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\NameTag{Singh, \today}
The range of Strain transducer was +/- 4000 micro-strain, sensitivity = 500 micro-strain/Vout/Vext with accuracy < +/- 1 percent.
Based on theoretical simulation of the bridge using MATLAB, strain gages were placed at critical locations as shown in Fig. \ref{fig:sensorloc}.
%\begin{figure}[p !]
\caption{Location of sensors}
\section{Observations and calculations}
The details of trains for which strains have been measured have been shown in Table \ref{tab:train_run}.
\caption{Details of trains instrumented for Fatigue life estimation}
Date& Run No& Train details& Engine details& Time (Hrs)& Speed (Kmph) \\
18.06.16& 1& 59 BOXN Empty Goods& 27540WAG7& 13:03& 20 to 5 to 20 \\
-do-& 2& 12347 Up Howrah Rampurhat Exp& 16225R/WDM3A& 13:35& 20 \\
-do-& 3& 12369 Up Upasana Exp& 22650/WAP4& 14:18& 20 \\
-do-& 4& 11448 Up Shaktipunj Exp& 22531/WAP4& 14:26& 20 \\
-do-& 5& 59 BXNHS Loaded Goods& 27537/WAG7& 14:46& 20 \\
19.06.16& 1& 13151 Up Jammu Tawi Exp& 22906/WAP4& 13:19& 20 \\
-do-& 2& 12347 Up Howrah Rampurhat Exp& 14006R/WDM3A& 13:28& 20 \\
-do-& 3& 58 BOXN Loaded Goods& 24693/WAG9& 14:00& 5 to 20 \\
\caption{Cumulative GMT of Up Howrah-Barddhaman Chord line between Saktigarh and Barddhaman}
\label{tab:GMT} \\
Year &Annual GMT&Annual GMT per line&Cum GMT\\
1996-97& 38& 19& 480.155\\
1997-98& 41& 20.5& 500.655\\
1998-99& 42& 21& 521.655\\
1999-00& 42& 21& 542.655\\
2000-01& 40& 20& 562.655\\
2001-02& 43& 21.5& 584.155\\
2002-03& 42& 21& 605.155\\
2003-04& 42& 21& 626.155\\
2004-05& 44& 22& 648.155\\
2005-06& 47& 23.5& 671.655\\
2006-07& 46& 23& 694.655\\
2007-08& 50& 25& 719.655\\
2008-09& 58& 29& 748.655\\
2009-10& 62& 31& 779.655\\
2010-11& 63& 31.5& 811.155\\
2011-12& 60& 30& 841.155\\
2012-13& 62& 31& 872.155\\
2013-14& 63& 31.5& 903.655\\
2014-15& 63& 31.5& 935.155\\
2015-16& 63& 31.5& 966.655\\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{Note: Data obtained from Track Modernization Cell of Eastern Railway}
Sample calculation of effective cycles for the critical member i.e. cross girder (Strain gauge no. 2289) has been furnished in Table \ref{tab:SampleCalc}.
\caption{Sample calculation of effective cycles for cross girder}
Stress range in N/mm2&No. of observed effective cycles from Rain flow histogram (say a)&No. of modified effective cycles (ni) = ax(68/8)x1.4)&No. of theoretical cycles (Ni) as per S-N curve x $10^6$ \\
0-10& 117& 1392& 3990.00 \\
10-20& 91& 1083& 498.75 \\
20-30& 1& 11.9& 147.78 \\
30-40& 2& 23.8& 62.34 \\
40-50& 2& 23.8& 31.92 \\
From Table \ref{tab:reslifeeuro3}, it is seen that stringers (after replacement) are still the critical members from fatigue considerations with residual fatigue life of 169 years.
