未分类的参考书目,但使用 biblatex 进行本地排序

未分类的参考书目,但使用 biblatex 进行本地排序




\usepackage[backend=biber,style=ieee, citestyle=numeric-comp, sortcites, sorting=nyt]{biblatex}

      editor        = "J. C. Candy and G. C. Temes",
      title         = "Oversampling Delta-Sigma Data Converters Theory,
                       Design and Simulation",
      publisher     = "{IEEE} Press.",
      location      = "New York",
      year          = "1992"
      author        = "J. B. Anderson and K. Tepe",
      title         = "Properties of the Tailbiting {BCJR} Decoder",
      booktitle     = "Codes, Systems and Graphical Models",
      series        = "{IMA} Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications",
      publisher     = "Springer-Verlag",
      location      = "New York",
      year          = "2000"  
      author        = "B. K. Bul",
      title         = "Theory Principles and Design of Magnetic Circuits",
      publisher     = "Energia Press",
      loction       = "Moscow",
      year          = "1964",
      pages         = "464",
      note          = "(in Russian)"


\cite{candy1992, anderson2000} \cite{bul1964}




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有没有办法使用 biblatex 来实现这一点?


就 Biber 而言,如果两个条目在同一个目录中首次被引用,则\cite在使用排序时它们的优先级相同sorting=none(即\sort{\citeorder}),通过考虑条目在其中被引用的顺序来打破平局\cite。但您也可以通过添加其他排序功能(例如,复制内容)来以不同的方式打破平局nyt。这是在以下情况下实现的BibLaTeX:如何按引文中的年份对参考文献进行排序https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/5https://github.com/plk/biber/commit/f74af1c946675b829e19743dd77ad62aec901f3d. 只需定义排序方案nonenyt如下

\usepackage[backend=biber,style=ieee, citestyle=numeric-comp, sortcites]{biblatex}


  editor        = {J. C. Candy and G. C. Temes},
  title         = {Oversampling Delta-Sigma Data Converters Theory,
                   Design and Simulation},
  publisher     = {{IEEE} Press.},
  location      = {New York},
  year          = {1992},
  author        = {J. B. Anderson and K. Tepe},
  title         = {Properties of the Tailbiting {BCJR} Decoder},
  booktitle     = {Codes, Systems and Graphical Models},
  series        = {{IMA} Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications},
  publisher     = {Springer-Verlag},
  location      = {New York},
  year          = {2000},
  author        = {B. K. Bul},
  title         = {Theory Principles and Design of Magnetic Circuits},
  publisher     = {Energia Press},
  loction       = {Moscow},
  year          = {1964},
  pages         = {464},
  note          = {(in Russian)},


\cite{candy1992, anderson2000} \cite{bul1964}


"[1, 2] [3]" and in the bibliography 1: J. B. Anderson and K. Tepe, 2: J. C. Candy and G. C. Temes, Eds., 3: B. K. Bul
