如何强制 \citeyearpar 显示(年份字母)而不是仅仅(年份)?

如何强制 \citeyearpar 显示(年份字母)而不是仅仅(年份)?

考虑以下 MWE,其.tex文件如下:




\citet{binmore} is an earlier chapter than \citet{binmore2} is.

\citeauthor{binmore}'s \citeyearpar{binmore} chapter is an earlier one than \citet{binmore2} is.




    title = "Nash Bargaining Theory I, II, III",
    author = "{Kenneth G.} Binmore",
    booktitle = "The Economics of Bargaining",
    publisher = "Oxford: Blackwell",
    editor = "{Kenneth G.} Binmore and Partha Dasgupta",
    pages = "27 -- 46, 61 -- 76, 239 -- 256",
    year = "1987"

    title = "Perfect equilibria in bargaining models",
    author = "{Kenneth G.} Binmore",
    booktitle = "The Economics of Bargaining",
    publisher = "Oxford: Blackwell",
    editor = "{Kenneth G.} Binmore and Partha Dasgupta",
    pages = "77 -- 105",
    year = "1987"

正如您在下面的输出中看到的,\citeyearpar{binmore}条目没有显示 (1987a);而是显示 (1987)。


在我看来,这是不一致的,可能会引起混淆。因此,我怎样才能\citeyeapar{...}显示 (1987a) 而不是仅仅显示 (1987)?



authoryear- 和-like样式autortitle通常定义带星号的\cite和版本\parencite(即\cite*\parencite*),它们可以省略引文中的名称,而只打印年份或标题。使用此命令优于\citeyear或的优势\citetitle在于带星号的引用命令会添加链接,并且样式之间的切换更加容易。



  title     = {Nash Bargaining Theory {I}, {II}, {III}},
  author    = {Kenneth G. Binmore},
  booktitle = {The Economics of Bargaining},
  publisher = {Blackwell},
  location  = {Oxford},
  editor    = {Kenneth G. Binmore and Partha Dasgupta},
  pages     = {27-46, 61-76, 239-256},
  year      = {1987},
  title     = {Perfect equilibria in bargaining models},
  author    = {Kenneth G. Binmore},
  booktitle = {The Economics of Bargaining},
  publisher = {Blackwell},
  location  = {Oxford},
  editor    = {Kenneth G. Binmore and Partha Dasgupta},
  pages     = {77-105},
  year      = {1987},


\citet{binmore} is an earlier chapter than \citet{binmore2} is.

\citeauthor{binmore}'s \parencite*{binmore} chapter is an earlier one than \textcite{binmore2} is.

\citeauthor{binmore}'s \citep*{binmore}. % oops


Binmore (1987a) 的章节比 Binmore (1987b) 的章节更早。//Binmore (1987a) 的章节比 Binmore (1987b) 的章节更早。//Binmore 的 (Binmore, 1987a)。
