我正在使用y = {create col/linear regression={y=data}}
\addplot table [
x = data1,
y = {create col/linear regression = {y = data2}}
] {data_file.txt};
我用的是Jake 的随机情节示例作为提出划定此条线的可能方法的基础。我无法判断这是否就是你心中的“那条”线。
% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/445369/121799
\pgfmathsetseed{1138} % set the random seed
\pgfplotstableset{ % Define the equations for x and y
create on use/x/.style={create col/expr={2*\pgfplotstablerow}},
create on use/y/.style={create col/expr={2*(2*rand)^2+3*rand}}
% create a new table with 30 rows and columns x and y:
As I said in my comments, I do not know what you want to achieve. So I made an
assumption. Clearly, the only free parameter of a line running through the
origin is its slope, $a$. That is, the line is given by
\[ y(x)~=~a\,x\;.\]
Call the data points $\{(x_i,y_i)_{1\le i\le n}\}$. One way to fix the line is
that the sum of all distances to the line vanishes, i.e.
\[ \sum\limits_{i=1}^n\left(a\,x_i-y_i\right)~=~0\;.\]
This implies that
\[ a~=~\frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^ny_i}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^nx_i}\;,\]
which is what is used below.
\foreach \X in {0,...,\rownum}
xlabel=$x$, % label x axis
ylabel=$y$, % label y axis
axis lines=middle, %set the position of the axes
\addplot [only marks] table {\loadedtable};
%\addplot [no markers, thick, red] table [y={create col/linear regression={y=y}}] {\loadedtable} node [anchor=west] {$\pgfmathprintnumber[precision=2, fixed zerofill]{\pgfplotstableregressiona} \cdot \mathrm{Weight} + \pgfmathprintnumber[precision=1]{\pgfplotstableregressionb}$};
\addplot [no markers, thick, red,domain=0:\xmax] {\myslope*x};