使 \lim 成为多行而不是单行

使 \lim 成为多行而不是单行


\lim _{b\rightarrow \infty }




我发现在一些 LaTeX 表示版本中,它以正确的方式出现。




textstyle 布局的设计不会干扰周围段落的行间距。如果您强制对数学运算符使用 limits 样式,或者更糟的是,强制对整个内联表达式使用 displaystyle,行间距就会被打乱,很难将段落视为一个文本单元。如果表达式足够复杂以至于需要这样做,最好使用诸如而\[\]不是 inline 之类的显示构造来设置它。




\section{inline textstyle}
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 
$\lim_{b\to-\infty} \frac{x}{b} = ?$
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 

\section{inline textstyle with limits}
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 
$\lim\limits_{b\to-\infty} \frac{x}{b} = ?$
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 

\section{inline displaystyle}
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 
$\displaystyle\lim_{b\to-\infty} \frac{x}{b} = ?$
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 

The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 
\[\lim_{b\to-\infty} \frac{x}{b} = ?\]
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 
The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. The cat sat on the mat. 

