Beamer (2018/02/20 的 3.50) 和 covington (2017/05/23 的 1.4) 之间有冲突吗?这个 (希望) 简单的文档:
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{DejaVu Serif}
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\setmonofont{Fira Code}
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% (ERT) argument for the TOC
\def\glosstr{\glt #1}%
\gll #2}
\title{Are Czech conditionals with an infinitival condition all Counterfactual?}
\begin{frame}{And how does it look inCzech?}
\item real conditions – realistic, achievable, achieved?
\item \begin{linggloss}[If Vašek comes on time we'll make it without any problems.]
Když přijde Vašek včas, tak to stihneme v pohodě.
If come-3sg.pres Vašek-nom.sg on time then that-acc.sg make-1pl.pres in ease.
! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
在我看来,这个注释和第 7 页的内容一模一样 http://ftp.cvut.cz/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/covington/covington.pdf我怎么了?
宏是不必要的,beamer 定义为在框架环境之外使用\maketitle
\def\glosstr{\glt #1}%
\gll #2}
\title{Are Czech conditionals with an infinitival condition all Counterfactual?}
\frametitle{And how does it look inCzech?}
\item real conditions – realistic, achievable, achieved?
\item \begin{linggloss}[If Vašek comes on time we'll make it without any problems.]
Když přijde Vašek včas, tak to stihneme v pohodě.
If come-3sg.pres Vašek-nom.sg on time then that-acc.sg make-1pl.pres in ease.