Beamer 中的列表间距问题

Beamer 中的列表间距问题


\title{Talk to your statistician early and often}
\author{Peter Flom}


\frame{\frametitle{Table of contents}\tableofcontents}

\section{What goes wrong}
  \item Write the analysis section after the proposal is written
  \item Do the analysis after the data is collected
  \item Have the analysis drive the research instead of vice versa
  \item P-ing on the research


\title{Talk to your statistician early and often}
\author{Peter Flom}


\frame{\frametitle{Table of contents}\tableofcontents}

\section{What goes wrong}
  \item Write the analysis section after the proposal is written
  \item Do the analysis after the data is collected
  \item Have the analysis drive the research instead of vice versa
  \item P-ing on the research

 \subsection{Write the analysis section after the proposal is written}
   \frame{\frametitle{I have a proposal due Tuesday, can you write the analysis section?}}
     \item Jan. 2016 - Dr. B, a new postdoc, has an idea for a grant
     \item Feb - Aug 2016 - Dr. B reads the literature (while doing everything else)
     \item Aug 2016 - Dr. B drafts something and shows it to his mentor
     \item Nov 2016 - his mentor replies
     \item Dec 2016 - Dr. B rewrites and sends to lots of people
     \item Jan - Mar 2017 - they reply
     \item Apr 2017 - Dr B writes a 2nd draft and sends it topeople
     \item May - Sep 2017 - they reply
     \item Oct 2017 - Dr. B writes a third draft
     \item Nov 2017 - Nov 2018 - Dr. B looks for good RFPs
     \item Dec 2018 - he finds one, due date : Jan 1. He redrafts it and
     \item Dec 23 2018 - he brings it to me and asks me to write the analysis section.


那么第一个列表(PDF 格式)的间距就很奇怪,项目分散开来,占据了整个屏幕。


(在 Windows 10 机器上使用 WinEdt 10.1、MikTeX 2.9)。



\title{Talk to your statistician early and often}
\author{Peter Flom}


\frame{\frametitle{Table of contents}\tableofcontents}

\section{What goes wrong}
  \item Write the analysis section after the proposal is written
  \item Do the analysis after the data is collected
  \item Have the analysis drive the research instead of vice versa
  \item P-ing on the research

\subsection{Write the analysis section after the proposal is written}

\frametitle{I have a proposal due Tuesday, can you write the analysis section?}
  \item Jan.\ 2016 - Dr.\ B, a new postdoc, has an idea for a grant
  \item Feb - Aug 2016 - Dr.\ B reads the literature (while doing everything else)
  \item Aug 2016 - Dr.\ B drafts something and shows it to his mentor
  \item Nov 2016 - his mentor replies
  \item Dec 2016 - Dr.\ B rewrites and sends to lots of people
  \item Jan - Mar 2017 - they reply
  \item Apr 2017 - Dr B writes a 2nd draft and sends it topeople
  \item May - Sep 2017 - they reply
  \item Oct 2017 - Dr.\ B writes a third draft
  \item Nov 2017 - Nov 2018 - Dr.\ B looks for good RFPs
  \item Dec 2018 - he finds one, due date : Jan 1. He redrafts it and
  \item Dec 23 2018 - he brings it to me and asks me to write the analysis section.




[t]在最后两帧中添加了 ,以使内容在顶部对齐。在第 2 帧中,没有这样的选项,您可以看到差异。我\在后面添加了Dr.和 ,Jan.以改善间距。
