如何删除指向 0 的箭头?

如何删除指向 0 的箭头?




        width=0.7\linewidth, % Scale the plot to \linewidth
        %grid=major, % Display a grid
        %grid style={dashed,gray!30}, % Set the style
        xlabel=Gewicht $m$, % Set the labels
        ylabel=Spannung $U$ Peak to Peak,
        x unit=\si{\g}, % Set the respective units
        y unit=mV,
        \addplot+[mark=x, mark size=5, red, smooth]
        % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
        table[x=Gewicht, y=Reihe1, col sep=semicolon, only marks] {PeaktoPeakA.csv};

        \addplot+[mark=x, mark size=5, blue, smooth]
        % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
        table[x=Gewicht, y=Reihe2, col sep=semicolon, only marks] {PeaktoPeakA.csv};

        \addplot+[mark=x, mark size=5, green, smooth]
        % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
        table[x=Gewicht, y=Reihe3, col sep=semicolon, only marks] {PeaktoPeakA.csv};

        \addplot+[mark=x,mark size=5, brown, smooth]
        % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
        table[x=Gewicht, y=Reihe4, col sep=semicolon, only marks] {PeaktoPeakA.csv};

        \addplot+[mark=x,mark size=5, purple, smooth]
        % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
        table[x=Gewicht, y=Reihe5, col sep=semicolon, only marks] {PeaktoPeakA.csv};

        \addplot+[black, dashed]
        % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
        table[x=Gewicht, y=b, col sep=semicolon, mark = none] {PeaktoPeakA.csv};

         \node[label={y=0,0863x+312,65}] at (axis cs:7000,650) {};

        % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
        %table[x=Membranabschnitt,y=160,col sep=semicolon, mark=none, dashed, y={create col/linear regression={y=160}}] % compute a linear regression from the input table {dreizeilentabelle.csv};



    round-mode          = places,
    round-precision     = 2,
            width=0.7\linewidth, % Scale the plot to \linewidth
            %grid=major, % Display a grid
            %grid style={dashed,gray!30}, % Set the style
            xlabel=Gewicht $m$, % Set the labels
            ylabel=Spannung $U$ Peak to Peak,
            x unit=\si{\g}, % Set the respective units
            y unit=mV,
            \addplot+[mark=x, mark size=5, black]
            % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
            table[x=Gewicht, y=Reihe1, col sep=semicolon, only marks] {PeaktoPeakA.csv};

            \addplot+[mark=x, mark size=5, black]
            % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
            table[x=Gewicht, y=Reihe2, col sep=semicolon, only marks] {PeaktoPeakA.csv};

            \addplot+[mark=x, mark size=5, black]
            % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
            table[x=Gewicht, y=Reihe3, col sep=semicolon, only marks] {PeaktoPeakA.csv};

            \addplot+[mark=x,mark size=5, black]
            % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
            table[x=Gewicht, y=Reihe4, col sep=semicolon, only marks] {PeaktoPeakA.csv};

            \addplot+[mark=x,mark size=5, black]
            % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
            table[x=Gewicht, y=Reihe5, col sep=semicolon, only marks] {PeaktoPeakA.csv};

            \addplot+[black, dashed]
            % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
            table[x=Gewicht, y=b, col sep=semicolon, mark = none] {PeaktoPeakA.csv};

             \node[label={y=0,0863x+312,65}] at (axis cs:7000,650) {};

            % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in the .csv file (on top)
            %table[x=Membranabschnitt,y=160,col sep=semicolon, mark=none, dashed, y={create col/linear regression={y=160}}] % compute a linear regression from the input table {dreizeilentabelle.csv};


所需的 PeaktoPeakA.csv 文件:



好的,我自己找到了错误。.csv 文件最初是在 excel 中制作的,因为其中一些文件有超过 1000 行。我将其从 Excel 保存为 .csv,并删除了所有 , 和 .,以便 Latex 可以理解它。我不知道如何或为什么,但通过使用这种方法,它会显示箭头。如果我只是复制 .csv 文件的内容,创建一个具有相同名称的新文件并粘贴相同的 .csv 内容,然后上传它,箭头就会消失。
