


% \newcommand\abr{...}
I've seen it in the \abr{OED}.


正如 Mico 指出的那样,不应该有两个相邻的点。我想有人可能会用它\@ifnextchar.来防止这种情况。


总的来说,与 Steven B. Segletes 的答案相同,但可以扩展。此外,几乎所有内容都应该没问题(除了真正不可能的\endabr@)。



Single letter:

Multi letter: 


这是我原来方法的最简单形式。它可以放在 中\edef。它的唯一缺点是,如果参数太长(可能是 256 个字符??),它可能会破坏堆栈。

Here is \abr{OED} abbreviation.

Here is \abr{XO} abbreviation.



似乎存在误解,认为 的定义\abr不能放入 中\edef。其实可以。当然,扩展不一定美观,但会产生正确的排版。唯一的条件是\@MyOwnMacro未在文档的其他地方使用。

Here is \abr{OED} abbreviation.

Here is \abr{XO} abbreviation.

Can be edef'ed:

\edef\tmp{\abr{OED}} \detokenize\expandafter{\tmp}

expands to \tmp



这是一个基于 LuaLaTeX 的解决方案。

  • \abr{OED}或之类的情况\abr{IMF}可以按预期工作。如果首字母缩略词包含大写和小写字母,则仅在首字母缩略词内部的大写字母前插入点。例如,\abr{MSc}generatesM.\,Sc.\abr{PhD}generates Ph.\,D.

  • 它可以直接处理大小写混合的缩写词,例如“PhD”——无需写入\abr{{Ph}D}

  • 如果“粗略的缩写”结束一个句子,应该将“。”标点符号放在 的参数内\abr。代码会小心地\@在最后一个.字符前插入一个“space factor*”指令。这反过来会通知 LaTeX.应该将该字符视为句子的结尾。

  • 如果 的参数\abr为空或扩展为不返回任何内容,则代码不返回任何内容。例如,\def\ttt{} /\abr{\ttt}/返回//。如果代码遇到非字母字符(例如和),()不会在它们之前或之后插入句点。

  • 代码是可扩展的,\abr可以包含在\edef指令的参数中。


\usepackage{luacode}   % for 'luacode' environment

%% Lua-side code:
function abr ( s )
  n = string.len ( s )
  -- Do nothing unless "s" is non-empty.
  if n>0 then 
    s_mod = ""  -- initialize the string

    -- Process the first n-1 characters in "s"
    for i=1, n-1 do
      s12 = string.sub ( s  , i, i+1 )
      s1  = string.sub ( s12, 1, 1 )
      if string.match ( s12 , "%a%u" ) then
        s_mod = s_mod .. s1 .. ".\\,"
        s_mod = s_mod .. s1

    -- Process the final character in "s"
    s_n = string.sub ( s , n)
    if     string.match (s_n, "%.") then   -- "." char.
      s_mod = s_mod .. "\\@." 
    elseif string.match (s_n, "%l") then   -- lowercase letter
      s_mod = s_mod .. s_n .. ".\\hbox{}"
    elseif string.match (s_n, "%u") then   -- uppercase letter
      s_mod = s_mod .. s_n .. "."
    else                    -- Any other character:
      s_mod = s_mod .. s_n  -- don't add anything after 's_n'
    -- Print the modified string
    tex.sprint ( s_mod )


%% LaTeX-side code: macro that calls the Lua function

\abr{OED}, \abr{PhD}, \abr{DPhil}, \abr{MSc}, \abr{()}

% Two calls to "\abr" with an empty argument (upon expansion):
.\abr{}. \quad 
\def\ttt{} .\abr{\ttt}. 

