

我使用了以下 Latex 源文件:

\usepackage{graphicx}% Include figure files   
\usepackage{epstopdf}   % this graphic package converts eps to pdf for easier usage of eps files  
\newcommand{\is}[1]{{\color{blue} #1}}


\textbf{Corresponding author information}\\
Ad van der Ven, email: [email protected]



{\bf Figure}

  \caption{Based on the observed data sets}




\caption{Regression plot for the fixed condition of the ACT (N = 445). The
 x-axis represents the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the minimum
 residual score belonging to the sequence of 14 consecutive bars with the
 smallest MSE. The y-axis represents the smallest MSE. The top line is the
 line $y = 2x + \ln{10}$. The bottom line is the line $y = 2x-\ln{10}$. The
 line exactly in between is the line $y=2x$.}









格式(以行为中心的标题)源自revtex4文档类。在这里,我使用 创建自己的标题对齐选项\DeclareCaptionJustification{myjust}{\fulljustify}



\usepackage{graphicx}% Include figure files
\usepackage{epstopdf}   % this graphic package converts eps to pdf for easier usage of eps files
\newcommand{\is}[1]{{\color{blue} #1}}

  \parfillskip\z@\@plus 1fill\relax%

\textbf{Corresponding author information}\\
Ad van der Ven, email: [email protected]
{\bf Figure}
  \caption{Based on the observed data sets}
\caption{Regression plot for the fixed condition of the ACT (N = 445). The
 x-axis represents the natural logarithm of the absolute value of the minimum
 residual score belonging to the sequence of 14 consecutive bars with the
 smallest MSE. The y-axis represents the smallest MSE. The top line is the
 line $y = 2x + \ln{10}$. The bottom line is the line $y = 2x-\ln{10}$. The
 line exactly in between is the line $y=2x$.}

