biblatex 中集合成员的缩进

biblatex 中集合成员的缩进









  mainsubtitle = {Drugs and Society},
  year         = {2006},
  editor       = {{Fish, Jefferson M.}},
  maintitle    = {U.S.~public policy},
  publisher    = {Rowman \& Littlefield Publishers, Inc},
  location     = {Lanham, Maryland},
@Set{set:fish:drugs,% related is not inherited...
  entryset     = {fish:drugs:gable:alt,fish:drugs:cleveland:use},
  crossref  = {fish:drugs},
  author    = {{Mary M.} Cleveland},
  title     = {Use, 'Abuse', Adverse Health Effects, and Addiction},%<-typo in book
  sorttitle = {09 Use, Abuse, Adverse Health Effects, and Addiction},
  crossref  = {fish:drugs},
  author    = {{Robert S.} Gable},
  title     = {Acute Toxicity of Drugs vs.~Regulatory Status},
  sorttitle = {07 Acute Toxicity of Drugs versus Regulatory Status},











  % don't issue \leavevmode inside here
  % get rid of the \leavevmode from the beginning of the entry
  % this avoids an empty line before the enumerate


  mainsubtitle = {Drugs and Society},
  year         = {2006},
  editor       = {Fish, Jefferson M.},
  maintitle    = {U.S.~public policy},
  publisher    = {Rowman \& Littlefield Publishers, Inc},
  location     = {Lanham, Maryland},
@Set{set:fish:drugs,% related is not inherited...
  entryset     = {fish:drugs:gable:alt,fish:drugs:cleveland:use},
  crossref  = {fish:drugs},
  author    = {Mary M. Cleveland},
  title     = {Use, 'Abuse', Adverse Health Effects, and Addiction},%<-typo in book
  sorttitle = {09 Use, Abuse, Adverse Health Effects, and Addiction},
  crossref  = {fish:drugs},
  author    = {Robert S. Gable},
  title     = {Acute Toxicity of Drugs vs.~Regulatory Status},
  sorttitle = {07 Acute Toxicity of Drugs versus Regulatory Status},



屏幕截图显示了包含两个项目的参考书目。第二项是 <code>@set</code> 条目,并细分为 a) 和 b)。第二项的布局与通常的 <code>enumerate</code> 布局相同。



因此,a@set通过 -field 获取标头部分的密钥options。在重新定义的标头内setdriver打印标头。由于集合不包含任何值,因此entryset必须从(重新)加载的标头数据内运行命令:

    test {\ifundef{\xs@mv@head}}
    test {\ifblank{\xs@mv@head}}
       % reload the set so we can access the header via saved
         % don't issue \leavevmode inside here
         \entryset{\item \ifcsdef{blx@bbx@multivolume\abx@field@savedentrytype}
           {\message{^^Jxs Warning: BibliographyDriver blx@bbx@multivolume@\abx@field@entrytype\space undefined
                     ^^J** Using fallback driver multivolumechild
                     ^^J** If you get unexpected entries in the bibliography consider to create a new BibliographyDriver multivolume@\abx@field@savedentrytype.}%

entryset-loop中entrytype,每个子项都会更改为新的驱动程序,仅打印标题块中未提供的内容。如果有驱动程序,multivolume<child-entrytype>则将使用此特殊驱动程序,如果没有,则multivolumechild启动通用后备 -driver。这允许在@set构造中混合条目类型。



感谢 moewe 提供与此问题相关的所有提示(以及参与讨论的所有人)。



  editor  = {Hrsg},
  editors = {Hrsg},
  volumes = {B\"ande},


      test {\ifnamesequal{author}{savedauthor}}
      test {\ifnameundef{author}}
      test {\ifnamesequal{editor}{savededitor}}
      test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
      test {\iflistsequal{location}{savedlocation}}
      test {\iflistundef{location}}
      {\printlist{location}}%<- typo
      test {\iflistsequal{publisher}{savedpublisher}}
      test {\iflistundef{publisher}}
    } {\setunit*{\addcomma\space}}%
    test {\iffieldsequal{year}{savedyear}}
    test {\iffieldundef{year}}
    test {\iffieldsequal{isbn}{savedisbn}}
    not togl {bbx:isbn}

    test {\ifundef{\xs@mv@head}}
    test {\ifblank{\xs@mv@head}}
       % reload the set so we can access the header via saved
         % don't issue \leavevmode inside here
         \entryset{\item \ifcsdef{blx@bbx@multivolume\abx@field@savedentrytype}
           {\message{^^Jxs Warning: BibliographyDriver blx@bbx@multivolume@\abx@field@entrytype\space undefined
                     ^^J** Using fallback driver multivolumechild
                     ^^J** If you get unexpected entries in the bibliography consider to create a new BibliographyDriver multivolume@\abx@field@savedentrytype.}%