\edef\tmp{\abr{MA}}   \detokenize\expandafter{\tmp}

\edef\tmp{\abr{MA.}}  \detokenize\expandafter{\tmp}

expands to: \tmp

\edef\tmp{\abr{MSc}}  \detokenize\expandafter{\tmp}

\edef\tmp{\abr{MSc.}} \detokenize\expandafter{\tmp}

expands to: \tmp

Some tests of spacing after punctuation marks:

a \abr{PhD} candidate --- good

a Ph.\,D. candidate   --- just to verify

an \abr{MSc} candidate --- good

an M.\,Sc.\ candidate  --- just to verify

She has a \abr{PhD.} So do I. --- good

She has a Ph.\,D\@.  So do I. --- just to verify

He has an \abr{MSc.} So do I. --- good

He has an M.\,Sc.    So do I.  --- just to verify

Does he have an \abr{MSc.}? Really?! --- good

Does he have an M.\,Sc.?    Really?!  --- just to verify


I've seen it in the \abr{OED}.

I got my \abr{{Ph}D}.


已更新(采用 Mico 风格,但没有 LuaLaTeX)


                \if1\ifnum`#1<`A 0\fi\ifnum`#1>`Z 0\fi1%
\def\abr@end.{ \abr@@end}

I've seen it in the \abr{OED}, and if located at end of a sentence
just insert a dot in the \verb|\abr| argument: \abr{OED.} It ended a
sentence and in non-French spacing mode, TeX inserted the extra

\texttt{We can see it better with monospace font: \abr{OED.} See?}

I got my \abr{PhD} and even my \abr{PhilD}, leniency ruled
in those days.

\texttt{The dots are added in a smart way: \abr{AaaaBbbbCccc.} But it is
assumed that the first letter is \abr{Uppercased.} That's it.}

\texttt{Notice that neitger \abr{Aaaa} nor \abr{AaA} trigger an end of
  sentence spacing after the dot, which is \abr{Good.} Isn't it?}







\protected\def\abrsep{.\,}% maybe redefined even after \edef\foo{\abr{DPhil}}...
\def\abr@aux#1{\if1\ifnum`#1<`A 0\fi\ifnum`#1>`Z 0\fi1%
\def\abr@sep{ \abrsep}

I've seen it in the \abr{OED}, and if located at end of a sentence
it will detect it automatically: \abr{OED}. There was no double dot.
Besides, TeX applied its end of sentence extra space.

\texttt{We can see it better with monospace font: \abr{OED}. See?}

\texttt{We can see it better with monospace font: \abr{OED}, See?}

I got a \abr{MSc}, a \abr{PhD} and even a \abr{DPhil}. Leniency ruled
in those days. 

{The abbreviation dots are added in a smart way, after the last
  lowercase letter following an uppercase letter:
  \abr{AaaaBbbbCccc}. But it is \emph{assumed} that the first letter is
  \abr{Uppercased}. That's it.}

\texttt{Notice that neither \abr{DPhil} nor \abr{PhilD} get \TeX\ to
  consider the inserted final dot as signaling  an end of
  sentence spacing after the dot, which is \abr{Good}. Isn't it?}

About expandability, the correct way for \LaTeX2e's users would be to use
|\protected@edef|, not a naked |\edef|; although nowadays some
\LaTeX2e\ users have heard about |\edef|, they might not know
about |\protected@edef|, which requires a cumbersome extra
|\makeatletter| for its usage. Anyway, none of that is described in
\textsc{Lamport} book, so I wonder if \LaTeX2e users are really
\emph{allowed} into using |\edef| to start with.

But as it seems they know about |\edef|, we as macro programmers need
better to use the e-\TeX's |\protected| prefix and not the \LaTeX2e
|\DeclareRobustCommand|, because users will not do |\protected@edef|.

This is what I have done here for a macro |\abrsep| (why haven't we all
used |\abbr| by the way?) which is deliberately |\protected|,
allowing it to be redefined at location of use, long after some macro
will have been defined via |\edef\foo{\abr{ABCDEFGH}}|.

\edef\foo{\abr{ABCDEFGH}}\texttt{\string\foo\ is \meaning\foo}

\edef\foo{\abr{AaaBccCcc}}\texttt{\string\foo\ is \meaning\foo}

The |\abrend| is also |\protected|, anyway as its expansion will be
context dependent (it detects if a dot follows), it had to not expand
in the |\edef|.


请注意,我的提案 v2 和 v3 仅适用于 ascii 大写字母,不适用于变音符号。
