我不喜欢 subappendices 包的样式,其中每个章节的附录都非常突出显示。我非常喜欢下面 MWE 提供的样式,但我有两个问题:我目前手动将附录部分编号为2.A
(目前在 MWE 中注释掉),那么下一章中的章节将不再在章节内编号(在 MWE 中3.1 Three.One
变为)1 Three.One
Test One.One
This is numbered as desired.
Test One.Two
Test Two.One
Test Two.Two
\section*{2.A Appendix: Pi}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{2.A Appendix: Pi}
This section has a little bit too little space between ``2.A'' and ``Appendix: Pi'' (both here and more visibly in the ToC)
This should be Lemma 2.A.1
Test Three.One
This should be Lemma 3.1.1
Test One.One
This is numbered as desired.
Test One.Two
Test Two.One
Test Two.Two
\section{Appendix: Pi}%
This section has a little bit too little space between ``2.A'' and ``Appendix: Pi'' (both here and more visibly in the ToC)
This should be Lemma 2.A.1
Test Three.One
This should be Lemma 3.1.1