指向 beamer 中的表格单元格

指向 beamer 中的表格单元格

我在 beamer 中创建了下表。我希望使用箭头指向表格底部的总数。我还希望在箭头尾部有一个标签。表格及其内容显示后,箭头需要出现。

 \begin{frame}{The number of journeys by bees on 29th October}
   \textcolor{blue}{Score $(x)$} & \textcolor{magenta}{Frequency $(f)$}  & $f\times x$ \\
   \textcolor{blue}{$0$} & \textcolor{magenta}{$100$}& $0 \times 100=0$  \\
   \textcolor{blue}{$1$}& \textcolor{magenta}{$25$} & $1 \times 25=25$ \\
   \textcolor{blue}{$2$}  & \textcolor{magenta}{$75$}  & $150$   \\
   \textcolor{blue}{$3$}  & \textcolor{magenta}{$400$}  & $1200$   \\
   \textcolor{blue}{$4$}  & \textcolor{magenta}{$150$}  & $600$   \\
   \textcolor{blue}{$5$}  & \textcolor{magenta}{$80$}  & $400$  \\
   \rowcolor{orange}  Total  & $830$  & $2375$   \\

  \begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>]
   \item How many bees are there in total?
   \item What is the total number of journeys that the bees made?





 \begin{frame}{The number of journeys by bees on 29th October}
   \textcolor{blue}{Score $(x)$} & \textcolor{magenta}{Frequency $(f)$}  & $f\times x$ \\
   \textcolor{blue}{$0$} & \textcolor{magenta}{$100$}& $0 \times 100=0$  \\
   \textcolor{blue}{$1$}& \textcolor{magenta}{$25$} & $1 \times 25=25$ \\
   \textcolor{blue}{$2$}  & \textcolor{magenta}{$75$}  & $150$   \\
   \textcolor{blue}{$3$}  & \textcolor{magenta}{$400$}  & $1200$   \\
   \textcolor{blue}{$4$}  & \textcolor{magenta}{$150$}  & $600$   \\
   \textcolor{blue}{$5$}  & \textcolor{magenta}{$80$}  & $400$  \\
   \rowcolor{orange}  Total  & $\tikzmarknode{A}{830}$  & $\tikzmarknode{B}{2375}$   \\
\only<1>{\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\draw[latex-,thick] (A.north east) -- ++ (4,2) node[right]{tail};
\draw[latex-,thick] (B.north east) -- ++ (2,1) node[right]{tail};
  \begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>]
   \item How many bees are there in total?
   \item What is the total number of journeys that the bees made?


