我的 MWE:
\colorbox{green}{A \raisebox {0.35ex} {\tikz{\draw [double equal sign distance, -{Straight Barb[round, angle=60:1.5pt 1]}] (0,0) --++ (0.3,0)}} B \qquad C \raisebox {0.35ex} {\tikz{\draw[implies-implies,double equal sign distance,{Straight Barb[round, angle=60:1.5pt 1]}-{Straight Barb[round, angle=60:1.5pt 1]}] (0,0) -- (0.4,0);}} D}
\colorbox{green}{A $\Rightarrow$ B \qquad C $\Leftrightarrow$ D}
并加载XITS Math
. 或lualatex
在 macOS 上运行
\colorbox{green}{A $\Rightarrow$ B \qquad C $\Leftrightarrow$ D}
*File List*
standalone.cls 2018/03/26 v1.3a Class to compile TeX sub-files standalone
shellesc.sty 2016/06/07 v0.02a unified shell escape interface for LaTeX
ifluatex.sty 2016/05/16 v1.4 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
ifpdf.sty 2018/09/07 v3.3 Provides the ifpdf switch
ifxetex.sty 2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional
xkeyval.sty 2014/12/03 v2.7a package option processing (HA)
xkeyval.tex 2014/12/03 v2.7a key=value parser (HA)
standalone.cfg 2018/03/26 v1.3a Default configuration file for 'standalone'
article.cls 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
size10.clo 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
libertinus.sty 2018/09/03 v. 0.01 (Herbert Voss) Supports libertinus fonts f
or pdflatex/lualatex/xelatex
libertinus-otf.sty 2018/11/18 v. 0.13 (Herbert Voss and Bob Tennent) Support
s libertinus fonts for lualatex and xelatex.
textcomp.sty 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX package
ts1enc.def 2001/06/05 v3.0e (jk/car/fm) Standard LaTeX file
unicode-math.sty 2018/07/29 vv0.8m Unicode maths in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
expl3.sty 2018-11-19 L3 programming layer (loader)
expl3-code.tex 2018-11-19 L3 programming layer
unicode-math-xetex.sty 2018/07/29 vv0.8m Unicode maths in XeLaTeX and LuaLaT
xparse.sty 2018-10-17 L3 Experimental document command parser
l3keys2e.sty 2018-10-17 LaTeX2e option processing using LaTeX3 keys
fontspec.sty 2018/07/30 vv2.6h Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
fontspec-xetex.sty 2018/07/30 vv2.6h Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
tuenc.def 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX file
filehook.sty 2011/10/12 v0.5d Hooks for input files
fix-cm.sty 2015/01/14 v1.1t fixes to LaTeX
ts1enc.def 2001/06/05 v3.0e (jk/car/fm) Standard LaTeX file
xcolor.sty 2016/05/11 v2.12 LaTeX color extensions (UK)
color.cfg 2016/01/02 v1.6 sample color configuration
xetex.def 2017/06/24 v5.0h Graphics/color driver for xetex