




巴宾顿,1933 年,第 310 页。


Farindon,1993,第 10 页。


        organization = {The Minimal Music Organization},
        title   = {Minimal music},
        journal = {Some journal},
        year    = {2013},
        number  = {12},
        pages   = {40-41},

    author    = {Peter Babington}, 
    title     = {The title of the work},
    year      = 1993,
    pages     ={310},

    author       = {Peter Farindon}, 
    title        = {The title of the work},
    booktitle    = {The title of the book},
    publisher    = {The name of the publisher},
    year         = 1993,
    pages     ={10},






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  author  = {Hans Zimmer},
  title   = {Minimal music},
  journal = {Some journal},
  year    = {2013},
  number  = {12},
  pages   = {40-41},
  author = {Peter Babington}, 
  title  = {The title of the work},
  year   = 1993,
  author    = {Peter Farindon}, 
  title     = {The title of the work},
  booktitle = {The title of the book},
  publisher = {The name of the publisher},
  year      = 1993,
  pages     = {10},
  author       = {Bill Gates},
  title        = {Save the world!},
  date         = {2016-05-04},
  url          = {https://www.gatesfoundation.org/de/},
  urldate      = {2018-12-04},
  organization = {Bill {and} Melinda Gates Foundation},

  Lorem\autocite{article} ipsum\autocite{incollection} dolor\autocite{book}
  sit\autocite{article} amet\autocite{incollection} concesctur\autocite{book}
  aut\autocite{gates} lorem\autocite{gates}.

  Lorem\autocite{knuth:ct:b} ipsum\autocite{knuth:ct:c}
  dolor\autocite{knuth:ct:b} sit\autocite{knuth:ct:c}.


Fn 1 Hans Zimmer。“极简音乐”。在:某些期刊 12(2013),第 40–41 页。//Fn 2 Peter Farindon。“作品名称”。在:书名。出版商名称,1993 年,第 10 页。//Fn 3 Peter Babington。作品名称。1993 年。//Fn 4 Zimmer,2013 年。//Fn 5 Farindon,1993 年。//Fn 6 Babington,1993 年。//Fn 7 Bill Gates。比尔和梅林达·盖茨基金会。2016 年 5 月 4 日。拯救世界! url: https://www.gatesfoundation.org/de/ 发布于 2018 年 12 月 4 日。//Fn 8 Gates,比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会,2016 年 5 月 4 日,“拯救世界……”//Fn 9 唐纳德·E·克努斯。计算机与排版。Bd. B:TEX:程序。马萨诸塞州雷丁:Addison-Wesley,1986a。//Fn 10 唐纳德·E·克努斯。计算机与排版。Bd. C:METAFONTbook。马萨诸塞州雷丁:Addison-Wesley,1986b。//Fn 11 克努斯,1986a。//Fn 12 克努斯,1986b。
