如何使用 tikz 绘制理发店标志牌?

如何使用 tikz 绘制理发店标志牌?


请注意,我不是在寻找任何 3D 的东西,只是对角条纹。就像这样 ///////







%neighbor grid
\draw[step=1,black, opacity=\opacity, fill opacity=0] (0,0) grid ({3},{3});
\draw[fill = lightred] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
\draw[fill = lightpurple] (0,1) rectangle (1,2);
\draw[fill = lightblue] (0,2) rectangle (1,3);
\draw[fill = lightorange] (1,0) rectangle (2,1);
\draw[fill = white] (1,1) rectangle(2,2);
\draw[fill = greenblue] (1,2) rectangle (2,3);
\draw[fill = lightyellow] (2,0) rectangle (3,1);
\draw[fill = yellowgreen] (2,1) rectangle (3,2);
\draw[fill = lightgreen] (2,2) rectangle (3,3); 

\foreach \xa in {2,1,0}
\foreach \ya in {2,1,0}
  \node[align=center] at ({\xa+0.5},{\ya+0.5}) {\pgfmathparse{\xcellsa[2-\ya][\xa]}\pgfmathresult};

\node at (1.5,3.5) {pixel positions};
\node at (9.85,3.5) {encoding per constellation};
\begin{scope}[xscale = 0.7, yscale=0.5]
\fill[fill = lightgreen] (5,4) rectangle ({17+6},5);
\fill[fill = greenblue] (5,3) rectangle ({17+6},4);
\fill[fill = lightblue] (5,2) rectangle ({17+6},3);
%I want this part to be replaced with a barber pole containing the five colors
\fill[fill = yellowgreen] (5,1.8) rectangle ({17+6},2.0);
\fill[fill = white]        (5,1.6) rectangle ({17+6},1.8);
\fill[fill = lightpurple] (5,1.4) rectangle ({17+6},1.6);
\fill[fill = lightyellow] (5,1.2) rectangle ({17+6},1.4);
\fill[fill = lightorange] (5,1) rectangle ({17+6},1.2);
\fill[fill = lightred] (5,0) rectangle ({17+6},1);
%bit encoding
\foreach \ya in {5,4,3,2,1,0}
\foreach \xa in {17,16,...,0}
  \node[align=center] at ({\xa+5.50},{\ya+0.5}) {\pgfmathparse{\bitsencoding[5-\ya][\xa]}\pgfmathresult};  
\node[anchor=west] at (4.7,6.5) {pixel/constellation};
\draw[thick,->,>=stealth] (5.43, 6.1) -- (5.43, 5.2);
\draw[thick,->,>=stealth] (9.2, 6.5) -- (10.1, 6.5);


这是我使用@marmot 的答案想出的解决方案。




%neighbor grid
\draw[step=1,black, opacity=\opacity, fill opacity=0] (0,0) grid ({3},{3});
\draw[fill = lightred] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
\draw[fill = lightpurple] (0,1) rectangle (1,2);
\draw[fill = lightblue] (0,2) rectangle (1,3);
\draw[fill = lightorange] (1,0) rectangle (2,1);
\draw[fill = lightgray] (1,1) rectangle(2,2);
\draw[fill = greenblue] (1,2) rectangle (2,3);
\draw[fill = lightyellow] (2,0) rectangle (3,1);
\draw[fill = yellowgreen] (2,1) rectangle (3,2);
\draw[fill = lightgreen] (2,2) rectangle (3,3); 

\foreach \xa in {2,1,0}
\foreach \ya in {2,1,0}
  \node[align=center] at ({\xa+0.5},{\ya+0.5}) {\pgfmathparse{\xcellsa[2-\ya][\xa]}\pgfmathresult};

\node at (1.5,3.5) {pixel positions};
\node at (9.85,3.5) {encoding per constellation};
\begin{scope}[xscale = 0.7, yscale=0.5]
\fill[fill = lightgreen] (5,4) rectangle ({17+6},5);
\fill[fill = greenblue] (5,3) rectangle ({17+6},4);
\fill[fill = lightblue] (5,2) rectangle ({17+6},3);

%\fill[fill = yellowgreen] (5,1.8) rectangle ({17+6},2.0);
%\fill[fill = white]        (5,1.6) rectangle ({17+6},1.8);
%\fill[fill = lightpurple] (5,1.4) rectangle ({17+6},1.6);
%\fill[fill = lightyellow] (5,1.2) rectangle ({17+6},1.4);
%\fill[fill = lightorange] (5,1) rectangle ({17+6},1.2);
\fill[fill = lightred] (5,0) rectangle ({17+6},1);
%bit encoding
\foreach \ya in {5,4,3,2,1,0}
\foreach \xa in {17,16,...,0}
  \node[align=center] at ({\xa+5.50},{\ya+0.5}) {\pgfmathparse{\bitsencoding[5-\ya][\xa]}\pgfmathresult};  
\node[anchor=west] at (4.7,6.5) {pixel/constellation};
\draw[thick,->,>=stealth] (5.43, 6.1) -- (5.43, 5.2);
\draw[thick,->,>=stealth] (9.2, 6.5) -- (10.1, 6.5);

\clip(5,1) rectangle ({17+6},2);
\foreach \Q in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
\foreach \X [count=\Y] in
{\draw[color=\X,line width=4mm] (\Y*0.6+\Q*3+1,0.1) -- ++(0.9,2.5);}
\foreach \ya in {1}
\foreach \xa in {17,16,...,0}
  \node[align=center] at ({\xa+5.50},{\ya+0.5}) {\pgfmathparse{\bitsencoding[5-\ya][\xa]}\pgfmathresult};  



实现这种事情绝对很简单。但是请注意,我从您的 MWE 中唯一使用的就是一些颜色。这是因为我不知道理发店的立柱应该扮演什么角色。

\clip(0,0) rectangle (2.5,1);
\foreach \X [count=\Y] in
{\draw[color=\X,line width=4mm] (\Y*4mm-8mm,-0.1) -- ++(0.5,1.2);}

