尝试连接 tikz 中的节点

尝试连接 tikz 中的节点


\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw=blue, thick, fill=blue!20,
text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex’]
\tikzstyle{cloud} = [draw=red, thick, ellipse,fill=red!20, minimum height=8em];
\matrix [column sep=6mm,row sep=10mm]
% row 1
 & &
\node [block] (init) {Lack of information}; &
% row 2
& & & & & \\
% row 3
& &
\node [block] (identify) {Perceptions about Nato's presence}; & \\
% row 3
\node [block] (update) {Positive perceptions}; &
& & &
\node [block] (evaluate) {Negative perceptions}; & \\
% row 4
 \node [block] (decide) {Desirable presence}; &
& & &
\node [block] (evaluate) {Non-desirable presence}; & \\
% row 5
& & & & & \\
% row 6
\node [block] (stop) {Efficient presence}; & 
\node [block] (stop) {Useless presence}; &
\node [block] (stop) {Service to others’ interests}; &
\node [block] (stop) {No institutional role}; &
\node [block] (stop) {Inefficient presence}; &\\

我的问题是我不知道如何用线连接我的一些节点。我尝试使用命令:\pathline--(); 但它不起作用。




欢迎使用 TeX.SE!有几种绘制箭头的选项:

  1. \draw[line] (init) -- (identify);line将从节点绘制一条样式线init来“识别”。
  2. 或者,将从节点\draw (identify) edge[line] (update);绘制一条线样式来`更新。lineidentify
  3. 如果您厌倦了总是指定样式,那么您可以使用在范围内绘制边缘every edge/.style={line}
  4. 为了能够绘制指向所有节点的箭头,您需要为它们赋予唯一的名称。但是,您命名了一堆节点stop

以下是符合本网站惯例的代码:以 开头\documentclass,以 结尾\end{document},可以编译。请考虑在将来发布此类文档。

  \tikzset{block/.style={rectangle, draw=blue, thick, fill=blue!20,
  text width=5em, text centered, rounded corners},
  line/.style={draw, -latex'},
  cloud/.style={draw=red, thick, ellipse,fill=red!20, minimum height=8em}}
  \matrix [column sep=6mm,row sep=10mm]
  % row 1
   & &
  \node [block] (init) {Lack of information}; &
  % row 2
  & & & & & \\
  % row 3
  & &
  \node [block] (identify) {Perceptions about Nato's presence}; & \\
  % row 3
  \node [block] (update) {Positive perceptions}; &
  & & &
  \node [block] (evaluate) {Negative perceptions}; & \\
  % row 4
   \node [block] (decide) {Desirable presence}; &
  & & &
  \node [block] (evaluate) {Non-desirable presence}; & \\
  % row 5
  & & & & & \\
  % row 6 : give nodes uique names
  \node [block] (stop1) {Efficient presence}; & 
  \node [block] (stop2) {Useless presence}; &
  \node [block] (stop3) {Service to others' interests}; &
  \node [block] (stop4) {No institutional role}; &
  \node [block] (stop5) {Inefficient presence}; &\\
  \draw[line] (init) -- (identify);
  \draw (identify) edge[line] (update);
  \begin{scope}[every edge/.style={line}]
   \draw (identify) edge (evaluate)
    (evaluate) edge (stop1);

