下面是一个 MWE。它产生了错误的方程编号。对于打印解决方案的情况,编号是正确的。
\centerline{\bf Exam Class: Numbering Equations, MWE}
\question Answer the following questions.
\part Let $ a=3 $ and $ b=4 $. Consider the equation
a^{2} + b^{2} = c^{2},
where all values are positive. Calculate the value of $ c $.
We have, given that $ c>0 $,
c^{2} = 3^{2} + 4^{2} \Rightarrow c = 5.
\part Let $ a=5 $. The variable $ b $ is given by
b = a^{2}.
Calculate the value of $ b $.
We have
b = 5^{2} \Rightarrow b = 25.
\centerline{\bf Exam Class: Numbering Equations, MWE}
\question Answer the following questions.
\part Let $ a=3 $ and $ b=4 $. Consider the equation
a^{2} + b^{2} = c^{2},
where all values are positive. Calculate the value of $ c $.
We have, given that $ c>0 $,
c^{2} = 3^{2} + 4^{2} \Rightarrow c = 5.
\part Let $ a=5 $. The variable $ b $ is given by
b = a^{2}.
Calculate the value of $ b $.
We have
b = 5^{2} \Rightarrow b = 25.
c = \sqrt{a^2+b^2}
我找到了一个使用新计数器和 的解决方案ifprintanswers
。新计数器存储方程计数器的值,并在打印答案时使用它。计数器的解决方案基于 的解决方案这问题。
这是新的 MWE:
\newcounter{eqBeforeSolution} % New counter
\centerline{\bf Exam Class: Numbering Equations, MWE}
\question Answer the following questions.
\part Let $ a=3 $ and $ b=4 $. Consider the equation
a^{2} + b^{2} = c^{2},
where all values are positive. Calculate the value of $ c $.
\setcounter{eqBeforeSolution}{\value{equation}} % Store current equation counter value
We have, given that $ c>0 $,
c^{2} = 3^{2} + 4^{2} \Rightarrow c = 5.
Equation \eqref{eq10} shows the solution.
% Uses the value of the new counter to reset the equation counter
\part Let $ a=5 $. The variable $ b $ is given by
b = a^{2}.
Calculate the value of $ b $.
We have
b = 5^{2} \Rightarrow b = 25.