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交叉引用(\cite)分离 - TeX4ht



\newboolean{NewProceedings}%                                     02-14-13

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\title{Article Title}

Author 1
% ---- The first of two styles for addresses: using footnotes and \thanks ----
Research Associate, Research Centre, University, GPO Box 000, Perth,
WA 000 (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]},
% Adding a second author with the same affiliation (still using \thanks):
%  \\
Author 2
Research, Research Centre, University, GPO Box, WA 000.},
Author 3
\thanks{Professor, Research Centre, University, GPO Box 000, 6845,;
Department of Maths, University of Technology, PO Box 000.}
Author 4
Research Fellow, Research Centre, University, GPO Box 0000.}


This is for test deviation \cite{ALLAN:1987}
Using undifferenced and uncombined GPS L1 observations in PPP-RTK
network processing, with the help of the \textsl{S}-system theory
\cite{BAARDA:1981}, rank deficiencies  \citeN{TEUNISSEN:2015}
continuous cite \cite{ALLAN:1987,BANVILLE:2014}


Allan, D.~W. (1987).
\newblock ``{Time and Frequency (Time-Domain) Characterization, Estimation, and
  Prediction of Precision Clocks and Oscillators}.''\ {\em IEEE T. Ultrason.
  Ferr.}, 34(6), 647--654.

Baarda, W. (1981).
\newblock {\em {S-transformations and criterion matrices, in Publications on
  geodesy (Vol. 5, Nr. 1)}}.
\newblock Netherlands Geodetic Commission, Delft, the Netherlands, second
  revised edition.

\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{}{Banville et~al.\@}{2014}]{BANVILLE:2014}
Banville, S., Collins, P., Zhang, W., and Langley, R.~B. (2014).
\newblock ``{Global and Regional Ionospheric Corrections for Faster PPP
  Convergence}.''\ {\em Navigation: Journal of The Institute of Navigation},
  61(2), 115--124.

\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{}{Teunissen and
Teunissen, P. J.~G. and Khodabandeh, A. (2015).
\newblock ``{Review and principles of PPP-RTK methods}.''\ {\em J. Geodesy},
  89(3), 217--240.



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