这看起来像是一个蒂克兹 matrix of nodes
(手册第 57.1 节tikz
\[ \mathbf{d}_e =
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline=(current bounding box.center)]
\matrix (M)[matrix of math nodes, nodes in empty cells, column sep=10mm ]{
u_1 &\\ v_1 &\\w_1&\\
u_2 &\\ v_2 &\\w_2&\\
u_3 &\\ v_3 &\\w_3&\\
u_4 &\\ v_4 &\\w_4&\\
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace, mirror}](M-1-1.north west)--(M-12-1.south west);
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace}](M-1-1.north east)--(M-12-1.south east)node[right]{\tiny{$12\times1$}};
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace}](M-1-2.north east)--node[right=2mm]{displacements at node 1}(M-3-2.south east);
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace}](M-4-2.north east)--node[right=2mm]{displacements at node 2}(M-6-2.south east);
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace}](M-7-2.north east)--node[right=2mm]{displacements at node 3}(M-9-2.south east);
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace}](M-10-2.north east)--node[right=2mm]{displacements at node 4}(M-12-2.south east);
\node (main) {$d_e=$};
\begin{scope}[node distance=1em]
\node [right=0.2em of main] (tm) {$w_2$};
\node [above=0.2em of tm] (tu5) {$v_2$};
\node [above=0.2em of tu5] (tu4) {$u_2$};
\node [above=0.2em of tu4] (tu3) {$w_1$};
\node [above=0.2em of tu3] (tu2) {$v_1$};
\node [above=0.2em of tu2] (tu1) {$u_1$};
\node [below=0.2em of tm] (tb1) {$u_3$};
\node [below=0.2em of tb1] (tb2) {$v_3$};
\node [below=0.2em of tb2] (tb3) {$w_3$};
\node [below=0.2em of tb3] (tb4) {$u_4$};
\node [below=0.2em of tb4] (tb5) {$v_4$};
\node [below=0.2em of tb5] (tb6) {$w_4$};
\draw[decorate,decoration={brace,mirror}] (tu1.north west) -- (tb6.south west);
\draw[decorate,decoration={brace}] (tu1.north east) -- (tb6.south east);
\node [right= of tb6, align=left,xshift=-6.5ex,yshift=-1.5ex,font=\scriptsize] { $12\times1$};
% drawing the small nodes
\begin{scope}[node distance=1cm]
\node [right =of tu2,yshift= 1.5em] (st11) {};
\node [right =of tu2,yshift=0em] (st12) {displacements at node 1};
\node [right =of tu2,yshift=-1.5em] (st13) {};
\draw[decorate,decoration={brace}] (st11.north west) -- (st13.south west);
\begin{scope}[node distance=1cm]
\node [right =of tu5,yshift= 1.5em] (st21) {};
\node [right =of tu5,yshift=0em] (st22) {displacements at node 2};
\node [right =of tu5,yshift=-1.5em] (st23) {};
\draw[decorate,decoration={brace}] (st21.north west) -- (st23.south west);
\begin{scope}[node distance=1cm]
\node [right =of tb2,yshift= 1.5em] (st31) {};
\node [right =of tb2,yshift=0em] (st32) {displacements at node 3};
\node [right =of tb2,yshift=-1.5em] (st33) {};
\draw[decorate,decoration={brace}] (st31.north west) -- (st33.south west);
\begin{scope}[node distance=1cm]
\node [right =of tb5,yshift= 1.5em] (st41) {};
\node [right =of tb5,yshift=0em] (st42) {displacements at node 4};
\node [right =of tb5,yshift=-1.5em] (st43) {};
\draw[decorate,decoration={brace}] (st41.north west) -- (st43.south west);