







Constantin began his formal schooling at a private school in Vanderstock in 1881. He left after two years and then spent time with his father on a visit to Berlin, and also spent the winters of 1883--84 and 1884--85 on the Italian Riviera. Back in Brussels in 1885 he attended a grammar school for a year where he first began to become interested in mathematics. In 1886, he entered the high school Ath\'en\'ee Royal d'Ixelles and studied there until his graduation in 1891. Twice during his time at this school Constantin won a prize as the best mathematics student in Belgium.  Constantin Caratheodory (left) pictured sitting with his father, brother in law and sister, Carlsbad 1898









此解决方案创建\WrapLR使用 的宏(如 wrapfig)\parshape。图像的顶部位于\ht\strutbox第一条基线上方,底部与最后一条基线齐平或更高(假设行距正常)。它甚至可以处理不同高度的图像。

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{\noindent Constantin began his formal schooling at a private school in Vanderstock in 1881. He left after two years and then spent time with his father on a visit to Berlin, and also spent the winters of 1883--84 and 1884--85 on the Italian Riviera. Back in Brussels in 1885 he attended a grammar school for a year where he first began to become interested in mathematics. In 1886, he entered the high school Ath\'en\'ee Royal d'Ixelles and studied there until his graduation in 1891. Twice during his time at this school Constantin won a prize as the best mathematics student in Belgium.  Constantin Caratheodory (left) pictured sitting with his father, brother in law and sister, Carlsbad 1898}


