


但是,我无法统一对齐脚注。 中的数字和文本之间的间距\footnote与 中的间距不同\footcite[][]{}。另外,我想确保多行脚注和引文不会悬在数字下方。




% This is an adaptatin of the BFH template by bernl1
% Author: dhs1 





% Load Standard Packages:
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}                                            %codage de sortie adapté au français
\usepackage{babel}                                              % language
%\usepackage{csquotes}                                                  % for use of biblatex
\usepackage{textcomp}                                                   % additional symbols
\usepackage{enumitem}                                                   % for intertext in lists
\usepackage{fancyhdr}                                                   % simple manipulation of header and footer 
\usepackage{etoolbox}                                                   % color manipulation of header and footer
\usepackage{graphicx}                                                   % integration of images
\usepackage{float}                                                      % floating objects
%\usepackage{caption}                                                   % for captions of figures and tables --> not needed with memoir class
\usepackage{booktabs}                                                   % package for nicer tables
\usepackage{tocvsec2}                                                   % provides means of controlling the sectional numbering
%\usepackage{titlesec}                                      % 
%[Himanshu] added [hyphens] in the above line.

% Set up page dimension
\setlrmarginsandblock{40mm}{20mm}{*}                %\setlrmarginsandblock{⟨spine⟩}{⟨edge⟩}{⟨ratio⟩}
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%%% Alternatively: %%%
%\settypeblocksize{*}{115mm}{1.512}         % \settypeblocksize{⟨height⟩}{⟨width⟩}{⟨ratio⟩}

%----------%% is defined accordingly to word-Vorlage from Schultess: -----------------
\setheaderspaces{12.25mm}{*}{1}                 % \setheaderspaces{⟨headdrop⟩}{⟨headsep⟩}{⟨ratio⟩} (above and below the header)

%\setfootins{⟨length for normal⟩}{⟨length for minipage⟩}
%When footnotes are added to the text block they are added \skip\footins below the text. Since this is a skip it usually needs special syntax to change it. Instead we have provided an interface to set it. 5 The default sizes are \bigskipamount.

% Fonts and text size, headers and footers content
%[Himanshu] Changed the font face to Linux Libertine. Remove the next three lines to restore to old font.

\rmfamily %Roman family

\aliaspagestyle{chapter}{ruled}             % header and footers d'une page chapitre sont comme dans le pagestyle défini. (Sans ça on aurait le style "plain")

%-------------------------- Headings -----------------------
% part:
% chapter:
%[Himanshu] Changed the font size from \huge to \Huge. Please change it back to restore to original.
%[Himanshu] Changed the font face to SANS SERIF (\sffamily) instead of previously assigned SERIF (\normalfont). Replace in the following three lines to change them back.
     \renewcommand{\chapnumfont}{\sffamily\Huge\bfseries}       % per default same value as chapnamefront
     \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{:\chapternamenum}        % \midchapskip space between number and title
    \setlength{\afterchapskip}{2.1mm}       % 2.1mm = 6pt

 % section:
%[Himanshu] Changed the font size from \large to \LARGE. Change it back to restore to original setting.

 % sub-section:
%[Himanshu] changed the font face to \bfseries instead of \normalfont. Change to \normalfont to restore the original settings.
%[Himanshu] added a dot after the sub-section number. Remove the point after \arabic{subsection} to change it to the original settings.

% sub-sub section: 
%[Himanshu] added \mdseries to set to medium font face. Remove \mdseries to set it back to original settings.
%[Himanshu] added a dot after the subsubsection number. Remove the point after \arabic{subsubsection} to chnge it to the original settings.

% paragraph
%[Himanshu] added paranthesis around the paragraph number. Remove '(' and ')' around \alph{paragraph} to change it back to the initial settings.
%[Himanshu] added the slanting font-face. Remove \slshape to restore to the original settings.
    \setlength{\afterparaskip}{2.1 mm}

 % sub-paragraph
    \setlength{\aftersubparaskip}{2.1 mm}       

% lists:

%-------------------------- Paragraphs -----------------------
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}             % no indent for new paragraphs


% Package to facilitate placement of boxes at absolute positions

% Hyperref Package (Create links in a pdf)
    backref = {false},                                                  % No index backreference
    colorlinks = {true},                                                % Color links in a PDF
    hypertexnames = {true},                                             % no failures "same page(i)"
    bookmarksopen = {true},                                             % opens the bar on the left side
    bookmarksopenlevel = {0},                                           % depth of opened bookmarksa
    linkcolor = {black},                                            % Color of Links
    citecolor = {black},                                            % Color of Cite-Links
    urlcolor = {black},                                             % Color of URLs








    10 pt,                  % fontsize 
]{class/these_Eva}              % these-droit class

    title = {Betriebsvereinbarungen und § 32 {BDSG}: {Wie} geht es nach der {DS}-{GVO} weiter?},
    language = {de},
    author = {Wybitul, Tim and Sörup, Thorsten and Pötters, Stephan},
    pages = {6},


    title = {{EU}-{DS}-{GVO} {EU}-{Datenschutz}-{Grundverordnung}},
    isbn = {978-3-406-69543-8},
    language = {German},
    author = {Gola, Peter and Gola, Peter and Klug, Christoph and Nguyen, Alexander and Piltz, Carlo and Pötters, Stephan and Schulz, Sebastian and Wybutil, Tim and {Verlag C. H. Beck}},
    year = {2016},
    annote = {OCLC: 941670883}


Some text\footcite[Pre-text][Post-text]{wybitul_betriebsvereinbarungen_nodate-1}, then some more text\footcite[][]{gola_eu-ds-gvo_2016-1}, and now a normal footnote\footnote{Hello world!}.




您的 存在许多问题these_Eva.cls:它基于memoir并且仍在加载与其不兼容或由其模拟的软件包(例如caption和)。此外,您在类文件中fancyhdr使用的是,而不是 等。\usepackage\RequirePackage






有两件事解决了这个问题。首先,为了在脚注标记(数字)和文本之间添加空格,我在 .cls 文件中添加了以下代码。



  \settowidth{\fmwidth}{\footnotesize 0000.}%

接下来,要删除 \footcite[][]{} 第一行的缩进,我发现这篇文章非常有用,\fullcite 在 Biblatex 中不缩进
