在名称下,我想添加一行来传达地址和其他信息。类似于我在 Microsoft Word 标题部分中布局的内容
\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style
\usepackage[left=0.5in,top=0.5in,right=0.5in,bottom=0.5in]{geometry} % Document margins
\name{John Smith} % Your name
\address{123 Broadway \\ City, State 12345} % Your address
\address{123 Pleasant Lane \\ City, State 12345} % Your secondary addess (optional)
\address{(000)~$\cdot$~111~$\cdot$~1111 \\ [email protected]} % Your phone number and email
\textifsymbol{18} test \Letter
\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style
\hypersetup{colorlinks, breaklinks,urlcolor=[rgb]{0.5,0,0}}
\usepackage[left=0.75in,top=0.6in,right=0.75in,bottom=0.6in]{geometry} % Document margins
\name{John Smith} % Your name
\address{} % Your address
\address{\faMapMarker\, 123 Main Street, New York, NY 0000 \\ \faGlobe\, website.com \\ \faPhone\, 123456789 \\ \faEnvelope\, [email protected]}
现在,resume.cls 文件只需要修改一些地方。在类文件中搜索 bullet,并用“vert”替换它。代码应该改为\def \addressSep {$\vert$}
而不是。在类文件中,搜索“文档头”并使用以下代码。请注意,我在两个地址之间\def \addressSep {$\bullet$}
% DOCUMENT: Create the head of the document
\ori@document % Begin document
\printname % Print the name specified with \name
\@ifundefined{@addressone}{}{ % Print the first address if specified
\@ifundefined{@addresstwo}{}{ % Print the second address if specified
% resume.cls
% \documentstyle{resume}
% Copyright (C) 2010 by Trey Hunner
% Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
% are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
% notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
% without any warranty.
\ProvidesClass{resume}[2010/07/10 v0.9 Resume class]
\usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % Do not indent paragraphs
\usepackage{array} % required for boldface tabular columns
\nofiles % .aux files are not needed for resumes
\pagestyle{empty} % resumes do not need page numbers
% HEADINGS: Commands for printing name and address
\def \name#1{\def\@name{#1}} % \name command can be used to set name
\def \@name {} % Set \@name to empty by default
%\def \addressSep {$\diamond$} % Set default address seperator
\def \addressSep {$\vert$}
% Three address lines can be specified (directly below name)
\let \@addressone \relax
\let \@addresstwo \relax
\let \@addressthree \relax
% \address command can be used to set first and second address (optional) % address three added by Abhinav for his use
\def \address #1{
\def \@addresstwo {#1}
\def \@addressone {#1}
\def \@addressthree {#1}
% \printaddress is used to style an address line (given as input)
\def \printaddress #1{
\def \\ {\addressSep\ }
% \printname is used to print the name as a page header
\def \printname {
\hfil{\MakeUppercase{\namesize\bf \@name}}\hfil
% DOCUMENT: Create the head of the document
\ori@document % Begin document
\printname % Print the name specified with \name
\@ifundefined{@addressone}{}{ % Print the first address if specified
\@ifundefined{@addresstwo}{}{ % Print the second address if specified
% SECTIONS: Create section headings
% Used to create large resume section
\MakeUppercase{\bf #1}
% Used to format job listing
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Default Layout: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Employer (bold) Dates (regular) %%
%% Title (emphasis) Location (emphasis) %%
{\bf #1} \hfill { #2}% Stop a space
{\em #3} \hfill {\em #4}% Stop a space
% \cdot used for bullets, items non-indented
\itemsep -0.5em \vspace{-0.5em}