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author = { Anat   Freund   PhD },
title = {Commitment and Job Satisfaction as Predictors of Turnover          Intentions Among Welfare Workers},
journal = {Administration in Social Work},
volume = {29},
number = {2},
pages = {5-21},
year  = {2005},
publisher = {Routledge}


author = { Louis A.   Penner  and  Alison R.   Midili  and  Jill       Kegelmeyer },
title = {Beyond Job Attitudes: A Personality and Social Psychology     Perspective on the Causes of Organizational Citizenship Behavior},
journal = {Human Performance},
volume = {10},
number = {2},
pages = {111-131},
year  = {1997},
publisher = {Routledge}


title = "The influence of job satisfaction on child welfare worker's desire     to stay: An examination of the interaction effect of self-efficacy and     supportive supervision",
journal = "Children and Youth Services Review",
volume = "32",
number = "4",
pages = "482 - 486",
year = "2010",
issn = "0190-7409",
author = "Szu-Yu Chen and Maria Scannapieco",
keywords = "Child welfare, Worker retention, Job satisfaction, Supervisor's     support, Work related self-efficacy"

title = "Job conditions, unmet expectations, and burnout in public child     welfare workers: How different from other social workers?",
journal = "Children and Youth Services Review",
volume = "33",
number = "2",
pages = "358 - 367",
year = "2011",
issn = "0190-7409",
author = "Hansung Kim",
keywords = "Child welfare, Job stress, Depersonalization, Social workers"

author = {Petersen, Michael Bang and Sznycer, Daniel and Cosmides, Leda and         Tooby, John},
title = {Who Deserves Help? Evolutionary Psychology, Social Emotions, and       Public Opinion about Welfare},
journal = {Political Psychology}}    







\title[small title]{{\large{Big title}}}

\author[J. Deuf]{John Deuf}
\institute{ \Large{National center of research}


\date{1st of january 2043}

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author = { Anat   Freund   PhD },
title = {Commitment and Job Satisfaction as Predictors of Turnover          Intentions Among Welfare Workers},
journal = {Administration in Social Work},
volume = {29},
number = {2},
pages = {5-21},
year  = {2005},
publisher = {Routledge}


author = { Louis A.   Penner  and  Alison R.   Midili  and  Jill       Kegelmeyer },
title = {Beyond Job Attitudes: A Personality and Social Psychology     Perspective on the Causes of Organizational Citizenship Behavior},
journal = {Human Performance},
volume = {10},
number = {2},
pages = {111-131},
year  = {1997},
publisher = {Routledge}


title = "The influence of job satisfaction on child welfare worker's desire     to stay: An examination of the interaction effect of self-efficacy and     supportive supervision",
journal = "Children and Youth Services Review",
volume = "32",
number = "4",
pages = "482 - 486",
year = "2010",
issn = "0190-7409",
author = "Szu-Yu Chen and Maria Scannapieco",
keywords = "Child welfare, Worker retention, Job satisfaction, Supervisor's     support, Work related self-efficacy"

title = "Job conditions, unmet expectations, and burnout in public child     welfare workers: How different from other social workers?",
journal = "Children and Youth Services Review",
volume = "33",
number = "2",
pages = "358 - 367",
year = "2011",
issn = "0190-7409",
author = "Hansung Kim",
keywords = "Child welfare, Job stress, Depersonalization, Social workers"

author = {Petersen, Michael Bang and Sznycer, Daniel and Cosmides, Leda and         Tooby, John},
title = {Who Deserves Help? Evolutionary Psychology, Social Emotions, and       Public Opinion about Welfare},
journal = {Political Psychology}}    






\title[small title]{Big title}

\author[J. Deuf]{John Deuf}
\institute{National center of research}

\date{1st of january 2043}

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