在 moderncv 中将 \cvlistdoubleitem 与两列布局结合使用

在 moderncv 中将 \cvlistdoubleitem 与两列布局结合使用


该布局无法正常工作的是带有\cvlistdoubleitem: 的列表,实际上,这些项目并不是并排成对出现,而是上下排列。





\moderncvstyle{classic} %classic, oldstyle, banking casual
\moderncvcolor{blue} %blue orange green red purple grey black

\title{Curriculum Vitae}

\address{Somewhere in Springfield}{12345}{United States}
\email{[email protected]}


    \section{Personal Information}
    \cvitem{Nationality}{Italian American}
    \cvitem{Driving License}{Cars and limos}

    {PhD in something something}%
    {A university}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}

    {Msc of science in another thing}%
    {A university}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}

    \cventry{1985-1988}{Bsc in the first thing ever}%
    {A university}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}

    {High school of the best school diploma}%
    {A high school}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}
    \section{Professional experience}
    {Mob boss}{A university}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}

    \cvitem{English}{Native speaker}
    \cvitem{Sicilian}{Proficient user }
    \cvitem{Italian}{Independent user}
    \cvitem{Spanish}{Living the vida loca}

    \section{A set of skills}
    \subsection{First subset}
    \cvlistdoubleitem{Here is}{two more}

    \subsection{Second subset}



  \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth



因此,您只需\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth在启动环境后定义另一个长度并添加长度的两个定义multicols(请参阅代码中添加的两行标有 的行<=========,向右滚动即可查看两者):

\setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth}% <================================================
\setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{0.5\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth} % <==============================




以下完整的 MWE



\moderncvstyle{classic} %classic, oldstyle, banking casual
\moderncvcolor{blue} %blue orange green red purple grey black

\title{Curriculum Vitae}

\address{Somewhere in Springfield}{12345}{United States}
\email{[email protected]}

% copied from moderncvbodyi.sty
  %\hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth



    \setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth}% <================================================
    \setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{0.5\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth} % <==============================

    \section{Personal Information}
    \cvitem{Nationality}{Italian American}
    \cvitem{Driving License}{Cars and limos}

    {PhD in something something}%
    {A university}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}

    {Msc of science in another thing}%
    {A university}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}

    \cventry{1985-1988}{Bsc in the first thing ever}%
    {A university}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}

    {High school of the best school diploma}%
    {A high school}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}
    \section{Professional experience}
    {Mob boss}{A university}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}

    \cvitem{English}{Native speaker}
    \cvitem{Sicilian}{Proficient user }
    \cvitem{Italian}{Independent user}
    \cvitem{Spanish}{Living the vida loca}

\section{A set of skills}
\subsection{First subset}
\cvlistdoubleitem{Here is}{two more}

    \subsection{Second subset}


希望得到 pdf




  \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth

其中的\hfill和 minipage\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth似乎对您的两列布局有问题。我修改了命令,创建了\cvlistdoubleitemnew




\moderncvstyle{classic} %classic, oldstyle, banking casual
\moderncvcolor{blue} %blue orange green red purple grey black

\title{Curriculum Vitae}

\address{Somewhere in Springfield}{12345}{United States}
\email{[email protected]}

% copied from moderncvbodyi.sty


    \section{Personal Information}
    \cvitem{Nationality}{Italian American}
    \cvitem{Driving License}{Cars and limos}

    {PhD in something something}%
    {A university}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}

    {Msc of science in another thing}%
    {A university}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}

    \cventry{1985-1988}{Bsc in the first thing ever}%
    {A university}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}

    {High school of the best school diploma}%
    {A high school}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}
    \section{Professional experience}
    {Mob boss}{A university}%
    {High grade}%
    {Some description of the thing}

    \cvitem{English}{Native speaker}
    \cvitem{Sicilian}{Proficient user }
    \cvitem{Italian}{Independent user}
    \cvitem{Spanish}{Living the vida loca}

    \section{A set of skills}
    \subsection{First subset}
    \cvlistdoubleitemnew{Here is}{two more}

    \subsection{Second subset}
