我正在准备向《美国政治科学评论》投稿,并打算使用 Overleaf.com 提供的 tex 模板。
我正在使用 Miktex 2.9 和 TexWork 0.6.2(OS Win10)。
% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Please note that whilst this template provides a
% preview of the typeset manuscript for submission, it
% will not necessarily be the final publication layout.
%% Document class options: (**...** are defaults)
% - bibtex: Uses bibtex+natbib, chicago.bst
% - biblatex: Uses biblatex-chicago
% You MUST select one of the above two options, depending
% on whether you prefer bibtex or biblatex. This template
% contains code that uses bibtex.
% - twocolumn: Switch to two column for main text
% - singlespace/onehalfspace/**doublespace**:
% changes line spacing for main text
% - **blind**/nonblind: Anonymises authors
% and affiliations, or not
% - autowc: Automatically inserts a word count
% after the abstract, using texcount.
% The abstract is ignored.
% OR --enable-write18. (These will work on Overleaf.)
% If you get an error about "texcount not found", delete
% the autowc option, and manually specify the wordcount
% with \totalwordcount{xxx}.
%%% autowc may cause longer compilation time. You can
%%% disable it first while actively editing, and only
%%% enable it when you're ready to take stock and check
%%% on your work.
% \totalwordcount{500}
%% Example alternative options with everything the opposite of the above: (DO NOT USE AUTOWC WITH BIBLATEX; the word count will be greatly over-reported)
% \documentclass[biblatex,nonblind,singlespace,twocolumn]{apsr_submission}
\title{American Political Science Review \emph{(APSR)} Submission Template}
% The custom \author command takes THREE arguments:
% #1 = Author name
% #2 = Affiliation name
% #3 = Brief author profile, or anything that you'd usually put in a \thanks. Leave blank {} if there's nothing to be said.
\author{Author One}
{Affiliation A}
{Author One is PhD Candidate, ABC Department, Affiliation A, 12345 NY. ([email protected])}
\author{Author Two}
{Affiliation C}
{Author Two is Assistant Professor, Faculty of Z, Affiliation B, 42813. Corresponding Author ([email protected]) Additional notes about Author Two.}
\author{Author Three}
{Affiliation B}
{Author Three is ...}
%% Any other acknowledgements or author notes
\thanks{The authors thank...}
%% These are used for the headers
\runningtitle{APSR Submission Template}
\runningauthor{Author One, Author Two, and Author Three} % 4 + Authors, Author One et al.
%% Useful packages
%% If you are using a custom figure or table environment from a package and it's not getting framed, add \makeframedenv{MyFigure} in the preamble, where the custom figure environment is \begin{MyFigure}...\end{MyFigure}.
%% Currently table, table*, figure, figure*, longtable, supertabular, sidewaystable and sidewaysfigure will be automatically framed.
%% Handy for setting wide tables/figures in landscape
%% Recent LaTeX distributions should be able to automatically convert .eps to .pdf; but if this isn't happening, try loading the epstopdf package manually
% \usepackage{epstopdf}
%% Just to add some dummy text
%%% Use \addbibresource{...} if using BibLaTeX
% \addbibresource{sample.bib}
%%% DO NOT REMOVE THESE LINES. For automatic word count.
Your abstract. It should be at least three lines long to accommodate the dropped-cap. \lipsum[1]
%%% DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE. For automatic word count.
\dropcap{Thanks} for using Overleaf to write your article. Your introduction goes here! Do make sure the first paragraph here is at least three lines long, to accommodate the dropped-cap. Some examples of commonly used commands and features are listed below, to help you get started.
Here's a second paragraph of extra text, to test paragraph indents.
\section{Some \LaTeX{} Examples}
Use section and subsection commands to organize your document. \LaTeX{} handles all the formatting and numbering automatically. Use \verb|\ref| and \verb|\label| commands for cross-references.
\subsection{Figures and Tables}
Use the table and tabular commands for basic tables --- see Table \ref{tab:widgets}, for example. \href{http://tablesgenerator.com}{TablesGenerator.com} is a handy tool for designing tables and generating the LaTeX code, which you can copy and paste into your article here.
