
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Parameters}}                       & \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Used value}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Definition}}}                                                                                                                                 \\
\textbf{Original}             & \textbf{English translation}  &                                      & \multicolumn{1}{c}{}                                                                                                                                                                     \\
Rechenlauf fortsetzen         & Continue calculation          & No                                   & It determines whether a calculation run is to be continued. If yes, the result data from the file HYDRO\_AS 2D.CPR is transferred to the program and used as initial boundary condition. \\
Simulationszeit {[}s{]}       & Simulation time {[}s{]}       & 86400                                & It defines the simulation time in seconds                                                                                                                                                \\
Zeitintervall SMS {[}s{]}     & Time interval SMS {[}s{]}     & 8640                                 & It defines the time interval (in seconds) for the storage of area-based result data which can be visualized with the SMS program following the calculations.                             \\
Zeitintervall Q\_Strg {[}s{]} & Time interval Q\_Strg {[}s{]} & 900                                  & It defines the time interval (in seconds) for which the data of the node strings are written to the Q\_Strg.dat.                                                                         \\
Hmin                          & \multirow{5}{*}{}             & 0.01 m                               & Minimum water depth                                                                                                                                                                      \\
VELMAX                        &                               & 15 m/s                               & Maximum velocity allowed                                                                                                                                                                 \\
Amin                          &                               & 1.e-15 m\textsuperscript{2}                            & Minimum element size allowed for calculating the internal calculation time step                                                                                                          \\
CMUVISC                       &                               & 0.60                                 & Coefficient cm in the viscosity formula                                                                                                                                                  \\
SCF                           &                               & 1.00                                 & Coefficient for the additional acceleration of the calculation process       \\




  • 使用booktabs包装以获得更好的间距

  • 使用siunitx包来正确获取值和单位之间的空间

  • 使用tabularx将表格保持在可用的文本宽度内,你的表格要宽得多

  • 细分中间规则

  • 您的参数似乎是一些变量的名称?我会用打字机字体或小写字母来写它们。

  • 将列左对齐。在非常窄的列中对齐文本永远不会看起来好看

  • 如果单位是使用值的参数名称的一部分,则可以混合使用。我不了解你的程序,所以不知道正确的方法是什么,但要保持一致

  • 使用以下方法使表格内容与规则对齐@{}





\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Parameters\hspace{1em}}} & & \\
\textbf{Original} & \textbf{English translation} & \textbf{Used value} & \textbf{Definition} \\

\cmidrule(r){1-2} \cmidrule(lr){3-3} \cmidrule(l){4-4}

Rechenlauf fortsetzen & Continue calculation & No & It determines whether a calculation run is to be continued. If yes, the result data from the file \texttt{HYDRO\_AS 2D.CPR} is transferred to the program and used as initial boundary condition. \\

Simulationszeit & Simulation time & \SI{86400}{s} & It defines the simulation time in seconds \\

Zeitintervall \texttt{SMS} & Time interval \texttt{SMS} & \SI{8640}{s} & It defines the time interval (in seconds) for the storage of area-based result data which can be visualized with the \texttt{SMS} program following the calculations. \\

Zeitintervall \texttt{Q\_Strg} & Time interval \texttt{Q\_Strg} & \SI{900}{s} & It defines the time interval (in seconds) for which the data of the node strings are written to the \texttt{Q\_Strg.dat}. \\

Hmin & \multirow{5}{*}{} & \SI{0.01}{m} & Minimum water depth \\

\texttt{VELMAX} & & \SI{15}{m/s} & Maximum velocity allowed \\

Amin & & \SI{e-15}{\meter\square} & Minimum element size allowed for calculating the internal calculation time step \\

\texttt{CMUVISC} & & 0.60 & Coefficient cm in the viscosity formula \\

\texttt{SCF} & & 1.00 & Coefficient for the additional acceleration of the calculation process \\




这里有一个与 @samcarter 发布的解决方案非常相似的解决方案。例如,它使用环境tabularx,不完全对齐单元格内容,并使用包的宏num\si和来显示数字、科学单位以及数字和相关单位的组合。\SIsiunitx


  • 第 3 列不允许换行
  • 第 1 列和第 2 列单元格内容的自动悬挂缩进
  • 标题单元格无粗体显示
  • 第 4 列中的语言更加简洁
  • 使用\path宏(由url包提供)排版文件名
  • 使用,(逗号)作为 4 位或更多位数字的千位分隔符


\usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} % set page parameters suitably
\usepackage[hyphens,spaces,obeyspaces]{url} % for '\path' macro
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} *{2}{P{2.2cm}}lL @{}}
\multicolumn{2}{c}{Parameters} & Used value & Definition \\
Original & English translation \\
Rechenlauf fortsetzen & Continue calculation & No & Determines whether a calculation run is to be continued. If yes, result data from the file \path{HYDRO_AS 2D.CPR} is transferred to program and used as initial boundary condition \\
Simulations\-zeit [\si{\second}] & Simulation time [\si{\second}] & \num{86400}  & Simulation time, in seconds \\
Zeitintervall SMS [\si{\second}]& Time interval SMS [\si{\second}] & \num{8640} & Time interval (in seconds) for storage of area-based result data which can be visualized with the SMS program following the calculations \\
Zeitintervall Q\_Strg [\si{\second}] & Time interval Q\_Strg [\si{\second}] & \num{900}  & Time interval (in seconds) for which the data of the node strings are written to \path{Q_Strg.dat} \\
Hmin               & & \SI{0.01}{\meter} & Minimum water depth \\
VELMAX             & & \SI{15}{\meter\per\second} & Maximum velocity allowed   \\
Amin               & & \SI{e-15}{\meter\squared} & Minimum element size allowed for calculating the internal calculation time step \\
CMUVISC            & & \num{0.60} & Coefficient cm in viscosity formula \\
SCF                & & \num{1.00} & Coefficient for  additional acceleration of calculation process \\


这是一个稍微偏离主题的答案,因为其他人已经比我更好地介绍了 TeX 方面,而我专注于写作。




\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Parameters}}                       & \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Used value}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Definition}}}                                                                                                                                 \\
\textbf{Original}             & \textbf{English translation}  &                                      & \multicolumn{1}{c}{}                                                                                                                                                                     \\
Rechenlauf fortsetzen         & \raggedright Continue calculation          & No                     & Whether calculation run is to be continued. If yes, results from file \texttt{HYDRO\_AS 2D.CPR} are transferred to the program and used as initial condition. \\
Simulationszeit {[}s{]}       & Simulation time {[}s{]}       & 86400                                & Simulation time (in seconds)                                                                                                                                                \\
Zeitintervall SMS {[}s{]}     & Time interval SMS {[}s{]}     & 8640                                 & Time interval (in seconds) for storage of area-based results which can subsequently be visualized with the SMS program.                             \\
Zeitintervall Q\_Strg {[}s{]} & Time interval Q\_Strg {[}s{]} & 900                                  & Time interval (in seconds) for which  data of the node strings are written to \texttt{Q\_Strg.dat}.                                                                         \\
Hmin                          & \multirow{5}{*}{}             & 0.01 m                               & Minimum water depth                                                                                                                                                                      \\
VELMAX                        &                               & 15 m/s                               & Maximum velocity                                                                                                                                                                  \\
Amin                          &                               & 1.e-15 m\textsuperscript{2}          & Minimum element size for calculating internal calculation time step                                                                                                          \\
CMUVISC                       &                               & 0.60                                 & Coefficient cm in  viscosity formula                                                                                                                                                  \\
SCF                           &                               & 1.00                                 & Coefficient for  additional acceleration of  calculation process       \\