\caption{Calculation of residual life from Fatigue considerations using S-N curve in Eurocode 3}
\multirow{3}{*}{Member} & \multirow{3}{*}{Strain} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Observed ni for 8 trains (5 Pass + 3 Goods)} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Equated for 68 trains (48 Pass + 20 Goods)} & {Damage} & {Total} & {Residual} \\
& & 0-10 & 10-20 & 20-30 & 30-40 & 40-50 & 0-10 & 10-20 & 20-30 & 30-40 & 40-50 & {per} & {life} & {life} \\
& Gauge & 35563 & 1111 & 146.35 & 34.73 & 11.38 & 35563 & 1111 & 146.35 & 34.73 & 11.38 & {Day(D)} \\
\multirow{1}{*}{Top chord} & 2897 & 125 & 4 & 3 & 1 & & 1488 & 47.6 & 35.7 & 11.9 & 0 & 0.3426 & 2399 & 2307 \\
Vertical & 2895 & 18 & & & & & 214.2 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & - & - \\
\multirow{1}{*}{Diagonal} & 2892 & 92 & 1 & 2 & & & 1095 & 11.9 & 23.8 & 0 & 0 & 0 & - & - \\
\multirow{1}{*}{End raker} & 2829 & 36 & 0 & 2 & 1 & & 428.4 & 0 & 23.8 & 11.9 & 0 & 0.3426 & 2399 & 2307 \\
\multirow{1}{*}{Bottom chord} & 2891 & 109 & 9 & & & & 1297 & 107 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & - & - \\
\multirow{1}{*}{Cross girder} & 2889 & 117 & 91 & 1 & 2 & 2 & 1392 & 1083 & 11.9 & 23.8 & 23.8 & 2.7767 & 296 & 204 \\
\multirow{1}{*}{Stringers} & 2890 & 107 & 111 & 1 & 2 & 4 & 1273 & 1321 & 11.9 & 23.8 & 47.6 & 4.8681 & 169 & 167* \\
\hline\hline \\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{*Not reduced as Stringers have been recently changed.} \\
\multicolumn{9}{l}{Theoretical cycles below 32MPa (stress below cut-off limit) have not been considered.}
For this kind of cycle the maximum stress is equal to the minimum stress but completely opposite in nature i.e. $\sigma _m$ = 0 as shown Fig. \ref{fig:revcycle}.
\caption{Experimental Setup of High Cycle Fatigue test}
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使用 加载包\AtBeginDocument{}
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\usepackage{enumerate}% http://ctan.org/pkg/enumerate
%%Tables preamble
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\usepackage{lipsum} % just for dummy text- not needed for a longtable
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
\NameTag{Singh, \today}
The range of Strain transducer was +/- 4000 micro-strain, sensitivity = 500 micro-strain/Vout/Vext with accuracy < +/- 1 percent.
Based on theoretical simulation of the bridge using MATLAB, strain gages were placed at critical locations as shown in Fig. \ref{fig:sensorloc}.
%\begin{figure}[p !]
\caption{Location of sensors}
\section{Observations and calculations}
The details of trains for which strains have been measured have been shown in Table \ref{tab:train_run}.
\caption{Details of trains instrumented for Fatigue life estimation}
Date& Run No& Train details& Engine details& Time (Hrs)& Speed (Kmph) \\
18.06.16& 1& 59 BOXN Empty Goods& 27540WAG7& 13:03& 20 to 5 to 20 \\
-do-& 2& 12347 Up Howrah Rampurhat Exp& 16225R/WDM3A& 13:35& 20 \\
-do-& 3& 12369 Up Upasana Exp& 22650/WAP4& 14:18& 20 \\
-do-& 4& 11448 Up Shaktipunj Exp& 22531/WAP4& 14:26& 20 \\
-do-& 5& 59 BXNHS Loaded Goods& 27537/WAG7& 14:46& 20 \\
19.06.16& 1& 13151 Up Jammu Tawi Exp& 22906/WAP4& 13:19& 20 \\
-do-& 2& 12347 Up Howrah Rampurhat Exp& 14006R/WDM3A& 13:28& 20 \\
-do-& 3& 58 BOXN Loaded Goods& 24693/WAG9& 14:00& 5 to 20 \\
\caption{Cumulative GMT of Up Howrah-Barddhaman Chord line between Saktigarh and Barddhaman}
\label{tab:GMT} \\
Year &Annual GMT&Annual GMT per line&Cum GMT\\
1996-97& 38& 19& 480.155\\
1997-98& 41& 20.5& 500.655\\
1998-99& 42& 21& 521.655\\
1999-00& 42& 21& 542.655\\
2000-01& 40& 20& 562.655\\
2001-02& 43& 21.5& 584.155\\
2002-03& 42& 21& 605.155\\
2003-04& 42& 21& 626.155\\
2004-05& 44& 22& 648.155\\
2005-06& 47& 23.5& 671.655\\
2006-07& 46& 23& 694.655\\
2007-08& 50& 25& 719.655\\
2008-09& 58& 29& 748.655\\
2009-10& 62& 31& 779.655\\
2010-11& 63& 31.5& 811.155\\
2011-12& 60& 30& 841.155\\
2012-13& 62& 31& 872.155\\
2013-14& 63& 31.5& 903.655\\
2014-15& 63& 31.5& 935.155\\
2015-16& 63& 31.5& 966.655\\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{Note: Data obtained from Track Modernization Cell of Eastern Railway}
Sample calculation of effective cycles for the critical member i.e. cross girder (Strain gauge no. 2289) has been furnished in Table \ref{tab:SampleCalc}.
