使 style=verbose 的 @online 简短引文更加详细

使 style=verbose 的 @online 简短引文更加详细

我需要修改简短引文。目前它看起来如下: 在此处输入图片描述



如果技术上可行,则“...”应该出现在 3 或 4 个单词之后。


        author       = {Bill Gates},
        title        = {Save the world!},
        url          = {https://www.gatesfoundation.org/de/},
        date         = {2016-07-04},
        organization = {Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation},



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,\footcite{gates} sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. \footcite{gates}



类似地自定义类型在后续引用中消失您需要分支代码以cite:short获得不同的条目格式@online。可以在字段中指定标题的简短版本shorttitle。但这需要手动干预,使用 Biber 的源映射,您可以自动执行此操作。我强烈建议在这种情况下仔细检查输出,因为代码非常简单,在第三个单词处截断了所有内容。

MWE 建立在以下代码之上:使用 biblatex 将日期移到参考书目中的标题之前使完整引用的输出与简短引用的样式相匹配。


\usepackage[style=verbose, autocite=footnote]{biblatex}


% cite:short is really 'cite:subsequent'

      \step[fieldsource=title, match=\regexp{\A(\w+\s+){2}(\w+)}, final]
      \step[fieldset=shorttitle, origfieldval, final]
      \step[fieldsource=shorttitle, match=\regexp{\A(\w+\s+)(\w+\s+)(\w+).*}, replace={$1$2$3}]

  urlseen = {visited at}




  author       = {Bill Gates},
  title        = {Save the world!},
  url          = {https://www.gatesfoundation.org/de/},
  urldate      = {2016-07-04},
  organization = {{Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation}},
  author       = {Bill Gates},
  title        = {Save the moon with even longer titles},
  shorttitle   = {Save the moon},
  date         = {2016-05-04},
  url          = {https://www.gatesfoundation.org/de/},
  urldate      = {2016-07-04},
  organization = {Bill {and} Melinda Gates Foundation},
  author       = {Anne Elk},
  title        = {One},
  url          = {https://example.com/~elk/1},
  author       = {Anne Elk},
  title        = {Two Words},
  url          = {https://example.com/~elk/2},
  author       = {Anne Elk},
  title        = {Three Words Title},
  url          = {https://example.com/~elk/3},
  author       = {Anne Elk},
  title        = {Four Words in Title},
  url          = {https://example.com/~elk/4},
  author       = {Anne Elk},
  title        = {Five Words in a Title},
  url          = {https://example.com/~elk/5},
  author       = {Anne Elk},
  title        = {This Title Is Very Long to Test the Feature},
  url          = {https://example.com/~elk/long},
  author       = {Anne Elk},
  title        = {A Long Title That Will Be Overridden},
  shorttitle   = {A Different Title},
  url          = {https://example.com/~elk/over},

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,\autocite{gates} sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. \autocite{gates2}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,\autocite{gates} sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. \autocite{gates2}

Lorem\autocite{ex:one} ipsum\autocite{ex:one}.
Lorem\autocite{ex:two} ipsum\autocite{ex:two}.
Lorem\autocite{ex:three} ipsum\autocite{ex:three}.
Lorem\autocite{ex:four} ipsum\autocite{ex:four}.
Lorem\autocite{ex:five} ipsum\autocite{ex:five}.
Lorem\autocite{ex:override} ipsum\autocite{ex:override}.
Lorem\autocite{ex:long} ipsum\autocite{ex:long}.


Fn。1 比尔盖茨。比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会。拯救世界! url:https://www.gatesfoundation.org/de/ 访问时间:07/04/2016。//Fn。2 比尔盖茨。比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会。2016 年 5 月 4 日。用更长的标题拯救月球。 url:https://www.gatesfoundation.org/de/ 访问时间:07/04/2016。//Fn。3 盖茨,比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会,“拯救世界......”//Fn。4 盖茨,比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会,2016 年 5 月 4 日,“拯救月球......”//Fn。5 安妮麋鹿。一。 url:https://example.com/~elk/1。//Fn。6 麋鹿,一。//Fn。7 安妮麋鹿。两个词。 url:https://example.com/~elk/2。//Fn。 8 Elk,两个词。//Fn。 9 Anne Elk。三个词的标题。 url:https://example.com/~elk/3。//Fn。 10 Elk,“三个词的标题......”//Fn。 11 Anne Elk。标题中有四个词。 url:https://example.com/~elk/4。//Fn。 12 Elk,“四个词......”//Fn。 13 Anne Elk。标题中有五个词​​。 url:https://example.com/~elk/5。//Fn。 14 Elk,“五个词......”//Fn。 15 Anne Elk。将被覆盖的长标题。 url:https://example.com/~elk/over。//Fn。 16 Elk,“一个不同的标题......”//Fn。 17 Anne Elk。这个标题太长,无法测试该功能。url:https://example.com/~ elk/long.//Fn。18 Elk,“这个标题是......”

matchreplaceRegExp 中,我使用了简单的

match=\regexp{\A(\w+\s+)(\w+\s+)(\w+).*}, replace={$1$2$3}


match=\regexp{\A((?:\w+\s+){2})(\w+).*}, replace={$1$2}

