

我想在 Latex 中创建一个关于英语时态的演示文稿。到目前为止,我创建了三张幻灯片。第一张幻灯片是标题幻灯片。第二张幻灯片是内容幻灯片,第三张是我完整演示文稿的大纲幻灯片。



\title{Tense at a Glance}
\date{December 2018}

\section{Section 1:Outline of the document}[***Problem: When I click here I want to go to Outline of the document slide only.How to navigate to a particular slide*** ]
\section{Section 2:Present Simple vs Present Continuous}
\section{Section 3: Present Continuous vs Present Perfect Continuous }
\begin{frame}{Outline of the document}
    \item Present Simple vs Present Continuous[***Problem: I want to create a navigation here also. So when the user click on it, it navigate to Present Simple vs Present Continuous slide***]
\begin{frame}{Present Simple vs Present Continuous}[***Want to add two sentence under the present simple vs present continuous***]


我在这里添加了一张图片来展示我到底想要什么 以上代码的图片说明

我正在尝试在这张图片中看到我真正想要的东西。图片中的句子蓝色代表链接. 在幻灯片 3 中,当用户点击时一般现在时 vs 现在进行时它导航至幻灯片 4,该幻灯片广泛描述了一般现在时与现在进行时。





\title{Tense at a Glance}
\date{December 2018}

\section{Section 1: Outline of the document}
\begin{frame}{Outline of the document}
    \item \hyperlink{foo}{Present Simple vs Present Continuous}

\section{Section 2: Present Simple vs Present Continuous}
\begin{frame}[label=foo]{Present Simple vs Present Continuous}


\section{Section 3: Present Continuous vs Present Perfect Continuous }
\begin{frame}[label=bar]{Present Continuous vs Present Perfect Continuous}