You can upload a figure (JPG, PNG or PDF) using the PROJECT menu (Files\ldots > Add files). To include it in your document, use the \verb|graphicx| package and the \verb|\includegraphics| command as in the code for Figure \ref{fig:view}.
\caption{An example table}
Item & Quantity \\\midrule
Widgets & 42 \\
Gadgets & 13
\floatnote{This is a note for this table.}
\caption{A figure example.}
\floatnote{This is a note for this figure.}
Notes can be added to the bottom of figures and tables using the \verb|\floatnote| command.
\caption{Automobile Land Speed Records (GR 5-10).}
\begin{tabular}{l l l l r}
Speed (mph) & Driver & Car & Engine & Date \\
407.447 & Craig Breedlove & Spirit of America & GE J47 & 8/5/63 \\
413.199 & Tom Green & Wingfoot Express & WE J46 & 10/2/64 \\
434.22 & Art Arfons & Green Monster & GE J79 & 10/5/64 \\
468.719 & Craig Breedlove & Spirit of America & GE J79 & 10/13/64 \\
526.277 & Craig Breedlove & Spirit of America & GE J79 & 10/15/65 \\
536.712 & Art Arfons & Green Monster & GE J79 & 10/27/65 \\
555.127 & Craig Breedlove & Spirit of America, Sonic 1 & GE J79 & 11/2/65 \\
576.553 & Art Arfons & Green Monster & GE J79 & 11/7/65 \\
600.601 & Craig Breedlove & Spirit of America, Sonic 1 & GE J79 & 11/15/65 \\
622.407 & Gary Gabelich & Blue Flame & Rocket & 10/23/70 \\
633.468 & Richard Noble & Thrust 2 & RR RG 146 & 10/4/83 \\
763.035 & Andy Green & Thrust SSC & RR Spey & 10/15/97\\
For wide, double-column figures and tables, use the \verb|figure*| (Figure \ref{fig:wide}) or \verb|table*| (Table \ref{tab:wide}) starred environments. Landscaped figures and tables can be obtained using the \texttt{sidewaysfigure} and \texttt{sidewaysfigure} commands from the \texttt{rotating} package. Alternatively, you can use the \texttt{landscape} environment from the \texttt{pdflscape} package.
Multi-page tables can be created using the \texttt{longtable} and \texttt{supertabular} packages, though note that \texttt{longtable}s cannot be used in two-column documents.\footnote{This is an example footnote. \lipsum[1]}
Currently \texttt{table}, \texttt{table*}, \texttt{figure}, \texttt{figure*}, \texttt{longtable}, \texttt{supertabular}, \texttt{sidewaystable} and \texttt{sidewaysfigure} will be automatically framed.
If you are using a custom figure or table environment from a package (e.g.~a \texttt{MyFigure} environment) and it's not getting framed, add \verb|\makeframedenv{MyFigure}| in the preamble.
\subsection{Lists and Quotations}
You can make lists with automatic numbering \dots
\item Like this,
\item and like this.
\dots or bullet points \dots
\item Like this,
\item and like this.
\dots or with words and descriptions \dots
\item[Word] Definition
\item[Concept] Explanation
\item[Idea] Text
An example quotation:
This is a sample quotation text. This is a sample quotation text. This is a sample quotation text.
(This is some filler text.) \lipsum[2]
\LaTeX{} formats citations and references automatically using the bibliography records in your .bib file, which you can edit via the project menu. Use the \verb|\citep| command for a citation in parentheses \citep{greenwade93}, or \verb|\citet| for a text citation: \citet{greenwade93}. Multiple citations can be given as \citep{greenwade93,knuth1984texbook}.
If your manuscript is accepted, the APSR production team will re-format the references for publication. \emph{It is not necessary to format the reference list yourself to mirror the final published form.}
\subsubsection{Using bibtex} Pass the \texttt{bibtex} option to the \verb|\documentclass| declaration, then specify your \texttt{.bib} file with \verb|\bibliography{sample}| (the extension is unnecessary) near the end of your manuscript, where you want the references list to appear.
\subsubsection{Using biblatex} Pass the \texttt{biblatex} option to the \verb|\documentclass| declaration, then specify your \texttt{.bib} file name in the \emph{preamble}: \verb|\addbibresources{sample.bib}| (the extension is necessary). Write \verb|\printbibliography| near the end of your manuscript where you want the references to appear.
