我想为我的部分电路涂上颜色,但 TeXstudio 似乎每次都会卡住。
% Power electronics---converters and inverter
% Author: Ali Mehrizi-Sani
\tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\small]
\tikzstyle{every path}=[line width=0.8pt,line cap=round,line join=round]
to[V=$V_{in}$, invert] ++(0,2)
to[short] ++(0.5,0)
to[short] ++(0.7,0) coordinate(N1)
to[L] ++(0,-2)
to[short] (1.2,-.5)
to[short] (0,-.5)
to[short] (0,0)
% ------------------------ Secondary side
(N1)++(0.7,0) coordinate (N2)
to[D*] ++(2.5,0) coordinate (C2pos)
to[C, l_=$C$] ++(0,-2)
to[short] ++(1.5,0)
to[R, l_=$R$] ++(0,-2)
to[short] ($(N2)+(0,-2)$)
to[L] (N2)
to[open, v^>=$v_{out}$] ++(0,-2)
% ------------------------ Transformer lines
-- ++(0,-1) ++(0.1,0) -- ++(0,1)
($(N1)+(-0.15,-0.7)$) node[circ] {}
($(N2)+(+0.15,-1.3)$) node[circ] {}
欢迎来到 TeX.SE!问题是,你在一个路径上绘制了东西,然后几乎不可能改变颜色。但绝对没有必要在一个路径上绘制它。相反,你可以这样做
\tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\small]
\tikzstyle{every path}=[line width=0.8pt,line cap=round,line join=round]
to[V=$V_{in}$, invert] ++(0,2)
to[short] ++(0.5,0)
to[short] ++(0.7,0) coordinate(N1)
to[L] ++(0,-2)
to[short] (1.2,-.5)
to[short] (0,-.5)
to[short] (0,0);
% ------------------------ Secondary side
\draw (N1)++(0.7,0) coordinate (N2)
to[D*] ++(2.5,0) coordinate (C2pos)
to[C, l_=$C$] ++(0,-2)
to[short] ++(1.5,0)
to[R, l_=$R$] ++(0,-2)
to[short] ($(N2)+(0,-2)$)
to[L] (N2)
to[open, v^>=$v_{out}$] ++(0,-2);
% ------------------------ Transformer lines
-- ++(0,-1) ++(0.1,0) -- ++(0,1)
($(N1)+(-0.15,-0.7)$) node[circ] {}
($(N2)+(+0.15,-1.3)$) node[circ] {}
参数在电路元件中经常不能正确渗透。在这种情况下,我会补充Marmot 的解决方案以下(仅复制电路,其余部分相同):
% color=red colors the components, just "red" only the wires
% the every node/.style is needed for the text in symbols
\begin{scope}[color=red, every node/.style={color=red}]
to[V=$V_{in}$, invert,] ++(0,2)
to[short] ++(0.5,0)
to[short] ++(0.7,0) coordinate(N1)
to[L] ++(0,-2)
to[short] (1.2,-.5)
to[short] (0,-.5)
to[short] (0,0);
% ------------------------ Secondary side
\draw (N1)++(0.7,0) coordinate (N2)
to[D*] ++(2.5,0) coordinate (C2pos)
to[C, l_=$C$] ++(0,-2)
to[short] ++(1.5,0)
to[R, l_=$R$] ++(0,-2)
to[short] ($(N2)+(0,-2)$)
to[L] (N2)
to[open, v^>=$v_{out}$] ++(0,-2);
% ------------------------ Transformer lines
-- ++(0,-1) ++(0.1,0) -- ++(0,1)
% again, here "red" alone fails
($(N1)+(-0.15,-0.7)$) node[color=red, circ] {}
($(N2)+(+0.15,-1.3)$) node[circ] {}