完整代码如下 -
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\title{Mathematics - Level 1}
\section{Set Theory}
\noindent \textbf{Key Concepts:} \normalsize \\
\item Definition of set
\item Types of sets (Empty set, singleton set, finite/infinite set, subset, superset, power set, disjoint sets, universal set)
\item Roster and set-builder methods
\item Intervals - Open, closed, semi-open/closed
\item Venn diagrams
\item Operations on sets (Complement, union, intersection, \\ difference, symmetric difference)
\item Addition theorem and other results
\item De-Morgan's laws
\noindent \textbf{Definition of set}
\item Identify whether the following collections are sets or not.
\item Days of a week
\item Natural numbers
\item Ten best batsmen in cricket \\
\noindent \textbf{Roster Method and Set-builder Method}
\item Write the following sets using roster method.
\item \(A=\left\{x:x \in N, \hspace{2mm} x\leqslant 7 \right\}\)
\item \(A=\left\{x:x \in I, \hspace{2mm} -3 \leqslant x < 2 \right\}\)
\item Write the following sets using set-builder method.
\item \(A=\left\{2,4,6,8,\cdots \cdots,200 \right\}\)
\item \(A=\left\{\displaystyle \frac{1}{2},\frac{2}{5},\frac{3}{10},\frac{4}{17},\frac{5}{26},\frac{7}{50},\frac{8}{65} \right\}\) \\
\noindent \textbf{Intervals}
\item Write the following intervals in set-builder notation.
\item \((1, 2)\)
\item \(\big[ 1, 2 \big]\)
\item \(\text{\big[1, 2)}\)
\item \(\text{(1, 2\big]}\)
\noindent \textbf{Operations on Sets}
\item If \(A=\left\{1,2,3,5\right\},B=\left\{4,5,6,7\right\},C=\left\{5,7,9,10\right\}\). \\ Also, universal set \(X=\left\{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12\right\}\), then write the following sets.
\item \(A \cup B\)
\item \(A \cap C\)
\item \(A^{\prime} \cup \left( B-C \right)\)
\item \((B \cup C)^{\prime}\)
\noindent \textbf{Key Concepts:} \normalsize \\
\item Definition of logarithms
\item Properties of logarithm
\item Change of Base formula
\noindent \textbf{Exponential and Logarithmic Notation} \normalsize
\item Express the following in logarithmic notation:
\item \(3^5=243\)
\item \(16^{1/2}=4\)
\item \(7^{-2}=\displaystyle \frac{1}{49}\)
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LaTeX 仍可能会尝试填充整个页面,增加垂直空间,但结果可能很糟糕,主要是在最后几页,因为文本很少,这可能会导致巨大的空间。正如 David 所说,您可以使用 then \raggedbottom
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\large \noindent \textbf{<text>} \normalsize \\
...并且在垂直间距方面要更好,例如,向左到 LaTeX 找到一个好的分页符。
,或者简单地如 MWE 中所示:
\section[<short text>]{\centering <long text text>}
但请注意,可选参数[<short text>]
\usepackage{amsmath, mathtools, amssymb, enumitem, fancyhdr, geometry}
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\geometry{a4paper, textwidth=470pt, textheight=670pt}
\section[Set Theory]{\centering Set Theory}
\section*{Key Concepts:}
\item Definition of set
\item Types of sets (Empty set, singleton set, finite/infinite set, subset, superset, power set, disjoint sets, universal set)
\item Roster and set-builder methods
\item Intervals - Open, closed, semi-open/closed
\item Venn diagrams
\item Operations on sets (Complement, union, intersection, \\ difference, symmetric difference)
\item Addition theorem and other results
\item De-Morgan's laws
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% (will not work if this left too much space).
\section*{Definition of set}
\item Identify whether the following collections are sets or not.
\item Days of a week
\item Natural numbers
\item Ten best batsmen in cricket \\
\section*{Roster Method and Set-builder Method}
\item Write the following sets using roster method.
\item \(A=\left\{x:x \in N, \hspace{2mm} x\leqslant 7 \right\}\)
\item \(A=\left\{x:x \in I, \hspace{2mm} -3 \leqslant x < 2 \right\}\)
\item Write the following sets using set-builder method.
\item \(A=\left\{2,4,6,8,\cdots \cdots,200 \right\}\)
\item \(A=\left\{\displaystyle \frac{1}{2},\frac{2}{5},\frac{3}{10},\frac{4}{17},\frac{5}{26},\frac{7}{50},\frac{8}{65} \right\}\) \\
\item Write the following intervals in set-builder notation.
\item \((1, 2)\)
\item \(\big[ 1, 2 \big]\)
\item \(\text{\big[1, 2)}\)
\item \(\text{(1, 2\big]}\)
\subsection*{Operations on Sets}
\item If \(A=\left\{1,2,3,5\right\}, B=\left\{4,5,6,7\right\}, C=\left\{5,7,9,10\right\}\). \\ Also, universal set \(X=\left\{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12\right\}\), then write the following sets.
\item \(A \cup B\)
\item \(A \cap C\)
\item \(A^{\prime} \cup \left( B-C \right)\)
\item \((B \cup C)^{\prime}\)
\item \((B \cup C)^{\prime}\)
\item \((B \cup C)^{\prime}\)
\item \((B \cup C)^{\prime}\)
\item \((B \cup C)^{\prime}\)
\item \((B \cup C)^{\prime}\)
\pagebreak[3] % now it works nicely.
\section[Logarithms]{\centering Logarithms}
\subsection*{Key Concepts:}
\item Definition of logarithms
\item Properties of logarithm
\item Change of Base formula
\subsection*{Exponential and Logarithmic Notation}
\item Express the following in logarithmic notation:
\item \(3^5=243\)
\item \(16^{1/2}=4\)
\item \(7^{-2}=\displaystyle \frac{1}{49}\)