在 TikZ 中绘制一个盒子 - 一个边比其他边更靠近观察者 - 带有透视(版本 2)

在 TikZ 中绘制一个盒子 - 一个边比其他边更靠近观察者 - 带有透视(版本 2)

在下面的代码中,一个盒子以透视方式呈现。我希望尺寸比例为 3:4:12。进入页面的边应该是最短的。






%\clip (-3,-3) rectangle (3,3);
\coordinate (top_front) at (0,0);
\coordinate (bottom_front) at (0,-3);
\coordinate (top_right) at (15:2.5cm);
\coordinate (top_left) at (165:2.5cm);

%You can change the perspective by playing with the 5, 5, 15:
\coordinate (front_right) at ($(top_front)!3!(top_right)$);
\coordinate (front_left) at ($(top_front)!5!(top_left)$);
\coordinate (front_bottom) at ($(top_front)!6!(bottom_front)$);

\path[name path=bottom_right_path] (bottom_front) -- (front_right);   
\path[name path=right_back_path] (top_right) -- (front_bottom);
\path[name path=back_left_path] (bottom_front) -- (front_left);
\path[name path=left_back_path] (top_left) -- (front_bottom);
\path[name path=top_right_path] (top_left) -- (front_right);
\path[name path=top_left_path] (top_right) -- (front_left);

\coordinate[name intersections={of=bottom_right_path and right_back_path, by=back_right}];
\coordinate[name intersections={of=back_left_path and left_back_path, by=back_left}];
\coordinate[name intersections={of=top_right_path and top_left_path, by=top_back}];

%The bottom-back vertex of the cube is located.
\path[name path=bottom_left_path] (back_left) -- (front_right);
\path[name path=back_right_path] (back_right) -- (front_left);
\coordinate[name intersections={of=bottom_left_path and back_right_path, by=bottom_back}];
\draw[dashed] (back_left) -- (bottom_back);
\draw [dashed](back_right) -- (bottom_back);
\draw[dashed] (top_back) -- (bottom_back);

%A diagonal on a face of the box is labeled.
\path[draw,dashed] (top_left)--(bottom_front)node[midway, above, sloped, font=\scriptsize]{face diagonal};
\draw[dashed,blue] (back_right) -- (top_left)node[midway, sloped, above, font=\scriptsize]{box diagonal};

%\shade[right color=gray!10, left color=black!50, shading angle=105] (top_front) -- (bottom_front) -- (back_left) -- (top_left) -- cycle;
%\shade[left color=gray!10, right color=black!50, shading angle=75] (top_front) -- (bottom_front) -- (back_right) -- (top_right) -- cycle;
\clip (top_front) -- (top_right) -- (top_back) -- (top_left) -- cycle;
\shade[inner color = gray!5, outer color=black!50, shading=radial] (top_front) ellipse (3cm and 1.5cm);

\draw (top_front) -- (bottom_front);
\draw (top_front) -- (top_right);
\draw (top_front) -- (top_left);
\draw (top_right) -- (back_right);
\draw (bottom_front) -- (back_right);
\draw (top_left) -- (back_left);
\draw (bottom_front) -- (back_left);
\draw (top_back) -- (top_right);
\draw (top_back) -- (top_left);




你可以通过以下方式实现Max 的精彩回答。我明白我们意见不一,但正如 AndréC 指出的那样, “科学中思想的碰撞是必要的”。所以,即使你不喜欢 Max 的出色宏,或者觉得它们没有必要,这个答案也适用于其他有类似问题的人。在我看来,Max 的方法已经取代了较早的答案由 Jan Hlavacek 发起,这在当时是朝着正确方向迈出的一大步。

% Max magic https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/447120/121799
% the first part is not in use here
  grid source opposite corners/.code args={#1and#2}{%
  grid target corners/.code args={#1--#2--#3--#4}{%


% Initialize H matrix for perspective view

%Initialize H matrix for main rotation

    /three point perspective/.cd,
        p/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
                \pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@da{ 1/#1}
                \coordinate (vp-p) at (#1,#2,#3);
        q/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
                \pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@db{ 1/#2}
                \coordinate (vp-q) at (#1,#2,#3);
        r/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
                \pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@dc{ 1/#3}
                \coordinate (vp-r) at (#1,#2,#3);
        coordinate/.code args={#1,#2,#3}{
           \pgfmathsetmacro\tpp@x{#1} %<- Max' fix

    view/.code 2 args={
        % Row 1
        % Row 2
        % Row 3
        % Set vector values
        % Set pgf vectors
        \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@x@x cm}{\vec@x@y cm}}
        \pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@y@x cm}{\vec@y@y cm}}
        \pgfsetzvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@z@x cm}{\vec@z@y cm}}

    perspective/.code={\pgfkeys{/three point perspective/.cd,#1}},

\tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{three point perspective}{
    \pgfkeys{/three point perspective/.cd,coordinate={#1}}
    \pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@w{\H@tpp@da*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@db*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@dc*\tpp@z + 1}
    \pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@x{(\H@tpp@aa*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@ab*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@ac*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
    \pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@y{(\H@tpp@ba*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@bb*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@bc*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
    \pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@z{(\H@tpp@ca*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@cb*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@cc*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
\tikzaliascoordinatesystem{tpp}{three point perspective}