Note that you may want to remove the \texttt{autowc} (automatic word count) document class option, if you are using \texttt{biblatex}. There have been reports of texcount over-reporting word counts when authors use \texttt{biblatex}, due to the database nature of \texttt{.bbl} files produced by \texttt{biblatex}. For more information, see \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/110902/226}.
\LaTeX{} is great at typesetting mathematics:
Let $X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_n$ be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables with $\text{E}[X_i] = \mu$ and $\text{Var}[X_i] = \sigma^2 < \infty$, and let
S_n = \frac{X_1 + X_2 + \cdots + X_n}{n}
= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i}^{n} X_i
denote their mean. Then as $n$ approaches infinity, the random variables $\sqrt{n}(S_n - \mu)$ converge in distribution to a normal $\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)$.
\caption{A wide figure}\label{fig:wide}
\section{Level 1 heading}
\subsection{Level 2 Heading}
\subsubsection{Level 3 Heading}
%% Use \bibliography{...} if using BibTeX
%TC:subst \printbibliography \bibliography
%TC:macro \field [0,1]
%TC:macro \name [0,0,0,1]
%TC:macro \list [0,0,1]
%% Use \printbibliography if using BibLaTeX
% \printbibliography
当我尝试编译它时,我收到一条错误消息,说缺少 apsr_submission.cls。我找到了它。它看起来像:
% apsr_submission.cls, v1.1, 2017/12/06
% Developed by Overleaf
% This class file enables authors to prepare
% manuscripts for submission to APSR.
% v1.01: corrected ASPR typos to APSR
% v1.1: Uses chicago-apsr.bst that doesn't shorten first names
\ProvidesClass{apsr_submission}[2017/12/06 v1.1]
\WarningFilter*{hyperref}{Ignoring empty anchor}
\WarningFilter*{hyperref}{Rerun to get}
\WarningFilter*{microtype}{Unknown slot number of character}
%% Language and font encodings
%% Sets page size and margins
%% Front matters
\def\@journalname{American Political Science Review}
\def\@publishername{American Political Science Association}
{\itshape\large #2}\par\vskip3pt}%
\newcommand{\dropcap}[2][]{\lettrine[#1] #2}
\author{Anonymised Author(s)}{Anonymised Institution(s)}{Anonymised submission.\par\medskip\textbf{This is a manuscript submitted for review.}}
\gdef\@runningauthor{Anonymised Author(s)}
%% Only allow total word count to be changed it if it's still 0
\ClassWarning{apsr_submission.cls}{\string\totalwordcount{} is ignored when autowc is active.}
\def\@totalwordcount{\splice{texcount -1 -sum=1,1,1,0,0,0,0 -merge -incbib -utf8 \jobname.tex}}}%
{\centering Word Count: \@totalwordcount\par}%
\appto{\@authorinfo}{\par\medskip\textbf{This is a manuscript submitted for review.}\par}
%% Anonymise main text only
%% Anonymise main text only
\fancyhead[RO]{\footnotesize Page \thepage{} of \pageref{LastPage}}
\textit{Submission to \@journalname}\\[-\baselineskip]%
\tikz[remember picture,overlay]
\node[transform shape,rotate=90,anchor=north,yshift=-2pt,text=gray!10,font=\scriptsize] at (current page.west)
\node[transform shape,rotate=-90,anchor=north,yshift=-2pt,text=gray!10,font=\scriptsize] at (current page.east)
{\foreach \n in {1,...,10}{APSR Submission Template\hspace{1em}}};
%% Easiest way to get framed floats, both single-column and wide
\newcommand{\floatnote}[1]{\floatfoot{\textit{Note: }#1}}
我将 cls 文件放入模板文件所在的文件夹中。编译到一定程度时,它会询问我字体图块 x1xtt.tfm。虽然我尝试安装它,但过程失败(不幸的是,无法安装 txfonts 包。)。因此,我从https://ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/txfonts/tfm并放入文件夹“C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\fonts\tfm\public\newtx”。仍然找不到字体文件,最终没有任何 pdf。