Tabularx 和对齐、聚集或其他用于两行方程式的东西

Tabularx 和对齐、聚集或其他用于两行方程式的东西

我正在尝试在 tabularx 环境中插入两行方程。我设法使用 vbox 为一行方程完成此操作,但我似乎无法为两行方程完成此操作。我尝试了多行,但我不想用固定值设置周围单元格的宽度。我希望它看起来与具有一行方程的其他行相似。




\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb}



Acoustic Entropy Index (H) & 
H_t H_s
\end{equation}} & 
It is the product of $H_s$ and $H_t$ (see below). It ranges between 0 and 1; 0 for pure tones and 1 for white noise. & 
\cite{Sueur2008} \\ \hline

Entropy of spectral maxima ($H_m$) & 
U_j &= \mathrm{max}(s_{i,w}), \forall w = j \\
H_m &= - \sum_{j=1}^{N_f} U_j\log_{2}U_j
The Shannon index is applied to the maximum values of each frequency bin in the spectrogram, but only in the band between 482 Hz and 8820 Hz (expanding the biophony band). $s_{i,w}$ stands for a cell in the spectrogram in the time step i and frequency bin w and $U_j$ is the maximum value in the frequency bin j. & 
\cite{Towsey2014a} \\ \hline







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\keepXColumns% \dontBreakStuff
Acoustic Entropy Index (H) & 
H_t H_s
\end{equation}} & 
It is the product of $H_s$ and $H_t$ (see below). It ranges between 0 and 1; 0 for pure tones and 1 for white noise. & 
\cite{Sueur2008} \\ \hline
Entropy of spectral maxima ($H_m$) & 
U_j &= \mathrm{max}(s_{i,w}), \forall w = j \\
H_m &= - \sum_{j=1}^{N_f} U_j\log_{2}U_j
The Shannon index is applied to the maximum values of each frequency bin in the spectrogram, but only in the band between 482 Hz and 8820 Hz (expanding the biophony band). $s_{i,w}$ stands for a cell in the spectrogram in the time step i and frequency bin w and $U_j$ is the maximum value in the frequency bin j. & 
\cite{Towsey2014a} \\ \hline

Acoustic Entropy Index (H) & 
H_t H_s
\end{equation}} & 
It is the product of $H_s$ and $H_t$ (see below). It ranges between 0 and 1; 0 for pure tones and 1 for white noise. & 
\cite{Sueur2008} \\ \hline
Entropy of spectral maxima ($H_m$) & 
U_j &= \mathrm{max}(s_{i,w}), \forall w = j \\
H_m &= - \sum_{j=1}^{N_f} U_j\log_{2}U_j
The Shannon index is applied to the maximum values of each frequency bin in the spectrogram, but only in the band between 482 Hz and 8820 Hz (expanding the biophony band). $s_{i,w}$ stands for a cell in the spectrogram in the time step i and frequency bin w and $U_j$ is the maximum value in the frequency bin j. & 
\cite{Towsey2014a} \\ \hline




您还可以加载xltabularHervert Voss 的最新软件包,该软件包可以加载ltablex和处理一些问题。只需使用同名环境即可。我稍微更改了各列宽度的参数X,因此方程编号与方程保持在同一行:

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}


\begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{|C{0.7}|C{1.65} |C{1.1}|C{0.55}|}
Acoustic Entropy Index (H) &
H_t H_s
\end{equation}} &
It is the product of $H_s$ and $H_t$ (see below). It ranges between 0 and 1; 0 for pure tones and 1 for white noise. &
\cite{Sueur2008} \\
Entropy of spectral maxima ($H_m$) &
{ \begin{align}
U_j & = \mathrm{max}(s_{i,w}), \forall w = j \\\
H_m & = - \sum_{j=1}^{N_f} U_j\log_{2}U_j
\end{align} }%}
The Shannon index is applied to the maximum values of each frequency bin in the spectrogram, but only in the band between 482 Hz and 8820 Hz (expanding the biophony band). $s_{i,w}$ stands for a cell in the spectrogram in the time step i and frequency bin w and $U_j$ is the maximum value in the frequency bin j. &
\cite{Towsey2014a} \\ \hline


