在 tikz 环境中对齐两个图表

在 tikz 环境中对齐两个图表

我已经使用 TikZ 包分别创建了图表,现在我想让它们在一个图中左右显示并带有标题。


      \node[fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50,ellipse] (n6) at  (0,-0.5)  {$6=(e,w,w)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n4) at (-3.5,2.5)  {$4=(r,w,p)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n5) at (3.5,2.5)  {$5=(e,w,p)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n2) at (-3.5,5.5) {$2=(r,p,s)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n3) at (3.5,5.5)  {$3=(e,p,s)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n1) at (0,8.5)  {$1=(p,s,s)$};

    \draw  [-stealth] (n1.180) -- (n2.120) node at (-2.7,7.5) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n2.20)  -- (n1.230)  node at (-1,6.9) {$Y$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n2.220)  -- (n4.140)  node at (-4.3,4) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (-3,2.9)  -- (-3,5.1)  node at (-2.7,4) {$Y$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n3)  -- (n1)  node at (2.1,7.2) {$Z$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n3)  -- (n5)  node at (3.8,4) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n5)  -- (n6)  node at (2.1,0.9) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n2)  -- (n3)  node at (0,5.8) {$T$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n4)  -- (n5)  node at (0,2.8) {$T'$};
    \draw  [dashed,-stealth] (2.2,2.8)  -- (-2.3,5.16)  node at (0,4.35) {$Z$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (-3.96,2.11)  -- (-1.5,-0.17)  node at (-3.2,0.8) {$X'$};
    \draw  [ dashed,-stealth] (-0.4,0)  -- (-2.8,2.1)  node at (-1.3,1.3) {$Z$};


      \node[fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50,ellipse] (n6) at  (0,-0.5)  {$6=(e,w,w)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n4) at (-3.5,2.5)  {$4=(r,w,p)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n5) at (3.5,2.5)  {$5=(e,w,p)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n2) at (-3.5,5.5) {$2=(r,p,s)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n3) at (3.5,5.5)  {$3=(e,p,s)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n1) at (0,8.5)  {$1=(p,s,s)$};

    \draw  [-stealth] (n1.180) -- (n2.120) node at (-2.7,7.5) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n2.20)  -- (n1.230)  node at (-1,6.9) {$Y$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n2.220)  -- (n4.140)  node at (-4.3,4) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (-3,2.9)  -- (-3,5.1)  node at (-2.7,4) {$Y$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n3)  -- (n1)  node at (2.1,7.2) {$Z$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (4,5.1)  -- (4,2.9)  node at (4.3,4) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (4,2.1)  -- (1.7,-.3)  node at (3.1,0.8) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n2)  -- (n3)  node at (0,5.8) {$T$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n4)  -- (n5)  node at (0,2.8) {$T'$};
    \draw  [dashed,-stealth] (3.1,2.9)  -- (3.1,5.1)  node at (2.8,4) {$Z$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (-3.96,2.11)  -- (-1.5,-0.17)  node at (-3.2,0.8) {$X'$};
    \draw  [ dashed,-stealth] (1,0)  -- (3,2.1)  node at (1.8,1.3) {$Z$};



enter image description here



  • 将图像比例缩小至0.5
  • 增加\textwidth


enter image description here


\usepgflibrary{arrows, shapes, snakes}

%-------------------------------------- only for show page layout

      [scale=0.5,auto=left]  % <--- reduced scale
      \node[fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50,ellipse] (n6) at  (0,-0.5)  {$6=(e,w,w)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n4) at (-3.5,2.5)  {$4=(r,w,p)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n5) at (3.5,2.5)  {$5=(e,w,p)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n2) at (-3.5,5.5) {$2=(r,p,s)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n3) at (3.5,5.5)  {$3=(e,p,s)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n1) at (0,8.5)  {$1=(p,s,s)$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n1.180) -- (n2.120) node at (-2.7,7.5) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n2.20)  -- (n1.230)  node at (-1,6.9) {$Y$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n2.220)  -- (n4.140)  node at (-4.3,4) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (-3,2.9)  -- (-3,5.1)  node at (-2.7,4) {$Y$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n3)  -- (n1)  node at (2.1,7.2) {$Z$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n3)  -- (n5)  node at (3.8,4) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n5)  -- (n6)  node at (2.1,0.9) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n2)  -- (n3)  node at (0,5.8) {$T$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n4)  -- (n5)  node at (0,2.8) {$T'$};
    \draw  [dashed,-stealth] (2.2,2.8)  -- (-2.3,5.16)  node at (0,4.35) {$Z$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (-3.96,2.11)  -- (-1.5,-0.17)  node at (-3.2,0.8) {$X'$};
    \draw  [ dashed,-stealth] (-0.4,0)  -- (-2.8,2.1)  node at (-1.3,1.3) {$Z$};
      [scale=0.5,auto=left]  % <--- reduced scale
      \node[fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50,ellipse] (n6) at  (0,-0.5)  {$6=(e,w,w)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n4) at (-3.5,2.5)  {$4=(r,w,p)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n5) at (3.5,2.5)  {$5=(e,w,p)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n2) at (-3.5,5.5) {$2=(r,p,s)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n3) at (3.5,5.5)  {$3=(e,p,s)$};
      \node [fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50] (n1) at (0,8.5)  {$1=(p,s,s)$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n1.180) -- (n2.120) node at (-2.7,7.5) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n2.20)  -- (n1.230)  node at (-1,6.9) {$Y$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n2.220)  -- (n4.140)  node at (-4.3,4) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (-3,2.9)  -- (-3,5.1)  node at (-2.7,4) {$Y$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n3)  -- (n1)  node at (2.1,7.2) {$Z$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (4,5.1)  -- (4,2.9)  node at (4.3,4) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (4,2.1)  -- (1.7,-.3)  node at (3.1,0.8) {$X$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n2)  -- (n3)  node at (0,5.8) {$T$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (n4)  -- (n5)  node at (0,2.8) {$T'$};
    \draw  [dashed,-stealth] (3.1,2.9)  -- (3.1,5.1)  node at (2.8,4) {$Z$};
    \draw  [-stealth] (-3.96,2.11)  -- (-1.5,-0.17)  node at (-3.2,0.8) {$X'$};
    \draw  [ dashed,-stealth] (1,0)  -- (3,2.1)  node at (1.8,1.3) {$Z$};
        \caption{My nice digrams}
    see my nice diagrams in figure \ref{fig:test} \dots



