foreach 和交集

foreach 和交集

我的代码有什么问题?使用 foreach 循环而不是直接绘制命令会导致路径未知的错误。你有什么建议吗?


! 包 tikz 错误:我不知道名为“links 1”的路径。



    \draw [name path=links 1] (0,0) -- +(10:5cm);
    \draw [name path=links 2] (0,0) -- +(20:5cm);
    \draw [name path=links 3] (0,0) -- +(30:5cm);
    \draw [name path=rechts 1] (5,0) -- +(150:5cm);
    \draw [name path=rechts 2] (5,0) -- +(160:5cm);
    \draw [name path=rechts 3] (5,0) -- +(170:5cm);

% why can't I use the foreach-loops instead?

%   \foreach \angle/\num in {10/1,20/2,30/3}{%
%       \draw [name path=links \num] (0,0) -- +(\angle:5cm);
%   }
%   \foreach \angle/\num in {150/1,160/2,170/3}{%
%       \draw [name path=rechts \num] (5,0) -- +(\angle:5cm);
%   }

    \fill [name intersections={of=links 1 and rechts 1, name=a}] 
        (a-1) circle (2pt) node {};

    \fill [name intersections={of=links 1 and rechts 2, name=b}] 
        (b-1) circle (2pt) node {};

    \fill [name intersections={of=links 2 and rechts 2, name=c}] 
        (c-1) circle (2pt) node {};


