C{.3\textwidth}整个表格,它不会达到文本宽度的 100%,而是超出右边距。我目前只使用 Y 列类型,因为它使表格的垂直边框适合...







\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ | Y | C{.25\textwidth} | C{.15\textwidth} | C{.15\textwidth} | C{.15\textwidth} | }
Some centered text here & A bunch of words too long for one line & A bunch of words too long for one line & A bunch of words too long for one line & A bunch of words too long for one line \\
\multirow{2}{\hsize}{\centering this should be centered} & a line of words & a & b & c \\ 
 & a line of words & a & b & c \\
a line of words & a line of words & \multicolumn{3}{l|}{\hfill x \hfill y \hfill} \\





    \geometry{a4paper,left=25mm,right=25mm, showframe}



    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ | Y | C{.25\textwidth} | C{.15\textwidth} | C{.15\textwidth} | C{.15\textwidth} | }
    Some centered text here & A bunch of words too long for one line & A bunch of words too long for one line & A bunch of words too long for one line & A bunch of words too long for one line \\
    \multirow{2}{=}{ this text is centered} & a line of words & a & b & c \\
     & a line of words & a & b & c \\
    a line of words & a line of words & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{!{\makebox[0pt]{x}}c!{\makebox[0pt]{y}}}{} & \\

