\usepackage{pgfplots}% loads also tikz
\pgfplotsset{compat=newest}% to avoid the pgfplots warning
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, pgfplots.fillbetween}
% #1 number of teeths
% #2 radius intern
% #3 radius extern
% #4 angle from start to end of the first arc
% #5 angle to decale the second arc from the first
\foreach \i in {1,...,#1} {%
[rotate=(\i-1)*360/#1] (0:#2) arc (0:#4:#2) {
-- (#4+#5:#3) arc (#4+#5:360/#1-#5:#3)} -- (360/#1:#2)
\newcommand{\lightercolor}[3]{% Reference Color, Percentage, New Color Name
\newcommand{\darkercolor}[3]{% Reference Color, Percentage, New Color Name
node[#2,circle,fill=#2,inner sep=2pt,label={above:$#1$},label={[black]below:{\footnotesize#3}}] at #1 {}
pics/carc/.style args={#1:#2:#3}{
\draw[pic actions] (#1:#3) arc(#1:#2:#3);
%\draw[help lines, step=.1] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);
\draw[help lines] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);
\draw[name path = a,thick] \gear{9}{2}{2.8}{15}{6};
\draw[name path = b, black,fill=black] (0,0) circle (1.65cm);
\draw[name path = c, white] (0,0) circle (1.7cm);
\tikzfillbetween[of=a and c]{MyColorOneDark};
\tikzfillbetween[of=b and c]{white};
\draw[black,fill=black] (0,0) circle (1.65cm);
\draw[white] (0,0) circle (1.7cm);
\draw[ultra thick,white]
.. controls (1,-0.65) and (-1.4,0.4) ..
\draw[ultra thick,white]
.. controls (-1.3,0.3) ..
(0.75,0.75);% \DrawControl{(4,2)}{blue}{}; %\DrawControl{(3,2)}{blue}{1}\DrawControl{(5,2)}{blue}{2};
\draw[ultra thick,white]
.. controls (0.3,1) ..
\draw[ultra thick, white] (0.535,0.66) pic{carc=20:-150:0.2};
1. 我无法将齿轮和第一个白色圆圈之间的蓝色匹配起来。 [按照 Phelype Oleinik 的建议进行]
最后,当然,我使用了很多与此问题相关的其他答案的帮助(尤其是@Gonzalo 的贝塞尔技巧)。但我仍然无法顺利完成我的 Falcon。
相差 180 度,那就没有问题了。)
\usepackage{pgfplots}% loads also tikz
\pgfplotsset{compat=newest}% to avoid the pgfplots warning
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, pgfplots.fillbetween}
% #1 number of teeths
% #2 radius intern
% #3 radius extern
% #4 angle from start to end of the first arc
% #5 angle to decale the second arc from the first
% Max' comment
\newcommand{\gear}[5]{ \foreach \i in {1,...,#1} { [rotate=(\i-1)*360/#1] (0:#2) arc (0:#4:#2) .. controls (#4:1.1*#2) and (#4+#5/2:0.95*#3) .. (#4+#5:#3) arc (#4+#5:360/#1-#5:#3) .. controls (360/#1-#5/2:0.95*#3) and (360/#1:1.1*#2) .. (360/#1:#2) }}
\newcommand{\lightercolor}[3]{% Reference Color, Percentage, New Color Name
\newcommand{\darkercolor}[3]{% Reference Color, Percentage, New Color Name
node[#2,circle,fill=#2,inner sep=2pt,label={above:$#1$},label={[black]below:{\footnotesize#3}}] at #1 {}
pics/carc/.style args={#1:#2:#3}{
\draw[pic actions] (#1:#3) arc(#1:#2:#3);
%\draw[help lines, step=.1] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);
\draw[help lines] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);
\draw[name path = a,thick] \gear{10}{2}{2.8}{15}{6};
\draw[name path = b, black,fill=black] (0,0) circle (1.65cm);
\draw[name path = c, white] (0,0) circle (1.7cm);
\tikzfillbetween[of=a and c]{MyColorOneDark};
\tikzfillbetween[of=b and c]{white};
\draw[black,fill=black] (0,0) circle (1.65cm);
\draw[white] (0,0) circle (1.7cm);
\draw[ultra thick,white,line join=bevel]
(-52:1.67) to[out=100,in=-10] (0,-0.5)
to[out=170,in=20] (-0.7,-0.55)
to[out=200,in=80,looseness=0.8] (-0.8,-0.85)
to[out=120,in=-160,looseness=1.2] (-0.2,0.5)
to[out=20,in=-170,looseness=1.2] (0.75,0.7)
to[out=-70,in=-60,looseness=1.3] (0.3,0.4);
\draw[ultra thick,white]
(-0.2,0.5) to[out=45,in=180] (0.5,1) to[out=0,in=170] (32:1.68);
更新:实施了 Max 对齿轮齿的建议,并改变了猎鹰的齿。(那些想反对猎鹰没有牙齿的人:这里有一个反例。;-)
\usepackage{pgfplots}% loads also tikz
\pgfplotsset{compat=newest}% to avoid the pgfplots warning
% #1 number of teeths
% #2 radius intern
% #3 radius extern
% #4 angle from start to end of the first arc
% #5 angle to decale the second arc from the first
% Max' comment
\newcommand{\gear}[5]{ \foreach \i in {1,...,#1} { [rotate=(\i-1)*360/#1] (0:#2) arc (0:#4:#2) .. controls (#4:1.1*#2) and (#4+#5/2:0.95*#3) .. (#4+#5:#3) arc (#4+#5:360/#1-#5:#3) .. controls (360/#1-#5/2:0.95*#3) and (360/#1:1.1*#2) .. (360/#1:#2) }}
\newcommand{\lightercolor}[3]{% Reference Color, Percentage, New Color Name
\newcommand{\darkercolor}[3]{% Reference Color, Percentage, New Color Name
%\draw[help lines, step=.1] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);
\draw[help lines] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);
\draw[name path = a,thick] \gear{10}{2}{2.8}{15}{6};
\draw[name path = b, black,fill=black] (0,0) circle (1.65cm);
\draw[name path = c, white] (0,0) circle (1.7cm);
\tikzfillbetween[of=a and c]{MyColorOneDark};
\tikzfillbetween[of=b and c]{white};
\draw[black,fill=black] (0,0) circle (1.65cm);
\draw[white] (0,0) circle (1.7cm);
\draw[ultra thick,white]
(-52:1.7) to[out=100,in=-10] (0,-0.5)
to[out=170,in=10] (-0.7,-0.55)
to[out=170,in=80] (-0.8,-0.85)
to[out=120,in=-160,looseness=1.2] (-0.2,0.5)
to[out=20,in=-170,looseness=1.2] (0.75,0.7)
to[out=-70,in=-60,looseness=1.3] (0.3,0.4);
% \draw[ultra thick,white,line join=bevel]
% (-52:1.67) to[out=100,in=-10] (0,-0.5)
% to[out=170,in=20] (-0.7,-0.55)
% to[out=200,in=80,looseness=0.8] (-0.8,-0.85)
% to[out=120,in=-160,looseness=1.2] (-0.2,0.5)
% to[out=20,in=-170,looseness=1.2] (0.75,0.7)
% to[out=-70,in=-60,looseness=1.3] (0.3,0.4);
\draw[ultra thick,white]
(-0.2,0.5) to[out=45,in=180] (0.5,1) to[out=0,in=170] (32:1.68);