  mainsubtitle = {Drugs and Society},
  year         = {2006},
  editor       = {Jefferson M. Fish},
  maintitle    = {U.S.~public policy},
  publisher    = {Rowman \& Littlefield Publishers, Inc},
  location     = {Lanham, Maryland},
  isbn         = {0-7425-4245-9},
  sortname     = {Jefferson M. Fish},
  sorttitle    = {U.S. public policy Drugs and Society},
  options      = {dataonly},
  entryset     = {fish:drugs:gable:alt,fish:drugs:cleveland:use,fish:drugs:evans:intro},
  options      = {multivolumehead=fish:drugs},
  crossref   = {fish:drugs},
  author     = {Richard M. Evans and Stanley Neustadter},
  chapter    = {6},
  title      = {Legalization: An Introduction},
  pages      = {129-148},
  sorttitle  = {06 Legalization: An Introduction},
  options    = {dataonly},
  crossref   = {fish:drugs},
  author     = {Mary M. Cleveland},
  chapter    = {9a},
  title      = {Use, 'Abuse', Adverse Health Effects, and Addiction},
  pages      = {197-200},
  sorttitle  = {09 Use, Abuse, Adverse Health Effects, and Addiction},
  options    = {dataonly},
  crossref   = {fish:drugs},
  author     = {Robert S. Gable},
  chapter    = {7},
  title      = {Acute Toxicity of Drugs versus Regulatory Status},
  pages      = {149-161},
  sorttitle  = {07 Acute Toxicity of Drugs versus Regulatory Status},
  author       = {Terrence Doody},
  title        = {Hemingway's Style and {Jake's} Narration},
  year         = 1974,
  volume       = 4,
  number       = 3,
  pages        = {212-225},
  langid       = {english},
  langidopts   = {variant=american},
  related      = {matuz:doody},
  relatedstring= {\autocap{e}xcerpt in},
  journal      = {The Journal of Narrative Technique},
  annotation   = {An \texttt{article} entry cited as an excerpt from a
                  \texttt{collection} entry. Note the format of the
                  \texttt{related} and \texttt{relatedstring} fields},
  editor       = {Roger Matuz},
  title        = {Contemporary Literary Criticism},
  year         = 1990,
  volume       = 61,
  publisher    = {Gale},
  location     = {Detroit},
  pages        = {204-208},
  langid       = {english},
  langidopts   = {variant=american},
  annotation   = {A \texttt{collection} entry providing the excerpt information
                  for the \texttt{doody} entry. Note the format of the
                  \texttt{pages} field},
  author      = {René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo},
  maintitle   = {Asterix und Obelix},
  year        = {1959--2018},
  publisher   = {Dargaud},
  location    = {Paris},
  volumes     = {99},
  options     = {dataonly},
  entryset    = {A:V1,A:V2,A:V3,A:V4,A:V5,A:V6},
  options     = {multivolumehead=A},
  crossref    = {A},
  title       = {Asterix der Gallier},
  sorttitle   = {Goscinny Rene Uderzo Albert Asterix und Obelix 01},
  year        = {1959},
  isbn        = {1234567890123},
  volume      = {1},
  crossref    = {A},
  title       = {Asterix und Kleopatra},
  sorttitle   = {Goscinny Rene Uderzo Albert Asterix und Obelix 02},
  year        = {1968},
  isbn        = {2345678901234},
  volume      = {2},
  crossref    = {A},
  title       = {Asterix als Gladiator},
  sorttitle   = {Goscinny Rene Uderzo Albert Asterix und Obelix 03},
  year        = {1969},
  isbn        = {3456789012345},
  volume      = {3},
  crossref    = {A},
  title       = {Der Kampf der Häuptlinge},
  sorttitle   = {Goscinny Rene Uderzo Albert Asterix und Obelix 04},
  year        = {1969},
  isbn        = {4567890123456},
  volume      = {4},
  crossref    = {A},
  title       = {Die goldene Sichel},
  sorttitle   = {Goscinny Rene Uderzo Albert Asterix und Obelix 05},
  year        = {1970},
  isbn        = {5678901234567},
  volume      = {5},
  crossref    = {A},
  title       = {Tour de France},
  sorttitle   = {Goscinny Rene Uderzo Albert Asterix und Obelix 06},
  year        = {1970},
  isbn        = {6789012345678},
  volume      = {6},
  editor    = {{Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen e.~V.}},
  sortname  = {{Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen}},
  year      = {2017},
  url       = {},
  urldate   = {2018-04-30},
  maintitle = {Suchtmedizinische Reihe},
  options   = {dataonly},
  crossref  = {DHS:base},
  title     = {Tabakabhängigkeit},
  sorttitle = {Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen Suchtmedizinische Reihe 01},
  volume    = {1},
  isbn      = {978-3-937587-00-4},
  crossref  = {DHS:base},
  title     = {Alkoholabhängigkeit},
  sorttitle = {Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen Suchtmedizinische Reihe 02},
  volume    = {2},
  isbn      = {978-3-937587-01-1},
  crossref  = {DHS:base},
  title     = {Drogenabhängigkeit},
  sorttitle = {Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen Suchtmedizinische Reihe 04},
  volume    = {4},
  isbn      = {978-3-937587-03-5},
  crossref  = {DHS:base},
  entryset  = {DHS:alk,DHS:nik,DHS:drogen},
  options   = {multivolumehead=DHS:base},



Cleveland in \cite{set:fish:drugs} says\supercite{fish:drugs:gable:alt} something.\msupercite{fish:drugs:gable:alt,fish:drugs:cleveland:use,fish:drugs:evans:intro}

Be adviced that after heavy stuff like \mcite{DHS:nik,DHS:alk} you should relax\msupercite{set:A} a bit.