\foreach \X in {-87,-84,...,-3}
{  \tdplotsetmaincoords{70}{\X}
  \path[use as bounding box] (-6,-2) rectangle (6,10);
                p = {(4,0,1.5)},
                q = {(0,4,1.5)},
  \begin{scope} % top face
   \draw[clip]   (tpp cs:0,0,1) coordinate (top_front)
  -- (tpp cs:1,0,1) coordinate (top_right)
   -- (tpp cs:1,1,1) coordinate (top_back)
   -- (tpp cs:0,1,1) coordinate (top_left) --
    \shade[inner color = gray!5, outer color=black!50, shading=radial] (top_front) ellipse (3cm and 1.5cm);
  % right face  
  \draw   (top_front) -- (top_right) -- (tpp cs:1,0,0) coordinate (bottom_right)
  -- (tpp cs:0,0,0)  coordinate (bottom_front) --   cycle;
  % top face  
  \draw   (top_front) -- (top_left) -- (tpp cs:0,1,0) coordinate (bottom_left)
  -- (bottom_front) --  cycle;
  % your midway coordinates with Max perspective coordinate system
  \coordinate (front_right) at (tpp cs:0.5,0,1);
  \coordinate (front_left) at (tpp cs:0,0.5,1);
  \coordinate (front_bottom) at (tpp cs:0,0,0.5);


正如您所要求的。框的尺寸存储在宏\boxX\boxY和 中\boxZ。当然,在这里获得所需的输出需要稍微多一点的努力,因为除了定义视图(或旋转)的两个角度之外,您还需要调整透视参数。

% Max magic https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/447120/121799
% the first part is not in use here
  grid source opposite corners/.code args={#1and#2}{%
  grid target corners/.code args={#1--#2--#3--#4}{%


% Initialize H matrix for perspective view

%Initialize H matrix for main rotation

    /three point perspective/.cd,
        p/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
                \pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@da{ 1/#1}
                \coordinate (vp-p) at (#1,#2,#3);
        q/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
                \pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@db{ 1/#2}
                \coordinate (vp-q) at (#1,#2,#3);
        r/.code args={(#1,#2,#3)}{
                \pgfmathsetmacro\H@tpp@dc{ 1/#3}
                \coordinate (vp-r) at (#1,#2,#3);
        coordinate/.code args={#1,#2,#3}{
           \pgfmathsetmacro\tpp@x{#1} %<- Max' fix

    view/.code 2 args={
        % Row 1
        % Row 2
        % Row 3
        % Set vector values
        % Set pgf vectors
        \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@x@x cm}{\vec@x@y cm}}
        \pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@y@x cm}{\vec@y@y cm}}
        \pgfsetzvec{\pgfpoint{\vec@z@x cm}{\vec@z@y cm}}

    perspective/.code={\pgfkeys{/three point perspective/.cd,#1}},

\tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem{three point perspective}{
    \pgfkeys{/three point perspective/.cd,coordinate={#1}}
    \pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@w{\H@tpp@da*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@db*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@dc*\tpp@z + 1}
    \pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@x{(\H@tpp@aa*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@ab*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@ac*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
    \pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@y{(\H@tpp@ba*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@bb*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@bc*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
    \pgfmathsetmacro\temp@p@z{(\H@tpp@ca*\tpp@x + \H@tpp@cb*\tpp@y + \H@tpp@cc*\tpp@z)/\temp@p@w}
\tikzaliascoordinatesystem{tpp}{three point perspective}


                p = {(4,0,1.5)},
                q = {(0,4,1.5)},
  \begin{scope} % top face
   \draw[clip]   (tpp cs:0,0,\boxZ) coordinate (top_front)
  -- (tpp cs:\boxX,0,\boxZ) coordinate (top_right)
   -- (tpp cs:\boxX,\boxY,\boxZ) coordinate (top_back)
   -- (tpp cs:0,\boxY,\boxZ) coordinate (top_left) --
    \shade[inner color = gray!5, outer color=black!50, shading=radial] 
    (top_front) ellipse (3cm and 1.5cm);
  % right face  
  \draw   (top_front) -- (top_right) -- (tpp cs:\boxX,0,0) coordinate (bottom_right)
  -- (tpp cs:0,0,0)  coordinate (bottom_front) --   cycle;
  % top face  
  \draw   (top_front) -- (top_left) -- (tpp cs:0,\boxY,0) coordinate (bottom_left)
  -- (bottom_front) --  cycle;
                p = {(4,0,1.5)},
                q = {(0,4,1.5)},
  \begin{scope} % top face
   \draw[clip]   (tpp cs:0,0,\boxZ) coordinate (top_front)
  -- (tpp cs:\boxX,0,\boxZ) coordinate (top_right)
   -- (tpp cs:\boxX,\boxY,\boxZ) coordinate (top_back)
   -- (tpp cs:0,\boxY,\boxZ) coordinate (top_left) --
    \shade[inner color = gray!5, outer color=black!50, shading=radial] 
    (top_front) ellipse (3cm and 1.5cm);
  % right face  
  \draw   (top_front) -- (top_right) -- (tpp cs:\boxX,0,0) coordinate (bottom_right)
  -- (tpp cs:0,0,0)  coordinate (bottom_front) --   cycle;
  % top face  
  \draw   (top_front) -- (top_left) -- (tpp cs:0,\boxY,0) coordinate (bottom_left)
  -- (bottom_front) --  cycle;

