\begin{scope}[every node/.append style={draw},cifi/.style={inner sep=1pt,circle,draw,fill=#1}]
\node[rounded corners](A){holder receives $n$ messages};
\node[diamond,below=1cm of A](B){Exclusion test};
\node[rounded corners,align=center,below right=1cm and 2cm of B] (C) {Connect
them\\ (Suspicious)};
\node[rounded corners,below left=1cm and 2cm of B] (C') {They are distinct};
\node[rounded corners,below=1cm of C] (D) {Generate equation};
\node[rounded corners,below=1cm of D] (E) {Eliminate Cliques};
\node[rounded corners,below=1cm of E] (F) {A group};
\node[cifi=white,right=3mm of C'] (S1) {$T_1$};
\node[cross out,line width=1mm,red,right=3mm of S1] (X1) {};
\node[cifi=white,right=3mm of X1] (S2) {$T_2$};
\node[cifi=green,below=8mm of X1] (T1) {$T_1$};
\node[cifi=green,right=4mm of T1,yshift=1mm] (T4) {$T_4$};
\node[cifi=green,below right=3mm of T4] (T5) {$T_5$};
\node[cifi=green,below left=3mm and 2mm of T5] (T7) {$T_7$};
\node[cifi=orange!60,below left=4mm and 6mm of T4] (T3) {$T_3$};
\node[cifi=orange!60,left=3mm of T3] (T2) {$T_2$};
\node[cifi=orange!60,below right=3mm and 2mm of T2] (T6) {$T_6$};
\node[cifi=orange!60,right=3mm of C] (T5') {$T_5$};
\node[cifi=orange!60,right=3mm of T5'] (T3') {$T_3$};
\draw (T1) -- (T4) -- (T3) -- (T2) -- (T6) -- (T3) -- (T7) (T5') -- (T3');
\draw[->] (A) edge (B) (C) edge (D) (D) edge (E) (E) edge (F);
\draw[->](B) -| node[above,pos=0.2]{Negative}(C) ;
\draw[->](B) -| node[above,pos=0.2]{Positive} (C');
\draw[dashed] plot[smooth cycle] coordinates {([xshift=-3mm,yshift=1mm]T2.north west)
([xshift=2mm,yshift=1mm]T3.north east) ([yshift=-1mm,xshift=1mm]T6.south east)
([yshift=-1mm,xshift=-1mm]T6.south west)};
\draw[thick,latex-] ([yshift=-1mm,xshift=-1mm]T6.south west) -- ++ (-1,-0.5) node[left] {a group};