\captionsetup{justification=centering,singlelinecheck=false,labelfont=sc,labelsep = newline}
Security Level & Security Mode & Protection\\\hline
0 & No Security &\vtop{\hbox{\strut Data is not encrypted}\hbox{\strut Data authenticity is not validated}}\\\hline
1 & AES-CBC-MAC-32 &\vtop{\hbox{\strut Data is not encrypted}\hbox{\strut Data authenticity using a 32-bit MIC}}\\\hline
2 & AES-CBC-MAC-64 &\vtop{\hbox{\strut Data is not encrypted}\hbox{\strut Data authenticity using 64-bit MIC}}\\\hline
3 & AES-CBC-MAC-128 &\vtop{\hbox{\strut Data is not encrypted}\hbox{\strut Data authenticity using 128-bit MIC}}\\\hline
4 & AES-CTR &\vtop{\hbox{\strut Data is encrypted}\hbox{\strut Data authenticity is not validated}}\\\hline
5 & AES-CCM-32 &\vtop{\hbox{\strut Data is encrypted}\hbox{\strut Data authenticity using a 32-bit MIC}}\\\hline
6 & AES-CCM-64 &\vtop{\hbox{\strut Data is encrypted}\hbox{\strut Data authenticity using a 64-bit MIC}}\\\hline
7 & AES-CCM-128 &\vtop{\hbox{\strut Data is encrypted}\hbox{\strut Data authenticity using a 128-bit MIC}}\\\hline
\caption{\label{tab:tab1} {Security modes in the IEEE802.15.4e Standard. \cite{19}}}
\usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}
\captionsetup{justification=centering,singlelinecheck=false,labelfont=sc,labelsep = newline}
Security Level & Security Mode & Protection \\
0 & No Security & Data is not encrypted \newline Data authenticity is not validated \\
1 & AES-CBC-MAC-32 & Data is not encrypted \newline Data authenticity using a 32-bit MIC \\
2 & AES-CBC-MAC-64 & Data is not encrypted \newline Data authenticity using 64-bit MIC \\
3 & AES-CBC-MAC-128 & Data is not encrypted \newline Data authenticity using 128-bit MIC \\
4 & AES-CTR & Data is encrypted \newline Data authenticity is not validated \\
5 & AES-CCM-32 & Data is encrypted \newline Data authenticity using a 32-bit MIC \\
6 & AES-CCM-64 & Data is encrypted \newline Data authenticity using a 64-bit MIC \\
7 & AES-CCM-128 & Data is encrypted \newline Data authenticity using a 128-bit MIC \\
\caption{\label{tab:tab1} {Security modes in the IEEE802.15.4e Standard. \cite{19}}}