

我是初学者(这是我在这里写的第四篇文章),我正在努力绘制一些基本的图表。我在这里找到了一些类似的文章,但它们对我没有帮助。 :( 我想绘制图表,其中是:y>= (1/x) (blue) and x<=0 (red)。我提前感谢你的帮助。

\pgfplotsset{only axis on top/.style={axis on top=false, after end axis/.code={ \pgfplotsset{axis line style=opaque, ticklabel style=opaque, tick style=opaque, grid=none}\pgfplotsdrawaxis}}}
\newcommand{\drawge}{-- (rel axis cs:5,0) -- (rel axis cs:5,5) -- (rel axis cs:0,5) \closedcycle}
\newcommand{\drawle}{-- (rel axis cs:5,5) -- (rel axis cs:5,0) -- (rel axis cs:0,0) \closedcycle}


            \begin{axis}[only axis on top,
            axis line style=very thick, 
            axis x line=middle, 
            axis y line=middle, 
            xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$,grid=major 
            \addplot [draw=none, pattern=north west lines, pattern color=blue!40, domain=0.01:6]
            {1/x} \drawge;
            \addplot[very thick, domain=0.01:6,-] {1/x}; 
            \addplot [draw=none, pattern=north west lines, pattern color=red!40, domain=-3:0]
            {-3:0} \drawge;
    %   \caption{Prípad 1} 




\pgfplotsset{only axis on top/.style={axis on top=false, after end axis/.code={ \pgfplotsset{axis line style=opaque, ticklabel style=opaque, tick style=opaque, grid=none}\pgfplotsdrawaxis}}}
\newcommand{\drawge}{-- (rel axis cs:5,0) -- (rel axis cs:5,5) -- (rel axis cs:0,5) \closedcycle}
\newcommand{\drawle}{-- (rel axis cs:5,5) -- (rel axis cs:5,0) -- (rel axis cs:0,0) \closedcycle}


            \begin{axis}[only axis on top,
            axis line style=very thick, 
            axis x line=middle, 
            axis y line=middle, 
            xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$,grid=major,samples=101 
            \addplot [draw=none, pattern=north west lines, pattern color=blue!40, domain=0.01:6]
            {1/x} \drawge;
            \addplot[very thick, domain=0.01:6,-] {1/x};
            \addplot[draw=none,name path=top] {6};
            \addplot[draw=none,name path=bottom] {-6};
            \addplot [pattern=north west lines, pattern color=red!40] fill between [of=top and bottom,soft  clip={domain=-3:0}];
    %   \caption{Prípad 1} 


enter image description here


\pgfplotsset{only axis on top/.style={axis on top=false, after end axis/.code={ \pgfplotsset{axis line style=opaque, ticklabel style=opaque, tick style=opaque, grid=none}\pgfplotsdrawaxis}}}
\newcommand{\drawge}{-- (rel axis cs:5,0) -- (rel axis cs:5,5) -- (rel axis cs:0,5) \closedcycle}
\newcommand{\drawle}{-- (rel axis cs:5,5) -- (rel axis cs:5,0) -- (rel axis cs:0,0) \closedcycle}


            \begin{axis}[only axis on top,
            axis line style=very thick, 
            axis x line=middle, 
            axis y line=middle, 
            xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$,grid=major,samples=101 
%             \addplot [draw=none, pattern=north west lines, pattern color=blue!40, domain=0.01:6]
%             {1/x};
            \addplot[name path=A,very thick, domain=0.01:6,-] {1/x};
            \addplot[draw=none,name path=top, domain=-3:6] {6};
            \addplot[draw=none,name path=bottom] {-6};
            \addplot [pattern=north west lines, pattern color=red!40] fill between [of=top and bottom,soft  clip={domain=-3:0}];
            \addplot [pattern=north west lines, pattern color=blue!40] fill
            between [of=top and A,soft  clip={domain=0:6}];
    %   \caption{Prípad 1} 


enter image description here
