我没有成功,使用 BibLaTeX 并运行 XeLaTeX,我尝试减少参考书目标题的间距

我没有成功,使用 BibLaTeX 并运行 XeLaTeX,我尝试减少参考书目标题的间距


但是所有这些命令在 BibLaTeX 中都不起作用。它们只在 BibTeX 中起作用。

我使用基于的包biblatex-abnt和类。我运行 XeLaTeX。abntex2memoir

以下是小型 MWE 代码:

\documentclass[11pt, article, a4paper, oneside, sumario=tradicional, chapter=TITLE, section=TITLE, subsection=Title, subsubsection=title, subsubsubsection=title, english, german, greek, portuguese]{abntex2}

\usepackage[backend = biber, dateabbrev = false, giveninits, ittitles, justify, language = brazil, sorting = nyt, style = abnt, url = true]{biblatex}


    Address = {Campinas},
    author = {Antonio Leitão},
    date = {1996-10-08},
    Publisher = {UNICAMP},
    title = {Funções Recursivas},
    url = {http://www.dca.fee.unicamp.br/courses/EA072/lisp9596/node17.html},
    urldate = {2018-11-03}



\titulo{Teoria da Computação}
\autor{Gustavo Costa}








abntex2基于memoir,并且该类使用 控制和以下文本(以及其他文本)memoir之间的空间。 的默认值为40pt,但我们可以将其减小以用于参考书目标题。\chapter\afterchapskip\afterchapskip

\documentclass[11pt, article, a4paper, oneside, sumario=tradicional,
               chapter=TITLE, section=TITLE, subsection=Title,
               subsubsection=title, subsubsubsection=title,
               english, german, greek, portuguese]{abntex2}

\usepackage[backend = biber, style = abnt, sorting = nyt, ittitles, justify, 
            dateabbrev = false, giveninits, url = true]{biblatex}



Lore ipsum

Dolor sit



The MWE shows one <code>\chapter</code> and one <code>\chapter*</code> both with large vertical distance between heading and text. It also shows the bibliography with no space between heading and text.