编辑(2):考虑到@marmot 评论,第一个提出的图表代码可以通过相同大小的矩形节点进一步改进。使用此代码,您可以将两个图表都放入文本宽度中,而无需缩小图像大小。由于\tikset两个图表都有共同之处,代码变得更短。

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, quotes}
\usepgflibrary{arrows.meta, shapes}

        node distance = 11mm and 6mm,
   box/.style = {rectangle, draw=gray!25, thin,
                 top color=white, bottom color = gray!50,
                 text height=1.5ex, text depth=0.25ex,
                 minimum width=6em},
 ellip/.style = {ellipse, draw=gray!25, thin,
                 top color=white, bottom color = gray!50},
    sx/.style = {xshift=#1mm},
every edge quotes/.append style = {font=\footnotesize,
                                   inner sep=1pt, auto=right},
every edge/.append style = {-Stealth}
\node (n6) [ellip]  {$6=(e,w,w)$};
\node (n4) [box, above  left=of n6.north]   {$4=(r,w,p)$};
\node (n5) [box, above right=of n6.north]   {$5=(e,w,p)$};
\node (n2) [box, above=of n4]               {$2=(r,p,s)$};
\node (n3) [box, above=of n5]               {$3=(e,p,s)$};
\node (n1) [box, above=of n2 -| n6]         {$1=(p,s,s)$};
\draw       ([sx=-6] n1.south)  edge ["$X$"] ([sx=-2] n2.north)
            ([sx= 2] n2.north)  edge ["$Y$"] ([sx=-2] n1.south)
            ([sx=-2] n2.south)  edge ["$X$"] ([sx=-2] n4.north)
            ([sx= 2] n4.north)  edge ["$Y$"] ([sx= 2] n2.south)
            ([sx=-2] n4.south)  edge ["$X$"] (n6.150)
            (n6.120)            edge ["$Z$", dashed] ([sx=3] n4.south)
            ([sx=-2] n3.north)  edge ["$Z$"] ([sx= 2] n1.south)
            (n3.south)          edge ["$X$"] (n5.north)
            (n5.south)          edge ["$X$"] (n6.45)
            ([sx=-4] n5.north)  edge ["$Z$", dashed] ([sx=6] n2.south)
                        (n2)    edge ["$T$"  '] (n3)
                        (n4)    edge ["$T'$" '] (n5);
\node (n6) [ellip]  {$6=(e,w,w)$};
\node (n4) [box, above  left=of n6.north]   {$4=(r,w,p)$};
\node (n5) [box, above right=of n6.north]   {$5=(e,w,p)$};
\node (n2) [box, above=of n4]               {$2=(r,p,s)$};
\node (n3) [box, above=of n5]               {$3=(e,p,s)$};
\node (n1) [box, above=of n2 -| n6]         {$1=(p,s,s)$};
\draw       ([sx=-6] n1.south)  edge ["$X$"] ([sx=-2] n2.north)
            ([sx= 2] n2.north)  edge ["$Y$"] ([sx=-2] n1.south)
            ([sx=-2] n2.south)  edge ["$X$"] ([sx=-2] n4.north)
            ([sx= 2] n4.north)  edge ["$Y$"] ([sx= 2] n2.south)
            ([sx=-2] n4.south)  edge ["$X$"] (n6.150)
            (n6.120)            edge ["$Z$", dashed] ([sx=3] n4.south)
            ([sx=-2] n3.north)  edge ["$Z$"] ([sx= 2] n1.south)
            (n3.south)          edge ["$X$"] (n5.north)
            (n5.south)          edge ["$X$"] (n6.45)
            ([sx=-4] n5.north)  edge ["$Z$", dashed] ([sx=6] n2.south)
                        (n2)    edge ["$T$"  '] (n3)
                        (n4)    edge ["$T'$" '] (n5);
        \caption{My nice digrams}
    see my nice diagrams in figure \ref{fig:test} \dots


enter image description here


要对齐使用 创建的图形TikZ,最简单的方法是使用TikZ 的力量它正是为此目的而制作的:制作人物并将它们放置在您想要的位置!