\caption{Sample calculation of effective cycles for cross girder}
Stress range in N/mm2&No. of observed effective cycles from Rain flow histogram (say a)&No. of modified effective cycles (ni) = ax(68/8)x1.4)&No. of theoretical cycles (Ni) as per S-N curve x $10^6$ \\
0-10& 117& 1392& 3990.00 \\
10-20& 91& 1083& 498.75 \\
20-30& 1& 11.9& 147.78 \\
30-40& 2& 23.8& 62.34 \\
40-50& 2& 23.8& 31.92 \\
From Table \ref{tab:reslifeeuro3}, it is seen that stringers (after replacement) are still the critical members from fatigue considerations with residual fatigue life of 169 years.
\caption{Calculation of residual life from Fatigue considerations using S-N curve in Eurocode 3}
\multirow{3}{*}{Member} & \multirow{3}{*}{Strain} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Observed ni for 8 trains (5 Pass + 3 Goods)} & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Equated for 68 trains (48 Pass + 20 Goods)} & {Damage} & {Total} & {Residual} \\
& & 0-10 & 10-20 & 20-30 & 30-40 & 40-50 & 0-10 & 10-20 & 20-30 & 30-40 & 40-50 & {per} & {life} & {life} \\
& Gauge & 35563 & 1111 & 146.35 & 34.73 & 11.38 & 35563 & 1111 & 146.35 & 34.73 & 11.38 & {Day(D)} \\
\multirow{1}{*}{Top chord} & 2897 & 125 & 4 & 3 & 1 & & 1488 & 47.6 & 35.7 & 11.9 & 0 & 0.3426 & 2399 & 2307 \\
Vertical & 2895 & 18 & & & & & 214.2 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & - & - \\
\multirow{1}{*}{Diagonal} & 2892 & 92 & 1 & 2 & & & 1095 & 11.9 & 23.8 & 0 & 0 & 0 & - & - \\
\multirow{1}{*}{End raker} & 2829 & 36 & 0 & 2 & 1 & & 428.4 & 0 & 23.8 & 11.9 & 0 & 0.3426 & 2399 & 2307 \\
\multirow{1}{*}{Bottom chord} & 2891 & 109 & 9 & & & & 1297 & 107 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & - & - \\
\multirow{1}{*}{Cross girder} & 2889 & 117 & 91 & 1 & 2 & 2 & 1392 & 1083 & 11.9 & 23.8 & 23.8 & 2.7767 & 296 & 204 \\
\multirow{1}{*}{Stringers} & 2890 & 107 & 111 & 1 & 2 & 4 & 1273 & 1321 & 11.9 & 23.8 & 47.6 & 4.8681 & 169 & 167* \\
\hline\hline \\
\multicolumn{5}{l}{*Not reduced as Stringers have been recently changed.} \\
\multicolumn{9}{l}{Theoretical cycles below 32MPa (stress below cut-off limit) have not been considered.}
For this kind of cycle the maximum stress is equal to the minimum stress but completely opposite in nature i.e. $\sigma _m$ = 0 as shown Fig. \ref{fig:revcycle}.
\caption{Experimental Setup of High Cycle Fatigue test}