\subsubsection{Map Scanning and Information Analysis}
Before any route-finding can occur, the map on which the robot finds itself must be internalised. There are three functions which are used for this purpose: getChosenArea(\hspace{0pt}gameEnvironment, topLeft, bottomRight), getMapMax(\hspace{0pt}gameEnvironment, gameType=1) and getMapRadius(\hspace{0pt}gameEnvironment, radius). All each of these do is scan the area specified in the parameters, and return a \Map{} object.
,如小节中的第 2 个实例所示。
在 MWE 中,\leftskip
只是为了匹配 OP 的未指定边距。
\subsubsection{Map Scanning and Information Analysis}
Before any route-finding can occur, the map on which the robot finds itself must be internalised. There are three functions which are used for this purpose: getChosenArea(\hspace{0pt}gameEnvironment, topLeft, bottomRight), getMapMax(\hspace{0pt}gameEnvironment, gameType=1) and getMapRadius(\hspace{0pt}gameEnvironment, radius). All each of these do is scan the area specified in the parameters, and return a \Map{} object.
\subsubsection{Map Scanning and Information Analysis}
Before any route-finding can occur, the map on which the robot finds itself must be internalised. There are three functions which are used for this purpose: getChosenArea(\hspace{0pt}gameEnvironment, topLeft, bottomRight), getMapMax(\hspace{0pt}gameEnvironment, gameType=1) and getMapRadius(\hspace{0pt}gameEnvironment, radius). All each of these do is scan the area specified in the parameters, and return a \Map{} object.