下面的代码结果是一个很长的表格,它不适合一页。我想把它分成两部分,但使用 longtable 和 \pagebreak 会使表格混乱,无法将其分成两部分。任何解决方案都将不胜感激!谢谢!
\caption{Global parameters HYDRO\_FT-2D}
{\textbf{Parameters\hspace{1em}}} & & \\
\textbf{Original} & \textbf{English translation} & \textbf{Used value} & \textbf{Definition} \\
\cmidrule(r){1-2} \cmidrule(lr){3-3} \cmidrule(l){4-4}
Stofftransport- formel & Sediment transport fromula & MPM & To select the formula fro computing sediment transport. \\
Rauheitsermit-tlung & Roughness determination & a & This option shows the way in which roughness could be calculated. a = $\theta_c_r \quad \& \quad k_b$ (by default from \texttt{SMS}). \\
Schubspannun-gsschwankun-gen & Shear stress fluctuations & Off & To select whether the shear stress fluctuations will be considered or not. \\
$\theta\textsubscript{cr}$ & & 0.047 & Critical Shields parameter \\
SCG\textsubscript{Formel} & & 1 & Scaling factor for sediment transport formula (equation \ref{eq:MPM}) \\
CF\textsubscript{Quergef\"alle} & & 0 & Coefficient $c_f_\theta$ for consideration of the transport direction on inclined surfaces \\
A\textsubscript{r} & & 8 & Coefficient $A_r$ for consideration of river curves \\
SCFG & & 1 & Scaling factor for the additional acceleration of the calculation process \\
DZ\textsubscript{max} & & 0.05 m & Parameters for the maximum allowed riverbed change during one time step\\
\tau\textsubscript{max} & & 500 N/m\textsuperscript{2} & Parameter for the maximum allowed bottom shear stress\\
c\textsubscript{max} & & 100 kg/s & Parameter for the maximum allowed sediment concentration\\
Sc\textsubscript{t} & & \num{0.70} & Turbulent Schmidt number\\
pal und pul & & 1 and 4 & Parameter for controlling riverbed layers\\
\rho\textsubscript{s} & & 2650 kg/m\textsuperscript{3} & Sediment density\\
n\textsubscript{p} & & \num{0.36} & Porosity\\
\phi & & 37 \degree & Internal friction angle for underwater material\\
Y\textsubscript{cr} & & 37 \degree& Internal friction angle for dry material\\
NF & & \num{8} and in single grain variant 1& Number of sediment fractions\\
d\textsubscript{i,m} & & - & Average size of used sediment fractions\\
\caption{Global parameters HYDRO\_FT-2D\label{tab:globalparametershydroFT}}\\\toprule
\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf{Parameters}\quad} & & \\\cmidrule(r){1-2}
\textbf{Original} & \textbf{English translation} & \textbf{Used value} & \textbf{Definition}\\
\cmidrule(r){1-2} \cmidrule(lr){3-3} \cmidrule(l){4-4}
Stofftransport- formel & Sediment transport fromula & MPM & To select the formula fro
computing sediment transport. \\
Rauheitsermittlung & Roughness determination & a & This option shows the way in which
roughness could be calculated. a = $\theta_{c_r} \quad \& \quad k_b$
(by default from \texttt{SMS}). \\
Schubspannungsschwankungen & Shear stress fluctuations & Off & To select whether the
shear stress fluctuations will be considered or not. \\
$\theta^{\text{cr}}$ & & 0.047 & Critical Shields parameter \\
SCG\textsubscript{Formel} & & 1 & Scaling factor for sediment transport formula (equation
\ref{eq:MPM}) \\
CF\textsubscript{Quergef\"alle} & & 0 & Coefficient $c_{f_\theta}$ for consideration of the
transport direction on inclined surfaces \\
A\textsubscript{r} & & 8 & Coefficient $A_r$ for consideration of river curves \\
SCFG & & 1 & Scaling factor for the additional acceleration of the calculation process \\
DZ\textsubscript{max} & & 0.05 m & Parameters for the maximum allowed riverbed change
during one time step\\
$\tau^\text{max}$ & & 500 N/m\textsuperscript{2} & Parameter for the maximum allowed
bottom shear stress\\
c\textsubscript{max} & & 100 kg/s & Parameter for the maximum allowed sediment concentration\\
Sc\textsubscript{t} & & \num{0.70} & Turbulent Schmidt number\\
pal und pul & & 1 and 4 & Parameter for controlling riverbed layers\\
$\rho^{\text{s}}$ & & 2650 kg/m\textsuperscript{3} & Sediment density\\
n\textsubscript{p} & & \num{0.36} & Porosity\\
$\phi$ & & 37 \textdegree & Internal friction angle for underwater material\\
Y\textsubscript{cr} & & 37 \textdegree& Internal friction angle for dry material\\
NF & & \num{8} and in single grain variant 1& Number of sediment fractions\\
d\textsubscript{i,m} & & - & Average size of used sediment fractions\\