%    \end{tikzpicture}
%    \end{center}
%    \begin{center}
%    \begin{tikzpicture}
%      [scale=0.8,auto=left]

要添加标题,只需使用TikZ专门的操作即可:a node

\node[below=5mm of my diagram.south] {My caption};




为了使其更简单,可以通过创建一个local bounding box(这里称为)来将其相对于两个图放置my diagrams,这允许将节点放置在相同的位置,而不管图的尺寸如何。

\begin{scope}[local bounding box=my diagrams]


\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.55,auto=left,upper/.style={fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50},>=stealth]



                        upper/.style={fill=black,top color=white, bottom color = gray!50},
    \begin{scope}[local bounding box=my diagrams]
    \node[upper,ellipse] (n6) at  (0,-0.5)  {$6=(e,w,w)$};
      \node [upper] (n4) at (-3.5,2.5)  {$4=(r,w,p)$};
      \node [upper] (n5) at (3.5,2.5)  {$5=(e,w,p)$};
      \node [upper] (n2) at (-3.5,5.5) {$2=(r,p,s)$};
      \node [upper] (n3) at (3.5,5.5)  {$3=(e,p,s)$};
      \node [upper] (n1) at (0,8.5)  {$1=(p,s,s)$};

    \draw  [->] (n1.180) -- (n2.120) node at (-2.7,7.5) {$X$};
    \draw  [->] (n2.20)  -- (n1.230)  node at (-1,6.9) {$Y$};
    \draw  [->] (n2.220)  -- (n4.140)  node at (-4.3,4) {$X$};
    \draw  [->] (-3,2.9)  -- (-3,5.1)  node at (-2.7,4) {$Y$};
    \draw  [->] (n3)  -- (n1)  node at (2.1,7.2) {$Z$};
    \draw  [->] (n3)  -- (n5)  node at (3.8,4) {$X$};
    \draw  [->] (n5)  -- (n6)  node at (2.1,0.9) {$X$};
    \draw  [->] (n2)  -- (n3)  node at (0,5.8) {$T$};
    \draw  [->] (n4)  -- (n5)  node at (0,2.8) {$T'$};
    \draw  [dashed,->] (2.2,2.8)  -- (-2.3,5.16)  node at (0,4.35) {$Z$};
    \draw  [->] (-3.96,2.11)  -- (-1.5,-0.17)  node at (-3.2,0.8) {$X'$};
    \draw  [ dashed,->] (-0.4,0)  -- (-2.8,2.1)  node at (-1.3,1.3) {$Z$};

%    \end{tikzpicture}
%    \end{center}
%    \begin{center}
%    \begin{tikzpicture}
%      [scale=0.8,auto=left]
\node[upper,ellipse] (n6) at  (0,-0.5)  {$6=(e,w,w)$};
      \node [upper] (n4) at (-3.5,2.5)  {$4=(r,w,p)$};
      \node [upper] (n5) at (3.5,2.5)  {$5=(e,w,p)$};
      \node [upper] (n2) at (-3.5,5.5) {$2=(r,p,s)$};
      \node [upper] (n3) at (3.5,5.5)  {$3=(e,p,s)$};
      \node [upper] (n1) at (0,8.5)  {$1=(p,s,s)$};

    \draw  [->] (n1.180) -- (n2.120) node at (-2.7,7.5) {$X$};
    \draw  [->] (n2.20)  -- (n1.230)  node at (-1,6.9) {$Y$};
    \draw  [->] (n2.220)  -- (n4.140)  node at (-4.3,4) {$X$};
    \draw  [->] (-3,2.9)  -- (-3,5.1)  node at (-2.7,4) {$Y$};
    \draw  [->] (n3)  -- (n1)  node at (2.1,7.2) {$Z$};
    \draw  [->] (4,5.1)  -- (4,2.9)  node at (4.3,4) {$X$};
    \draw  [->] (4,2.1)  -- (1.7,-.3)  node at (3.1,0.8) {$X$};
    \draw  [->] (n2)  -- (n3)  node at (0,5.8) {$T$};
    \draw  [->] (n4)  -- (n5)  node at (0,2.8) {$T'$};
    \draw  [dashed,->] (3.1,2.9)  -- (3.1,5.1)  node at (2.8,4) {$Z$};
    \draw  [->] (-3.96,2.11)  -- (-1.5,-0.17)  node at (-3.2,0.8) {$X'$};
    \draw  [ dashed,->] (1,0)  -- (3,2.1)  node at (1.8,1.3) {$Z$};
\node[below=5mm of my diagrams.south] {My caption};


使用 www.DeepL.com/Translator 翻译
