BibTeX 样式使用 Zotero 输出到 bib 文件的所有信息来描述不太常见的来源?

BibTeX 样式使用 Zotero 输出到 bib 文件的所有信息来描述不太常见的来源?

我还使用 Zotero 来生成 bib 文件,然后使用 BibTeX 和 Natbib 来撰写论文,并尝试寻找一种样式,最好是类似 APA 的样式,或者至少在括号引用中使用名称和年份格式,这将适用于不太常见的来源。

例如,我的一个来源是一篇博客文章。Zotero 在 bib 文件中输入了以下内容:

type = {Blog},
title = {{UGA} {Words} {You}’ve {Been} {Saying} {Wrong}},
url = {},
abstract = {Too many of us fail to respect the UGA vernacular, mispronouncing the names of the people and places that make up our UGA family, which is plain not cool. How would you like it if your own family mispronounced your name? And I mean your whole family for once, not just your aunt’s shitty […]},
language = {English},
urldate = {2018-11-09},
journal = {The Black Sheep},
author = {Goren, Ben},
month = apr,
year = {2017}

这是相当多的信息。不幸的是,在尝试了 5 种左右的样式后,它们都打印出类似以下内容:

Goren, B.,2017 年。您说错的 UGA 单词。

有时候,也会包含 URL,但是包含 URL 的 URL 也会严重破坏间距。


title = {niche, n.},
url = {},
language = {English},
urldate = {2018-11-13},
journal = {OED Online},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
month = jul,
year = {2018},


(2018) 利基,n.

很难想象这是 BibTeX 样式所能做到的最好。还有其他更好的现成处理方法吗?


您可能想尝试一下apacite书目样式(需要apacite引用管理包)。它可以识别诸如type和 之类的字段urldate。当然,如果您无法忍受apacite书目样式格式化书目条目的方式,请不要觉得必须使用这种特定的书目样式。

正如我之前在您的帖子下方的评论中提到的,没有什么可以阻止您扩充和更正 Zotero 提供的条目。例如,如果某个条目缺少authoreditor字段,请务必提供一个key字段,以便可以正确形成作者年份样式的引文标注。并且,考虑为该field = {Dictionary entry}条目添加一行,即字典条目。


key       = {OED},
type      = {Dictionary Entry},
title     = {niche, n.},
url       = {},
language  = {English},
urldate   = {2018-11-13},
journal   = {OED Online},
publisher = {OED (Oxford University Press) Online},
month     = jul,
year      = {2018},
type     = {Blog}, 
title    = {{UGA} Words You've Been Saying Wrong},
url      = {},
abstract = {Too many of us fail to respect the UGA vernacular, mispronouncing the names of the people and places that make up our UGA family, which is plain not cool. How would you like it if your own family mispronounced your name? And I mean your whole family for once, not just your aunt's shitty~\dots},
language = {English},
urldate  = {2018-11-09},
journal  = {The Black Sheep},
author   = {Goren, Ben},
month    = apr,
year     = {2017},


\citet{noauthor_niche_2018}, \citep{goren_uga_2017-1}
